HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-16-89 40 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MARÅ’i 16, 1989 The Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict convened in a regul ar meeti ng at its regul ar pl ace of meeti ng, 5019 Imhoff Pl ace, Marti nez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal iforni a, at 3:00 p.m. on March 16,1989. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, Carlson, Rainey ,ABSENT: Members: None II. PUBLIC COMMENTS None I.II.AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS None IV. MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST None V. HEARINGS 1 . CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMr.ENTS ON THE DRAFT 1989 . TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT. PLAN (CIP) AND THE PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; APPROVE THE DRAFT CIP Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the Board received a detailed presentation on the draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an and the proposed Capital Improvement Fee System for Residential Development at a workshop. Furthermore, staff published and held workshops for interested members of the public. The one member of the public present today was at a workshop. Rather than giving a lengthy presentation again today, staff will briefly summarize the draft CIP and proposed Fee System. . Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. James Coe, Associate Engineer, who reviewed the purposes and maj or goal s of the Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an. Those goal s are to meet regul atory requi rements, accommodate future growth, reduce O&M costs, conserve resources, coordinate work with other agenci es, and enhance community rel ati ons. The draft CIP prov ides for approximately $196 million in capital improvement projects over the next ten years. Mr. Coe highlighted the impact of these planned expenditures on the Sewer Construction Fund. It is estimated that, with annual rate increases, a positive balance will be maintained in the Sewer Construction Fund for the next ten years. Mr. Coe introduced Mr. Jarred Miyamoto-Mill s, Seni or Engi neer, who discussed the implications of the Sewer Construction Fund balance going below zero. If the balance drops below zero, the District will be req ui red to use debt f i nanci ng or defer proj ects. The proj ects i n the current Ten-Year CIP are needed to meet regul atory requi rements and future growth. To defer those proj ects woul d ri sk a sewer moratori um. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills reviewed the goals of the Capital Improvement Fee System, the proposed establishment of a District-wide Facilities Capacity Fee, and the proposed elimination of the Fixture and Watershed Fees. In addition, it is proposed that two zones be established in the District to di fferenti ate between those arèas served by pumpi ng stations and those areas served by gravity. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills reviewed the approach to the proposed modification to the annexation fee. A comparison of the current fees and the proposed fees for three types of rest denti al units were presented. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills reviewed the implementation " recommenda~ions for the proposed Capital Improvement Fee System for ~';'03' .... i fi; ;~9 41 Residential Development and the projected Sewer Construction Fund bal ances if the proposed Fee System is approved by the Board. The vari abl es which coul d impact the Di strict's revenue requi rements were di scussed. Board and staff discussion followed concerning revenue generated by rising interest rates on investments and fees for multiple units as opposed to single-family units. A+ 3:38 p.m., President Rainey opened the public hearing to receive comments on the draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an and the proposed Capital Improvement Fee System for Residential Development. Mr. James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated his understanding that the fees initially received during the first year of the proposed fee increase will be used to repay a portion of the costs of the Stage 5B Expansion and the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Project. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that is correct. There being no further comments, it was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton that the public hearing be closed. There being no obj ecti on, the moti on was unanimously approved. It was moved by Member Carl son and seconded by Member Cl ausen that the draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an be approved. There bel ng no obj ect ion, the moti on as unani mousl y approved. President Rainey stated that adoption of the proposed Capital Improvement Fee System for Residential Development will be held over to the April 20,1989, meeting of the Board of Directors. 2. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLI,CATION FOR AN INTERIM ADJ USTt-£NT OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATES BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEfvENT This item was taken out of order. agenda. It will be covered later in the VI. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Clausen and seconded by Member Carlson that the Consent Calendar, consisting of three items, be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 1. Resol uti on No. 89-022 accepti ng an easement at no cost to the District from SHAPELL INDUSTRIES, INC., Danville area (Job 4453 - Parcel 4) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Clausen, Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Rainey NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 2. The contract work for installation of a District-provided Submersible Pump and Appurtenances, Contract No. TO059P, and a portion of the Chlorine Mixing System Project, District Project No. 10044, were accepted and authorization given for the filing of the Notice of Completion. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Clausen, Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Rainey NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None i: :.,:03;: .~ 16:{)89 42 3. April 6, 1989, at 3 p.m. was established as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Capital Improvement Fee System for Non-Residential Development. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Clausen, Carlson, Boneysteele, Dalton, Rainey NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None VII. ENGINEERING 1. AU"THORIZE $89,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO PERFORM A FACILITIES PLAN FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN WATERSHED 23 - NOR"TH WALNUT CREEK AREA, DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4615 Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that recent calculations of the hydraulic capacity of the system have indicated some serious deficiencies. It is recommended that work begin on facilities planning in this area. A similar facilities planning effort is already underway in a nearby watershed. This is the next piece of work to provide necessary capacity. It was moved by Member Carl son and seconded by Member Dal ton that $89,000 be authorized from the Collecti on System Program Conti ngency Account to complete a facility plan for sewer improvements in the north Walnut Creek area, District Project No. 4615. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 1. VIII. COLLECTION SYSTEM AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $67,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR REPLACING A DAMAGED SEWER AT 3970 LOS ARABIS DRIVE, LAFAYETTE (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 9507) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the Board was apprised of this situation at an earlier Board meeting. At that time, the Board decl ared an emergency and authorized the Collection System Operations Department to work with a contractor on an emergency basi s. Funds are now requested to cover the costs of that work. It was moved by Member Cl ausen and seconded by Member Dal ton that all ocati on of $67,000 be authorized from the Collection System Program Conti ngency Account for repl act ng a damaged sewer at 3970 Los Arabi s Drive, Lafayette <Di strict proj ect No. 9507>. There bet ng no obj ecti on, the motion was unanimously approved. IX. PERSONNEL 1. APPROVE REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR THE SAFETY AND LOSS CONTROL SPECIALIST Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, and recommendation of MBmber Boneysteele, Chair of the Personnel" Committee, it was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dalton, that the revised class description for the Safety and Loss Control Specialist position be approved. There being no objection, the motion as unanimously approved. 2. APPROVE THE CREATION OF A TEMPORARY PERMIT TECHNICIAN POSITION FOR SIX MONTHS BEGINNING APRIL 1,1989 Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the area of permit counter responsiveness to telephone inquiries and the related high level of counter activity, is an area that staff has been aware of for some time. It was recently brought to the Board's attention by Member ; ¡'OS'; 16:.{j89 43 Boneysteele. During the coming year there could be a slowdown in permit activity although that has not been the case to date. It is anticipated that the work load during the coming summer will be like that of recent summers. In the event of a slowdown, there coul d be fewer hours of supplemental labor added to the permit staff. In place of hiring a new person, the creation of a temporary Permit Techni ci an positi on wòul d allow the reassignment of existing personnel to assist with the workload as needed. Member Boneysteele, Chair of the Personnel Committee, endorsed the staff recommendation. It was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dal ton that the creation of a temporary six-month Permit Technician position in the Construction Division, level G64 ($2,718/mo.-$3.290ìmo.), be authorized. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. X. CORRESPONDENCE NOTE FOR THE RECORD THE LETTER FROM MR. E. R. SHIREY THANKING THE BOARD FOR THE EXPLANATION OF THE REFUSE COLLECTION RATES 1. Receipt of the letter from Mr. E. R. Shirey thanking the Board for the explanation of the refuse collection rates was noted for the record. 2. RECEIVE LETTER FROM PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL CONCERNING PREPARATION OF RECYCL ING INFORMATIONAL MATERIAL AND CONSIDER PROPOSED RESPONSE The letter from Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal concerning preparation of recycling information material and the proposed response to that letter were discussed. Mr. David Olney, of Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, was present and stated that he did not object to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District name and logo appearing on the mailers or to District staff review and approval of the content of the mailers. The cost of preparation and mailing was discussed. Following discussion, it was the direction of the Board that the District name and logo are to appear on all recycling information material, District staff shall have the right of review and approval of all recycling information material, and the cost of preparation and mail ing, not to exceed $650, shall be amortized over three years. Any cost in excess of $650 shall be borne by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. Mr. Olney agreed. XI. APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF MARCH 2,1989 It was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Carl son that the minutes of March 2,1989, be approved as presented. The motion was approved with Member Boneysteele abstaining for the reason that he was not present at the March 2,1989, meeting. XII. APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED MARCH 16,1989 Member Dal ton, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Clausen reviewed the expenditures and found them to be sa ti sf actory .. It was moved by Member Dal ton and seconded by Member Cl ausen that the Expenditure list dated March 16,1989, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100335-100339, Running Expense Check Nos. 44819-45070, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 6840-6882, and Payroll Check Nos. 15786-16042, be approved as recommended. Following discussion, the motion as unanimously approved. 03 16 89 ~..:, .' .:' ~. " ,: {. \. ~ 44 XIII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 1989 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mr. Wal ter N. Funasaki, Fi nance Officer, reviewed the resul ts of Operati ons and Mai ntenance for the month of February 1989, noti ng that expenses were $27,000 more than budget, representing a 1.4 percent unfavorabl e vari ance. For the ei ght months ended February 28, 1989, actua 1 expenses were $500,000 1 ess th an bu dget, representi ng a 3.5 favorable variance. The District's temporary investments were held in collateralized certificates of deposit, Treasury bills and notes, and the District' Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) account with interest rates ranging from 6.90 percent to 9.20 percent. The latest interest rate as of February 28, 1989, was 9.125 percent. The average yield for the LAIF account from January 1989 was 8.69 percent. Following discussion of the revenue accounts, President Rainey declared that the February 1989 Financial Statements were duly received. XIV. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None XV. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. The status of the Water Reclamation Project and the joint workshop with the Contra Costa Water Di stri ct Board of Di rectors was discussed. b. Mr. Funasaki, Finance Officer, presented a status report of the review of Waste Management (WMI) intercompany charges. Mr. Funasaki stated that the District joined with the Cities of Walnut Creek and San Ramon and Alameda County in underwriting a review of the WMI intercompany charges by Price Waterhouse. Price Waterhouse and Arthur Andersen, representing WMI, agreed on the scope of the work. The report produced by Arthur Andersen was incomplete. WMI indicated that they were not will ing to produce the balance of the information because they felt it was confidential. A letter was sent to WMI insisting that the balance of the information be provided. WMI responded indicating they would not provide the balance of the information but would be willing to negotiate the intercompany charges individually with each of the public agencies. We have indicated that without the information, we would consider the intercompany charges unsubstantiated and could not pass them through. c. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that it was with a great deal of pride that he recently observed the Bay Section of the California Water Pollution Control Association confer the honor of Best Large Agency Coll ecti on System Operation on Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Central San will be the Bay Section's entry into he State Collection Systems Awards. d. vehicles. The Di strict i s currently adverti si ng for sal e of surpl us e. The District will be advertising in the near future for the $1.3 million Martinez Early Start Project. f. Mr. Dolan announced that the Environmental Protection Agency's "enforcement priority" for ~he year w ill be cracki ng down on Pretreatment Programs run by local agencies. Public sewers are viewed as a major potential point of entry of toxics into the environment. Under the EPA's direction, the Regional Board and their consultants perform audits of major agencies' Pretreatment Programs. The District has been audited. The audit findings have generally been minor and we are now complying with all the mandatory changes. However, in Southern California, the EPA and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board are taki ng an enforcement action against the Chino Basin Municipal Water District. A large fine and potential political ramifications could result. We are proposing to strengthen our Pretreatment Program this year by adding one Source Control Technician. In addition, we are proposing that the b111ing function be moved from Planning to Accounting. This will make " . . . \ .. .... J. ,; :- !it f .. ;¡ ';[ '. . ~ , . " 03 ]6 ~o 45 additional staff time available for pretreatment work. These changes will be discussed with the Personnel Committee prior to submission to the full Board. g. Mr. Dolan announced that he will be attending a Water Pollution Control Federati on Management Conference pl anni ng meeti ng in Denver on March 29 and 30,1989. h. Mr. Dol an announced that the first draft of the Equi pment Budget contai ns a 1 arge component for repl acement of CSO's worn out equipment and vehicles. Following staff review, the Equipment Budget will be presented to the Capital Projects Committee and then to the full Boa rd. i. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manger, who announced that a meeting was held this morning by the City of Lafayette to di scuss the i nterim rate increase adj ustment requested by Valley Waste Management. Mr. Morsen stated that the City of Lafayette made two recommendations: 1) That no rate increase be granted to Valley Waste Management at this time. Rather, that the matter be taken up with other issues during the normal rate-setting heari ng. 2) That Central San hold a workshop session with the Lafayette City Council and other jurisdictions for which we franchise, to explain the solid waste situation. Following a brief discussion, President Rainey requested that this item be calendared on a future Board agenda. 2. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None 4. BOARD MEMBERS a. President Rainey reported that the City of Concord sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors supporting the District's efforts to encourage the County to regul ate rates at the i nterim and permanent transfer stations. b. Mr. Dol an reported that representatives from the Di strict and the Cities of Walnut Creek and San Ramon have met with County staff to request changes in the County Solid Waste Management Pl an. The County has indicated a willingness to consider the changes. c. Mr. Morsen reported that the ,District's first three recycl ing programs are operating in Lafayette, Danville, and Alamo. The first week was very successful. At the conclusion of the three-month pilot project, a report will be presented to the Board. d. Member Clausen reported that at the March 10,1989, solid waste export negotiations meeting two issues were raised. First, a request was made to allow the use of pods. This would eliminate the need for a transfer station. The second issue related to siting a transfer station in the southern part of the County. Waste Management was asked to pursue the necessary changes in language with Alameda County. e. Mr. Dol an announced that a letter was received from Mr. Ken Little, Attorney for Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, refusing to permit Price Waterhouse to gain entry to Pleasant Hill Bay Shore's books. Mr. Ken Little addressed the Board indicating that Pleasant Hill Bay Shore objects to the Price Waterhouse firm because of previous experience 'with them and litigation resulting from the Price Waterhouse work. In addition, Pleasant Hill Bay Shore may not submit a rate increase request this year. However, no final decision has been made in that regard. '." ' ",,' ,'¡.' ' ;OS 't6 ¡'89 46 XVI. ANNaJNCEMENTS Anyone interested in attending the Contra Costa Water District Delta Conference should let Joyce McMillan know so reservations can be made. XVII. CLOSED SESSION None xv III. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSION IN CLOSED SESSION None Presi dent Rai ney decl ared a recess at the hour of 5: 10 p. m. , reconvening at the hour of 7 p.m. with all parties present as previously designated. President Rainey proceeded to Item V. 2., Hearings. V. HEARINGS 2. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPLICATION FOR AN INTERIM ADJUSTMENT OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATES BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT President Rainey indicated that the purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comments and to obtain information relative to the interim adjustment of refuse collection rates by Valley Waste Management. Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Ch ief Engi neer, stated that on February 16,1989, the Board of Directors scheduled this public hearing to receive public comments prior to making a decision with regard to the Valley Waste Management interim rate adjustment request based on the 87 percent increase in landfill disposal fees at Acme Fill. At that time, the Board of Directors sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors presenting suggestions for rate regulation procedures. Mr. Dolan reviewed the information learned at the various meetings held on this matter since February 16,1989. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer, who stated that Valley Waste Management has submitted an application for a 33.7 percent across the board increase in refuse collection rates effective April 1, 1989. This application was made based exclusively on the 87 percent increase in Acme disposal fees effective February 1; 1989. Mr. Funasaki stated that other rate-setting issues which would normally be considered for setting rates for July 1989 include the curbside recycling program, automated curbside collection, and the interim transfer station fee. Mr. Funasaki reviewed these issues and the potenti al impacts on Valley Waste Management operati ng expenses. Mr. Funasaki summarized alternative courses of action in addressing the request for an interim rate adjustment. President Rainey opened the public hearing at the hour of 7:35 p.m. Receipt of the following correspondence was acknowledged and by reference incorporated into the minutes: 1) Mr. Jordan S. Price and Mrs. Lynn E. Price, 1617 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94596; 2) Mr. John C. 94549; Riordan, 3130 Sweetbrier Circle, Lafayette, A 3) 4) Mr. William E. Kindley, 49 Mott Drive, Alamo, CA 94507; Mrs. Barbara J. 0' Connell, 4053 Mari anne Drive, Lafayette, CA 94549; 5) 6) Mrs. A. Lupton, 31 Winfield Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94595; Ms. Gwendolyn Damn, 149 La Sonoma Way, Alamo, CA 94507; 7) Ms. Juanita W. Fall, 724 Morninghome Road, Danville, CA 94526; 03 Ii :: :",~ ; ~;6 ~ §f) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 47 8) Mr. Dennis Krentz, Quandt Area Improvement Assocation; 1214 Woodborough Road, Lafayette, CA 94549; 9) Ms. Jane A. Pusheck, Round Hill Drive, Alamo, CA 94507; Ms. Joyce K. Laird, 860 Sibert Court, Lafayette, A 94549; Ms. Lorraine Satterthwaite, 292 La Questa Drive, Danvllle, CA 94526; Mr. Robert E. E. Harris and Mrs. Susan Moseley Harris, 3710 Crestmont Place, Lafayette, CA 94549; Mr. Jonathan Winslow and Mrs. Beatrice Winslow, 708 Glen Road, Danville, CA 94526; Mr. Robert W. Hoffmann, 55 Crest Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA 94595 ; Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Danville, CA 94526; and R. Heathorn, 15 Shadow Oak Road, Mr. Robert F. D. Adams, City Manger, City of Lafayette, 251 Lafayette Circle, Lafayette, CA 94549 President Rainey stated that a meeting was held with representatives of Acme Fill Corporation and they were invited to make comments at this public hearing. Mr. Scott Gordon, attorney representing Acme Fill Corporation, addressed the Board meeting requesting that the March 14, 1989, letter from Mr. James A. Pezzaglia to President Rainey concerning the Acme-CCCSD Meeting of March 9, 1989, and containing a copy of the certification for initial closure and postclosure maintenance cost estimates, be entered i nto the record. Mr. Gordon stated that Acme received a number of concerns and questions from the District at the March 9,1989, meeting. A written submittal is being prepared in response to those concerns and questions. Mr. Gordon stated that Acme F111 Corporati on woul d be happy to cooperate in any way they can. When asked if Acme would cooperate by opening their books to audit, Mr. Gordon stated a written submittal will be sent to the District. Mr. Gordon stated that he was authorized to extend the offer of cooperation and to report that a written submittal will be prepared. Mr. Sanford M. Skaggs, attorney for Valley Waste Management, addressed the Board. Mr. Skaggs thanked the Board for hearing the request for an interim rate adjustment. Mr. Skaggs stated that the imple question before the Board is whether the necessary cost of di sposal of the solid waste collected in the franchise area of Valley Waste Management shoul d be passed on to the rest dents of the area. Valley mailed letters to 25,000 customers advising them of the situation. The 87 percent increase of disposal fees at Acme results in approximately $139,000 per month with essentially no notice. Mr. Skaggs stated his bel ief that the underlying concept of rate setting used in the District and required by law, is to set rates that provide for reasonable rates and a reasonable rate of return for the collector. Clearly, disposal of waste collected is required. There is no alternative for disposal of the waste at this time. Therefore, it is Valley's position that these costs are reasonabl e in that they are necessary for the serv ice and must be passed through to the people creating the garbage for disposal. Mr. Robert Kahn, 3684 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette, addressed the Board and distributed and reviewed information and rate-setting computations. Mr. Kahn suggested that the District condemn Acme and assume operation and control of the si tee Mr. Dol an responded and i ndicated that the Di strict feel s that the best option for a transfer station is a clean break from the landfill and a different site. Mr. Kahn stated further that the franchise agreement should be modified to permit reopening of the agreement and initiation of rate rev iew by the Di strict. In additi on, it i s an unw i se approach to :.03, ~:16.-:~'89 48' planning to raise rates for a three or four month period. Mr. Kent Alm, Associ ate Counsel for the Di strict, highl ighted the franchise agreement provisions relating to Mr. Kahn's comments. Mr. Stephen A. Minton, Jr., 3471 Blackhawk Road, Lafayette, stated that he was not in favor of granting a rate increase to Valley Waste Management. Mr. Minton urged that the Board take action as soon as possible to remove the people from the monopoly situation and to place the people in control of their own destiny with public ownership of waste collection and disposal. Mr. John R. Tulley, 3486 Springhill Court, Lafayette, stated that after hearing the comments already presented he changed his own statement. Mr. Tulley stated that his main concern is the issue of an i nterim rate i ncrease based on charges from an unregul ated company. Residents are already paying for landfill closure. Will the residents have to pay twice without looking at Acme's books? Other companies have someone controlling them. Who controls Acme? Before any rate increase is granted, someone should find out who controls Acme. Member Clausen stated that the Board of Supervisors has the power to control Acme. They have chosen not to do so. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does not have the power-to regulate Acme. Mr. J. P. Van Overveen, 1057 Dolores Drive, Lafayette, agreed with statements made earlier. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District must go to the Board of Supervisors. , Mr. Van Overveen suggested that an ad should be placed in a local newspaper advising the people of this situation. Once the people are aware of the problem, Central San will have the backi ng i t needs. Mr. Van Overveen stated that automated curbside collection means additional machinery and maintenance. The system works well in flat areas but there will be problems with the topography of Orinda, Lafayette, and Moraga. Mr. Boris Isaeff, 293 Paraiso Drive, Danvllle, stated that he received a two percent annual raise in his retirement as opposed to the increase requested by Valley Waste Management. There is no way people can conti nue to 1 ive i n th i s County and th i s State at th is rate. The Board can and must be prudent in its purpose and policies. The board must get together with the County Health Department, the Board of Supervisors, and other agencies to declare a moratorium on bul1ding. Once you get the people's attention, you will get some action. Member Clausen requested that the March 7, 1989 letter from Silvio E. Garaventa, Sr. be entered into the record. To cl arify the statement made earlier with regard to the i ssue of the reopener in the franchise agreement, Mr. Alm stated there is no specific provision. However, as pointed out by Mr. Dolan, there is a provision which allows the District to gain access to records and i nformati on on an annual basi s and to re-eval uate rates without bet ng requested to do so by the franchisee. There being no further questions or comments, President Rainey thanked all those who took the time to come to this hearing or to submit letters. President Rainey closed the public hearing at the hour of 8:40 p.m. and returned the matter to the Board of Directors for deliberation. In response to a question from Member Dal ton, the 1 egal authority this Board to obtain the necessary records from Aane or to requi re the Board of Supervisors to obtain those records was discussed. Mr. Alm stated that the County has the authority through their entitlements to regulate rates. The County could obtain information needed to regulate rates. It i s cl ear that the County has the i nherent power to requi re rate review at a facility but it is unclear whether they are willing to exercise those options. Member Carlson stated that it has been stated that automated curbside collection services could afford some savings. Not all increases in the past have been attributed to the cost of services but to "03, ¡16~{89 49 increases i n serv ice 1 evel as requested by the ratepayers. In the past, the Board fel t that the costs rel ated to the services were reasonabl e. The Board has taken an aggressive position over the years. If the cost. of the serv ice i s the issue, the Board must take a stand to reduce services to reduce costs. It is hoped that the recycling and automated curbside collection pilot projects will prov.ide some data for use by the Board in making that decision. The majority of the people must decide whether they want to pay more or pay less. Then this Board must mandate the service level for the least cost while still protecting the health and safety of the public. Member Carl son stated that recovery of the costs for previous months is a lost cause. Savings from automated curbside collection could possibly be used to offset additional costs, however. Member Boneysteele stated that he strongly supported the acquisition of Valley Disposal by Waste Management, Inc. for the following reasons: a) Waste Management had an aggressive profit-driven management. b) Staff investigation showed that Waste Management had a good record in most of the other communities that it served. c) Member Boneysteele accepted Waste Management's contention that corruption of local public officials by some local managers was not condoned by the company. d) Waste Management has three of the 20 highest paid executives in the United States. Member Boneysteele was confident that such talent would not allow the Contra Costa garbage crisis to continue to fester. e) Member Boney steel e was so enthusi astic about Waste Management that he drafted a prepared statement which he read at the hearing. Member Boneysteele stated also' that he supported the integrity of Waste Management's exclusive franchise when a citizens' group wanted to put out the Lafayette recycling project to bid. Waste Management paid a very substantial premium to acquire the Valley Disposal franchise contract. That contract provides that rate adjustments are to be made no oftener than once a year, on July 1. The first duty of a business holding a monopoly franchise is to protect its customers--the people who granted the monopoly its franchise in exchange for assurance of adequate service at reasonabl e rates. In 1670, Lord Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England, established the common law principle that rates charged by a monopoly must be reasonable. This principle has prevailed in both England and America for more than 300 years. Although Waste Management has the highest paid executives in the United States, it has compl etely abrogated its responsi bl1 ity to its customers. Instead of fighti ng Acme Fill s' ti ppi ng fees, it chose to rely on the past record of th i s Board. Why engage i n liti gati on i n the interests of its customers when the more expedient procedure would be to ask the District to modify the franchise agreement and grant an interim increase? Mr. Boneysteele stated further that when the people from Lafayette asked that the District put recycling out to bid, he declined to support that request. He stated that he believed that the franch ise contract precl uded that procedure and he said that a deal is a deal. Member Boneysteele said the same thing several weeks ago when Waste Management requested that the Board consider an interim rate increase. In closing, Member Boneysteele stated that the District has contracts with its employees, suppliers, and contractors. It expects its other contractors to live up to thei r contracts; why this overweening concern for Waste Management? Waste Management's highly paid executives must have appraised the Acme Fill situation when th~ acquired Valley Di sposa l' s operations. They may have mi sca 1 cul ated w hen they paid a substantial premium for what has turned out to be a troublesome operation. That is a risk that they took, with their eyes wide open. Th~ have chosen not to fight Aane's charges. Having made that choice, they should abide by their contract with the District. Waste Management ;,:.~ .. '" . ,. 03" 1 6' ;8 9 50 is large enough to absorb the consequences of its miscalculations and 1 ack of i ni ti ati ve. The Di stri ct shoul d not even be consi deri ng th i s 'request, let alone modifying the contract so that its voters and taxpayers may be burdened by, still another increase to support Acme's ever escalating demands. President Rainey stated that additional information is required. It is just now coming to the public's attention that there is a problem although the District has been working on this for some time. President Rai ney stated that she feel s strongly that the Di strict shoul d conti nue to work on a transfer stati on. The Di stri ct must set reasonabl e rates based on a reasonable rate of return. If the rates charged by Acme are reasonable, Acme should open their books. As Member Boneysteele stated, Valley Waste Management is in business and in business you must sometimes take risks. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by President Rainey that the request of Valley Waste Management for an interim increase in refuse collection rates effective April 1,1989, be denied. Prior to the vote on the above motion, Member Carlson stated that he can appreci ate the post ti on of someone in busi ness who i s 1 osi ng money when a situation develops that is beyond his control and was unforeseen. Although Waste Management may be a large corporation with highly paid executives, we are dealing. with a division of Waste Management that is operated by local management who have been here for a long time. Valley Waste Management tried to site a landfill and provide some competition. From a public standpoint, there are some reasonable and necessary costs that shoul d be addressed. Member Carl son proposed that th is Board address this issue and provide some relief, recognizing that there are other issues such as recycling and automated curbside collection that may impact the situation in the coming months. Member Clausen stated that he is not averse to making difficult decisions. However, the Board does not have the facts with regard to the reasonableness of the charges at Acme. Member Clausen proposed that Acme be given an opportunity to submit the report th~ have indicated is being prepared. We are not finished with rising costs of solid waste disposal in this County. A landfill must be sited in Contra Costa County. Landfills i n other counties will not allow wastes to be transferred except through a transfer station. Member Clausen proposed that consi deration of the i nterim rate adj ustment requested by Valley Waste Management be hel d untl1 April 6, 1989, to allow Acme an opportunity to justify their position. Member Carlson stated that the collector has a legitimate reason for req uesti ng a rate increase. There i s no other 1 andf 111. They have no other recourse. There being no further discussion, President Rainey called for a roll call vote on the above motion to deny the request of Valley Waste Management for an interim increase in refuse collection rates effective April 1,1989. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Boney steel e, Rainey, Da 1 ton NOES: Members: Ca rl son, Cl ausen J'BSENT: Members: None It was noted for the record that all five Members of the Board of Directors were present during the entire public hearing and discussion. 03 ~6j,:a9 :' , , ,. XIX. ADJ OURNfvENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 9:20 p.m. COUNTERSIGNED: u- ¿, rn $e et y of the Centr 1 Contra sa an1tary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 03 16 51 89 ,