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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 11-16-89 205 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRJIl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON NOVOOER 16, 1989 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regul ar meeting at its regul ar pl ace of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Pl ace, Marti nez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal iforni a, at 3 p. m. on November 16, 1989. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. I. RQL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteel e, Dal ton, Cl ausen, Rai nay ,ABSENT: Members: Ca rl son Member Carlson had telephoned to advise staff that he had been detained and would be late for the meeting. Member Carlson arrived at the hour of 3:17 p. m. II. PUBLIC COMMENTS None III. CONSENT GAL ENDAR It was moved by Member Dal ton and seconded by Member Boneysteel e, that the Consent Cal endar, consisting of seven items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 1. Resol uti on NO. 89-186 accepting an easement at no cost to the Di stri ct from L. F. Pl ummer, et ux, Al amo area (J ob 4662 - Parcell) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion approved on the follow i ng vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boneysteel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: Ca rl son 2. Resol uti on No. 89-187 accepti ng an easement at no cost to the District from L. F. Pl ummer, et ux, Al amo area (Job 4662- Parcel 2) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: Carl son 3. Resolution No. 89-188 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from F. P. Ryan, Alamo area (Job 4662 - Parcel 3) was , 'adopted and recordi ng authorized. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boneysteel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: Ca rl son 4. Resolution No. 89-189 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from Reliez Valley Association, Lafayette area (Job 4674 - Parcel 4) was adopted and recording authorized. 11" 1'.6 89 ,~ 206 Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boneysteel e, C1 ausen, Rainey NOES: Members: None ,ABS8'H: Members: Ca rl son 5. Authorization was given for P.A. 89-26 (Martinez), P.A. 89-27 (Alamo), and P.A. 89-28 (Alamo) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion' approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boneysteel e, C1 ausen, Rainey NOES: Members: None JIB SENT: Members: Ca rl son 6. Authorization was given for pl acement of a Public Notice advising that documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit shall be available fifteen days prior to the Board meeting to be held on December 7, 1989, at which the appropriations limit for the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year 1989-1990 will be established. Motion approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: Ca rl son 7. Receipt was acknowledged of the notice of withdrawal of request for arbitration'from Derhyl Houck, Maintenance Technician III. , Moti on approved on the toll OW i ng vote: AYES: Members: Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rainey NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: Carl son CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS ooT OF ORDER Mr. Roger J. Dol an, General Manager-Ch i ef Engi neer, suggested th at Item V. 2. be taken out of order as a courtesy to peopl e present i n th e audience. The Board concurred. V. ENGINEERING 2. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO CREATE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 57 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SßolERS IN PORTIONS OF BRC1\'N AV ENUE AND SKY LANE IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE Mr. Dol an, Gene'ral Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at a recent Board meeti ng, Local Improvement Di stri ct No. 57 was di scussed and the Board requi red that all property owners within the LID execute a "Declaration of Restrictions" document limiting the District's long-term liability for soil instability problems. It was Moved by Member Boneysteel e and seconded by Member Dal ton, that Resolution No. 89-190 accepting petitions to initiate Local Improvement District proceedings be adopted; that Resolution No.89-191 approving the proposed boundary map, be adopted; that Resolution No. 89-192 , approving agreement for legal services, be adopted; that Resol uti on No.89-193 approving agreement for engineering services, be adopted; and that Resol uti on No.89-194 req uesti ng consent to conduct assessment proceedings from the City of Lafayette, be adopted. ],,'1'- 1 :6 Ad 207 Motion approved on the following vote: A YES: Members: Boneysteel e, Da 1 ton, Rainey NOES: Members: None A9SENT: Members: Ca rl son A9STAIN: Members: Cl ausen It was noted for the record that Member ~ausen did not participate in the discussion or vote on this matter because he represents one of the parties on a different legal action. At this time, President Rainey reverted to the order of the agenda. IV. SQID WASTE 1. CONSIDER INCREASING THE SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT ON REFUSE COLLECTION RATES OF ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. PROVIDED TO OU.AlIFIED RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF ORINDA Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that as indicated .in the position paper, some residents of Orinda have asked for relief from the $.95 monthly recycl i ng charge. Staff has worked with the refuse collector and the City of Orinda and has concluded that a modification to the senior citizens discount might be a more suitable way to handle this req uest. The Ci ty of Ori nda has consi dered th i s but made no speci f i c recommendation with regard to the amount of increase to the senior ci ti z ens di scount. A range of possi bl e rates h as been i ncl uded in th e position paper. Board discussion followed with regard to the regional and District-wide policy implications of the senior citizens discount and the procedure used in adopti ng the di scount. In response to a q uesti on from President Rainey, Mr. George Navone, of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, stated that the citizens of Orinda and Moraga who do not use the senior citizens discount absorb the cost for those who do take advantage of the senior citizens discount. Member Carlson entered the meeting at the hour of 3:17 p.m. Mr. Dolan stated that District Counsel was consulted as to whether a publ ic hearing was requi red and staff was advised that a public hearing was not required. If the Board wishes, this matter could be held until the next refuse collection rate-setting process or a modification to the senior citizens discount could be made at this time. The question of equity with the Town of Moraga can and possibly should be taken up during the next rate-setting process. It was moved by Member Boneysteele that the senior citizens discount amount provided to qualified residents of the City of Orinda be increased from $3.00 per month for full service customers and $1.50 per month for limited serv ice customers to $3.30 and $1.65 respectivel y, based on the cumulative Consumer Price Index for July 1, 1987 through July 1, 1989. Motion died for lack of a second. Foll ow ing further di scussi on, it was moved by Member Dal ton and seconded by Member Carlson, that modification of the senior citizens discount on refuse collection rates of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. provided to qual ified residents of the City of Orinda, be deferred until the next refuse collection rate-setting process; and that the existing senior citizens discount be left in pl ace. Motion approved with Member Boneysteel e voti ng no. It was noted for the record that Member Boneysteele voted no because of his concern that the wishes of the Orinda City Council impl ied by their endorsement of the senior citizens discount should be carried over to the recycling charges. 11 16 89 ; :' 208 V. ENGINEERING 1. ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE QOSE OUT OF THE PUMPING STATION MASTER PlAN PROJ ECT <DISTRICT PROJ ECT 20077> Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Planning Division Manager James Kelly and Pumping Station Master Plan Project Manager James Coe. Mr. Kelly provided an overvieti of the Pumping Station Master Plan Project begun in June 1988. The project was the first step in a comprehensive program to improve the rel iabi1ity, efficiency, and capaci ty of th e Di stri ct' s 18 pumpi ng stations. The Pumpi ng Stati on Master Plan provides detailed information on all existing District pumping stations, identifies improvement projects, recommends project priorities and schedules, and provides project cost estimates. The proj ect was compl eted $19,000 under budget. Board discussion followed concerning flow projections and estimated rate of deterioration of existing facl1 ities. President Rainey thanked Mr. Kelly for the informative report and indicated that no Board action was necessary. 2. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS REQUIRED TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO CREATE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 57 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SEWERS IN PORTIONS OF BRO'lN AVENUE AND SKY LANE IN THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. VI. PERSONNEL 1. ADOPT QASS DESCRIPTION FOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOLID WASTE), (G-72, $3.461 - $4,189): CREATE POSITION OF ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOLID WASTE) IN THE A~INISTRATIV E DEPARlMENT Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that as discussed at the last Board meeting, this item is presented to allow the District to staff increasing activities in the solid waste area in the Administrative, Department. With the increasing 1 evel of activity associ ated with recycl ing, househol d hazardous waste, Sol id Waste J PA, and refuse collection rate setting, there is a need to adequately staff these activ iti es. Representatives of Local One req uested, duri ng the meet and confer process, that this position be posted as a lateral transfer. Staff has agreed to this procedure. Member Boneysteele reported that this matter was discussed with the Personnel Committee and the Personnel Committee would recommend approval by the full Board. It was moved By Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the class description for Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste), (G-72, $3,461 - $4,189) be adopted and that a position of Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste) be created in the Administrative Department. Di scussi on foll owed in which Member Cl ausen concurred with th e concept of consolidating all solid waste activities in the Administrative Department but questioned, refilling the vacated position in the Engineering Department. In addition, Member Clausen recommended that staffing changes be made in the Personnel Budget rather than mid-year. Mr. Dolan indicated that the position in the Engineering Department was not assigned to refuse collection related activities. The existing need remains in the Engineering Department to perform ongoing enginee'ring activities. ' There being no further discussion, President Rainey called for a vote on the above motion to adopt the cl ass descri pti on for Assi stant Engineer (Sol id Waste), (G-72, $3,461 - $4,189) and to create a position of Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste) in the Administrative Department. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. VII. RE.4l PROPERTY 1. ADOPT RESOLUTION WHlOi DEQARES ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 159-040-035, 5139 PORT OiICAGO HIGfi\lAY, CONCORD, SURPlUS AND AUTHORIZE ITS SALE ~~1 '1 '-wt: On 209 Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that this is a routi ne matter refl ecti ng the request of an adj acent property Ql/ner for the District to sell the abandoned Port Chicago Pumping Station property. The District sewer facilities have been removed. or abandoned and the property i s no longer req ui red. Member Carlson noted that he may have a conflict of interest with regard to this issue due to a business relationship with the adjacent property Ql/ner. Member Carlson did not participate in the discussion or action on this matter. FollQl/ing discussion, it was moved by Member Cl ausen and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Resolution No. 89-195 be adopted, declaring Assessor Parcel No. 159-040-035, 5139 Port Chicago Highway, Concord, surpl us and authorizing its sal e. Motion approved on the follQl/ing vote: AYES: Members: Cl ausen, Boneysteel e, Dal ton, Rai ney NOES: Members: None JlBSENT: Members: None ,ABSTAIN: Members: Ca rl son VIII. CORRESPONDENCE 1. LETTER FRCJv1 PL EASANT HILL BAYSHORE DISPOSAL CONCERNING HOOSÐ-IOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PRŒRAM Recei pt of the 1 etter from Pl easant Hill Bayshore Di sposal concerning their household hazardous waste program was acknowledged. IX. APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 1989 It was moved by Member Cl ausen and seconded by Member Carl son, that the minutes of November 1, 1989, be approved as presented. The motion was approved with President Rainey abstaining because she was not present at the meeting of November 1,1989. X. APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1989 Member Dal ton, Member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Clausen reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. . FollQl/ing discussion, it was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Cl ausen, that the Expenditure List dated November 16, 1989, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100405-100406, Running Expense Check Nos. 49612-49862, and Sewer Construction Check Nos. 7661-7708, be approved as recommended. There bel ng no obj ecti on, the motion was unanimously approved. XI. BUOOET AND FINANCE 1. RECEIVE OCTOBER 1989 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mr. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer, reviewed the results of operations and maintenance for the month of October 1989, noting that expenses were $64,000 1 ess than budget, representi ng a 3.3 percent favorabl e vari ance. For the four months ended Octobe.r 31, 1989, actual expenses were $458,000 1 ess than budget, representi ng a 5.8 percent favorable variance. The District's temporary investments were held in Treasury bills and notes, a commercial paper investment, and the District's Local Agency I"'vestment Fund (LAIF) account with interest rates ranging from 7.92 percent to 9.47 percent. The latest interest rate as of October 31, 1989, was 7.92 percent. The average yield for the LAIF account through October 31, 1989, was 8.771 percent. '11 16 89 210 Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Ba Than, Assistant Engineer, who reviewed the FlowMole Project recently completed on Miner Road, Lafayette. Because of the property owner's concern with creek bank \ stability and saving a 72-inch oak tree, FlowMole technology was used to install 230 feet of 6-inch pipe. The project was completed in three days. FlowMole was the contractor and CSO crews provided support. Mr. Than showed slides of the construction. At the conclusion of the reports, President Rainey declared that the October 1989 Financial Statements were duly received. . XII. EME~ENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 1. . XIII. GENERAL MANPGER-ŒlIEF ENGINEER REPORTS a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that as mentioned in the current year's equipment budget, the Sony word processor system has been suffering maj or di fficul ti es. Those probl ems have worsened and we have had outages for extended periods. We are proceeding with the phasing out of the system as anticipated last spring. Mr. Dolan highlighted the preliminary concl usions reached by the word processor selection committee. The committee will be obtaining cost and scheduling information over the coming month. We expect to have a position paper requesting the purchase of a new system to the Board early in the year. b. At an earlier Board meeting,. Member Cl ausen asked a question concerning the Tassajara Ranch Assessment District. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Robert A. Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer, who reviewed the financing system that existed until July of last year and the new capacity fee financing system, implemented at that time. Mr. Baker briefly summarized the particulars of the Tassajara Ranch Assessment District and the complicated series of negotiations with the developers, the Assessment District, and the Town of Danville which resulted in the financial agreement in question. Because of the change in the District's fee structure, staff does not anticipate that the sort of agreement reached with the Tassajara Ranch Assessment District will ever be used in the future. c. Mr. Dolan stated that at the last Board meeting, Member Clausen suggested that the District take a position on the approval of landfill si tes. To that end, staff has researched the 1 andf 111 approval process and schedule that the County intends to use. Mr. Dolan introduced Ms. El ai ne Jacobs, Assi stant Engi neer, who reviewed the status of the five proposed landfill sites, the County's Calit"ornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and entitlement process, required permit approvals, and the tentative schedul e. Board discussion followed concerning the appropriate time to provide i nput. It was determined that staff w ill submit comments on the technical aspects of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for each site. A draft letter will be prepared for the Board's consid~ration and approval for presentation at the entitlement hearings. In addition to site specific issues, the letter will support sound rate regulation and will encourage.approval of more than one site. d. The format and agenda for the January 25, 1990 Speci al Di stri cts Meeti ng were di scussed. e. Mr. Dol an announced that a Notice of Intent to Issue Negative Decl arati on for the Treatment Pl ant Headworks Repl acement proj ect w ill be published in the near futur~ f. Mr. Dolan extended an invitation to the District's Christmas party on December 9,1989. 11 i. 16 89 . i . 211 2. COUNSB.. FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Kenton L. Alm, Counsel for the District, indicated that he would be sendi ng a 1 etter to the Board concerni ng a recent case on capital fees. 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Following discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Cl ausen, that the January 4, 1990 Board meeting be reschedul ed to January 11, 1990. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 4. BOARD ME~ ERS a. Presi dent Rai ney reported that the County has announced that Proctor & Gambl e i s got ng to set up a di sposabl e di aper composti ng operati on in th e Ci ty of Ri chmond. . b. Member Boneysteel e reported on the November 8, 1989 Recycl ing Advisory Committee meeting at which the status of recycling programs in Alamo, Danvil1e, Lafayette, Orinda, and Moraga; the public education recycl ing grant proposal; AB 939; and househol d hazardous waste were di scussed. c. Member Boneysteele reported on the November 1989 CASA meeting. Major issues discussed included the use of leveraged revenue bonds to replace general obligation bonds, the status of the cooperative insurance program, investment of CASA funds, and water quality standards for inland waterways. . XIV. ANN OJ NCEMENTS a. President Rain~ announced that her recent trip to Taiwan was enjoyable and informative. It was interesting to note that garbage is still being used to fill Hong Kong Harbor. . b. Member Boneysteele announced that he will be out of the country and unable to attend the December 7,1989 Board meeting. xv. QOSED SESSION None XVI. ACTIONS RESULTING FRavI DISQJSSIONS IN QOSED SESSION None XVII. AQJ OORNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rain~ adjourned the meeting at the hour of 5:45 p.m. President of the Boárd of Di ctors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of, Contra Costa, State of Cal iforni a COUNTERSIGNED: 11 16 89