HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-25-89 96 MINUTES OF THE ADJ OURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING . OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MAY 25,1989 The Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict convened in an adjourned regular meeting at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 3:00 p.m. on May 25,1989. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secreta ry call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: PBSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, Carlson, Rainey Members: None II. PUBLIC COMMENTS None III. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS 1. CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION. CONTRa. ASSOCIATION AWARD FOR LARGE COLLECTION SYSTEM OÆRATION AND MAINTENANCE IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR 1988 Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the Board may recall that Collection System Operations (CSO) Department personnel recently won the Best Large Collection System Operation Award for the Bay Area. At the California Water Pollution Control Association (CWPCA) meeting, we were pleased to be the recipients of a similar award on the State-wide level. Mr. John A. Larson, CSO Department Manager, introduced Ms. Joye Kurasaki, Associate Engineer, Mr. Al Robinson, Repair and Reconstruction Supervisor, and Mr. Bob Mowers, Field Operations Superintendent. Mr. Mowers presented President Rainey with the plaque for the 1988 Award for Excellence for Collection System Operations and Maintenance. On behalf of the Board, President Rainey congratulated CSO personnel for their efforts and the honor they brought to the District. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER President Rainey indicated that a request has been received to take Items VIII. Reports, b., c., and d., out of order. Hearing no objection, President Rainey proceeded to Item VIII.b. VIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER CHIEF ENGINEER b. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that at the May 17, 1989 County Solid Waste Commission meeti ng, Central San and Wal nut Creek made requests to modify the County Solid Waste Management Pl an (CoSWMP) to permit the option of a public transfer station in Central County. The Commission approved the request, with Supervisor Fahden in opposition. The recommendation of the County Solid Waste Commission will be considered by the Board of Supervisors on June 6, 1989. District staff has drafted a letter for Ms. Avon Wilson's signature. The letter will go to all Mayors, City Managers, Sanitary District Presidents, and General Managers requesting support at the June 6, 1989 Board of Supervisors meeting. In addition, Mr. Don Blubaugh, Walnut Creek City Manager, will explain our request to the Contra Costa Ti meso Mr. James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated that his office is reviewing this matter to determine whether this change in the CoSWMP would require further compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Mr. Hazard stated that the initial review indicates that it would not. Counsel will provide a letter to the Board. .. .. , .. ¡ ., i~ .:' .:. -. 05 25 89 97 c. Mr. Dolan reviewed the schedule for the refuse collection rate-setting process for the collectors franchised by the District. d. Mr. Dolan briefly reviewed the proposed agenda for the joint workshop on sol id waste issues with the City of Lafayette scheduled for May 26, 1989. At this time, President Rainey reverted to the order of the agenda. IV. CORRESPONDENCE 1. RECEIVE COpy OF LEmR FROM BOARD PRESIDENT LENNY BYER, OAKLEY SANITARY DISTRICT, TO THE SENATE TASK FORCE ON WASTE MANAGEMENT' CONCERNING ŒlANGE IN REGULATION COUNTY SQID WASTE MANAGEMENT' PLAN APPROV AL PROCESS President Rainey noted the receipt of the copy of the letter from President Lenny Byer, Oakley Sanitary District, to the Senate Task Force on Waste Management concerning a change in the County Solid Waste Management Plan approval process. 2. REFER LETTER TO STAFF FROM MR. VINCENT J. KERSIS CX>NCERNING PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL SERVICE RECYQ..ING PROORAM The letter from Mr. Vincent J. Kersis concerning the Pl easant Hill Bay Shore Di sposa 1 Serv ice recycli ng program was referred to staff for response. REFER LETTER TO STAFF FRa.1 MS. JANIS A. BLAISE CONCERNING V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RECYCLING PROORAM ' 3. The 1 etter from Ms. J ani s A. Bl ai se expressi ng support for the Valley Waste Management recycling program was referred to staff. V. APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF MAY 4,1989 It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Clausen, that the minutes of May 4,1989, be approved and presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. VI. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1. RECEIVE THE 1989-1990 OPERATIONS AND SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REV IEW MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Mr. Walter N. Funasaki, Fi nance Officer, who presented the 1989-1990 Operati ons and Maintenance (O&M) Budget for initial review. Mr. Funasaki highlighted the budgeted revenues, expenses, and reserves as detailed in the proposed 1989-1990 O&M Budget. Mr. Funasaki indicated that this year expense reports are presented in a classified format providing subtotals by major classifications. A number of new expense accounts have been established and others have been consolidated to provide better management control. Two changes have occurred since the distribution of the budget: 1) an overstatement of the reti rement contribution expenses for the 1989-1990 budget year by $79,000; and 2) an overstatement of sal aries and wages capitalized for the 1988-1989 current year resulting in an increase in net expenses by $108,000. These changes will be incorporated in the bu dget. In response to a questi on from Member Boney steel e, staff will present a report on the Retirement Fund investments after completion of the refuse collection rate-setting process in August or September 1989. Messrs. Paul Morsen, Robert Baker, John Larson, and Charl es Batts highlighted the changes in their respective departmental budgets. , Mr. Funasaki presented a graphic comparative analysis depicting alternatives for setting the Sewer Service Charge based on retention of a 05 ',2-5 8þ 98 prudent reserve expenditures. and considering the antici pated revenues and Member Clausen requested that an alternative be prepared that would reduce expenses sufficiently to allow the Sewer Service Charge to remain at $116. Member Clausen stated that any increase must be justified. Members Carlson and Rainey concurred. In the discussion that followed, Member Boneysteele stated that the budget cannot be drastically reduced and still allow the District to provide the services which are mandated. Central San has an award winning collection system and trea1ment plant and that was done with more efficient operation not drastic cuts. At the conclusion of the discussion, Mr. Dolan stated, that staff would prepare an analysis of the budget based on expense reductions and program cutbacks which would provide a balanced budget without increasing the $116 Sewer Service Charge. Member Boneysteele requested that alternative funding mechanisms be researched in the event the District reserves are depleted. Mr. Funasaki stated that he would research this area. Mr. Funasaki reviewed the budgeted revenues, expenses, and reserves for the 1989-1990 Self-Insurance Fund Budget. President Rainey noted that the 1989-1990 O&M Budget and Self-Insurance Fund Budget were duly received and would be calendared for further consideration at the June 1,1989 Board meeting. VII. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 1. VIII. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER REPORTS a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that on April 20, 1989, the Board of Directors approved the design contract for the Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Proj ect. At that time the Board requested that staff investigate alternatives for homeowner participation in the cost of projects of this type in the future. While there are legal and policy questions that must be answered, in the case of Hall Drive, the unit cost is very high thus particularly difficult to shoulder on to the individual homeowners. The technical analysis of the options has been reviewed exhaustively. Staff will rev,iaw the options considered and discuss the policy issues relating to local financing for sewer repair and repl acement proj ects. Mr. Robert A. Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer, reviewed the financial issues for the upgrade and repl acement program. In the short-term the District is adequately funded to do the work needed. The work is limited by staff resources and 1 ead time. Mr. Baker r~v iewed al ternatives for financing repair and replacement projects in the future including a surcharge to the Sewer Service Charge and areas of benefit by city, watershed, street; and home. ' Mr. Kent Alm, Associate Counsel for the District, provided a generic overview with regard to the state of the 1 aw dealing with requi rements and responsibilities of the District and the homeowner. The District has the responsibility to provide service, maintain the easement, maintain facilities, and comply with health and environmental regulations. The homeowner has the responsibility to reasonc1bly maintain their property, to allow reasonabl e access to the easement, to pay for the cost of service provided, and to pay for special benefits to the property. Mr. Alm reviewed legal and financing alternatives including District financi ng, speci al assessment, local improvement di strict, and area of benefit fees. Mr. Alm stated that with regard to the Hall Drive Sewer Improvements proj ect there does not appear to be an easy way to have, the Hall Drive homeowners share in the costs. If the Board wished to compel them to share, we must then consi der the fundi ng mechani sm and the possibility of lawsuits. Any share would be subject to calculation of special benefit to the property and netting out any detriment. ' 05 25 89 99 Mr. David Williams, Engineering Division Manager, briefly addressed the specific technical situation on Hall Drive and gave some insight into the alternative sel ected by staff and the reasons for it. Mr. Will iams reviewed the terrain, the current al ignment, and condition of the pipe. A cost/liability analysis for the five alternatives ranging from leaving the pipe in place and repairing it, to relocating the pipe was provided. Presi dent Rai ney thanked staff for the very informative presentations. Following discussion, it was the general consensus of the Board not to change the District's past practice of spreading the costs of repair and repl acement proj ects over the general rate base and tax base of the District. Member Dalton requested copies of the view graphs used in the presentations. Mr. Dolan indicated staff would provide copies. b. District actions for Board of Supervisors June 6, 1989 meeting concerni ng County Solid Waste Management Pl an 1 anguage were. di scussed earlier in the agenda. c. Refuse collection rate-setting process for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District franchisees was discussed earlier in the agenda. d. The agenda for the joint workshop on Solid Waste Issues with the City of Lafayette was di scussed earlier i n the agenda. e. Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Ch ief Engi neer, reported that the cost of toxic studies is a budgetary item this year due to the increasing number of regulations. Potential sources of toxics entering our environment is a concern and inventorying of toxics will be done throughout the State during the coming year. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Charles W.. Batts, Plant Operations Depar"bnent Manager, who discussed the impact of toxic studies on the 1989-1990 O&M Pl ant Operations Depar"bnent Budget and budgets for coming years. Mr. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Manager, reviewed toxic programs and project costs for Engineering Depar"bnent programs 1989-1990. f. Mr. Dolan announced that he will be on vacation from August 11, 1989 through August 25,1989. g. Mr. Dol an announced that with regard to the request of Mr. Sanford M. Skaggs on behalf of Waste Management, Inc., the Walnut Creek City Council concurred with the assessment of the Solid Waste Export Committee that direct haul to Altamont in Alameda County is impossible but the City Council did not guarantee pass through ,of the interim transfer station rates to the ratepayers. h. Mr. Dolan announced that a meeting of the public managers was hel d on May 24, 1989, to obtai n i nformati on from Price Waterhouse on their preliminary review of the Touche Ross report and to provide i nstructi on to Price Waterhouse as to further work that was needed. An' attorney for Acme Fill entered the meeti ng uni nv ited and was asked to leave, which he did. Price Waterhouse will provide further review of the Touche Ross study and will meet with Touche Ross and the County on May 30, 1989, in Wal nut Creek. i. Mr. Dolan commended staff on the hard work, thorough presentations, and excellent graphics prepared on short notice for the presentations at today's Board meeting. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT Mr. Hazard, Counsel for the Di strict, briefly di scussed the voti ng requirements for the refuse collection rate-setting process and indicated that he would provide a letter on that subject to the Board. Q5 .. 25 ø.Q .. '", "', - '.' . 05 100 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None 4. BOARD MEM3 ERS a. Board Members indicated that there was nothing further to report with regard to solid waste issues. b. Member Boneysteel e reported on the May 1989 CASA Conference noti ng that the CASA Executive Di rector's contract was renewed with a five percent increase based on the Los Angeles Consumer Price Index. The proposal that CASA provide a higher level of staff activity in the area of solid waste legislation was not supported. It was referred to the Solid Waste Subcommittee of CASA's Legislative Committee. IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS None X. CLOSED SESSION None XI. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION None XII. ADJ OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 6:43 p.m. to reconvene at 3:00p.m. May 26, 1989, for a joint workshop on solid waste issues with , the' City of Lafayette at the Lafayette Community Center, 500 St. Mary's Road, Lafayette, California. COUNTERSIGNED: 25 '; 89 ".