HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-15-89 38 MINUTES OF THE ADJ OURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MARCH 15, 1989 The Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict convened in an adjourned regular meeting at Contra Costa Water District, 1331 Concord Avenue, Concord, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 6 p.m. on March 15, 1989, for a joint workshop with the Contra Costa Water District Board of Directors. President Rainey, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and President Freitas, of Contra Costa Water District, called the meeting to order. I. ROLL CALL It was noted for the record that all members of the Central Contra 'Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors and all members of the Contra Costa Water District Board of Directors were present. II. PUBLIC COM~NTS None III. REPORTS 1. REPORT ON PROJ ECT WITH CO.lfIRA COSTA WA~ ON RECLAltJED WATER AND TO REQUEST CONCEPTUAL DIRECTION TO: A. BEGIN A FULL-SCALE RECLAI~D WATER PROJ ECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGERS TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT A~NDMENT APPOINT JOINT BOARD COMMITTEE TO GUIDE DEVELOPMENT OF LONG-TERM RECLAMATION PROJ ECT B. C. Mr. William (Ed) Seegmiller, Contra Costa Water Di strict General Manager, introduced Mr. Mark Davidson, of Shell Oil Company, and briefly recapped the Demonstration Water Recl amati on Proj ect. Mr. Seegmlll er stated .th at the demonstration proj ect was successful in terms of the water produced and delivered to the i ndustri es. In additi on, a great deal was learned about the systems of both Districts. Tonight the Boards will be asked whether to move forward with a full-scale reclaimed water project. The industries have indicated a willingness to proceed. Staff would like to move forward with the project as well. Mr. Randy Ra i nes, James M. Montgomery Consul ti ng Engi neers Proj ect Manager, described the demonstration project and reviewed the results ~nd major findings. Mr. Raines discussed the phasing of a long-term water reclamation project and described Stage 1 which would provide 2.5 mgd of ammonia-free reclaimed water to industries on a continuous basis and would provide up to ten mgd during emergencies. Mr. Raines stated that certain cost assumptions have been made and Board approval of them will be requested tonight. Namely: no sunk costs will be included; no credits will be given for potential benefits; and capital cost will be annualized at eight percent interest for 20 years. The total annual cost of the Stage 1 2.5 mgd project is estimated to be $573,000. Central San's share is estimated to be $171,000 and Contra Costa Water's share is estimated to be $402,000. These costs woul d be offset by the sal e of reclaimed water at $210 per acre foot. Mr. Raines briefly summarized the potential Stage 2 project. In closing, the recommended Stage 1 impl ementation schedul e was presented. The schedul e call s for implementation of Stage 1 by summer 1990. Mr. Roger J. Dolan, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District General Manager-Chief Engineer, reviewed the future Board actions which tie in with the implementation schedule. Board commitment is requested to enter into the Stage 1 and to study Stage 2 of the proposed Water Reclamation proj ect. Mr. Seegmiller discussed the annualized costs of the Stage 1 project and the assumptions made i n esti mati ng the $210 per acre foot cost of water. ~,O3 ".1~5 ;,S'9 39 Board and staff di scussi on followed concerni ng removal of ammoni a and phosphates, the production capacities of the filter plant and the NAX plant, the potential for a landscape irrigation project, compliance with regul atory requi rements i ncl udi ng Titl e 22, and the costs of conti nut ng studies and engineering work for Stage 1 and Stage 2. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Member Nels Carlson stated that there is an important benefit to the public in a drought year to provide additional resources for the public and industries. Member Carlson expressed support for the water reclamation project to fill this public need. Contra Costa Water District Board Member Ronald Butler indicated that he is in favor of moving forward with this water reclamation project. Member Butler stated that he is excited that an additional ten mgd capacity may be aval1 abl e. Board Member Butl er stated that as an elected official and as a citizen, he would like to see the two Districts cooperating and moving forward amicably on this project. Contra Costa Water District Board Members Hughey and Boatmun agreed. Contra Costa Water District Board President Freitas stated that he would like to have as much flexibility as possible with as many alternatives as possible. We should look at other water sources such as water reclamation. President Freitas expressed concern about some of the rate considerations and requested that. staff consider retaining consultants to look at the true cost of the services. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board President Rainey concurred with comments expressed earlier and indicated that it would be negligent on the part of both Boards not to move forward with a water recl amati on proj ect. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board Member John Clausen stated that the project should not be limited to this drought. Water' is an important resource that must be conserved. At the conclusion of the discussion, there was a consensus of both the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors and the Contra Cost Water District Board of Directors that conceptual approval be given to Stage l/Stage 2, Industrial Reclamation and Landscape Irrigation Reclaimed Water Projects, that the General Managers of both Districts be authorized to negoti ate a contract amendment, and th at a J oi nt Board Committee be appointed to guide the development of a long-term reclamation project. Appointment of the Jo.int Board Committee will be calendared for the next regular Board meeting of each District. Mr. Seegmiller expressed appreciation for the good working relationship and cooperation between both Districts and the industries. Mr. Seegmiller stated his understanding that the conceptual direction of the Board for renegotiation of the contract would include moving out of the lawsuit mode. President Freita~ and the Contra Costa Water District Board concurred. President Rainey and Mr. Dolan echoed Mr. Seegmiller's sentiments concerning cooperation between the Districts and the industries and the level of professionalism among all participants. IV. ADJ OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Boards, President Rainey and President Freitas adjourned the joint workshop at the hour of 7:16 p.m. '-, resident of the Boa d of Dir ors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Californ1.a COUNTERSIGNED: ( ,0 3. ".1 S:.. i 8 9 ' " . :..' .'. , " <; " l. J