HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-26-89 MINUTES OF THE AOO OURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JANUARY 26, 1989 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular meeting at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 3:00 p.m. on January 26, 1989. President Rainey called ,the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ,ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, Carlson, Rainey Members: None II. PUBLIC COMMENTS None III. APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. MINU TES OF J ANU M Y 5, 1989 It was moved by Member Boneysteel e and sec;::onded by Member Cl ausen, that the minutes of January 5, 1989, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously 'approved. IV. HEMINGS 1. CON[)JCT A HEMING TO CONSIDER IMPl. EMENTATION OF, THERECYCL lNG, Pl. AN PROPOSED BY PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR ZONE 3 ' President Rainey ind1cated that the purpose of this public hearing i s to receive public comments regardi ng the impl ementati on of the recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal for Franchise Zone 3. ( Mr. Roger J. Dol an, General M~nager-Ch i ef Engi neer, i ntroduced Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager, who provided an overview of the proposed recycling program. Board Member Carlson and District staff met with the Pacheco Town Council and the Clyde Civic Improvement Association to receive their input on the proposed program. Mr. Morsen reported that the Pacheco Town Council expressed support for the proposed curbsi de recycling program. It is proposed that approximately 1,400 households in the Pacheco area will receive a single container to be used for collection of newspapers, glass bottles, aluminum cans, and P.E.T. bottles. Mr. Morsen reported that the Clyde Civic Improvement Association requested that an al ternate program be impl emented i n the Cl yde area based on the Port Costa program. Drop-off bins would be used for glass, al umi num, and newspaper. The proceeds woul d go to the Town of Clyde for thei r use. Clyde residents woul d pay no fee for recycl ing¡ however, waste would, be removed from the waste stream. Staff would recommend that the alternate program be implemented in the Clyde area on a,three-month trial period to assess its feasibility. President Rainey opened the public hearing at the hour of 3:12 p.m. Mr. Joe Minick, the Pacheco representative on the District's Regional Recycling Advisory Committee, addressed the Board. Mr. Minick reported that he di scussed the proposed recycli ng program with several resi dents of the Pacheco mobl1 ehome parks and received no negative comments. Everyone was pl eased to hear that the program coul d be implemented for less than $1 per month per household. Mr. Minick indicated that there may be a problem in meeting the necessary volume. .'~. 0,1 2 6 {;"~' ", ,.- .' ~, .. " 7 .89 Q ,~:' 8 Ms. Janet Whipple reported that the Clyde Civic Improvement Association conducted a survey asking whether residents wished to participate in the voluntary drop-off program or in the curbside program proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. Most responses received to date indicate that residents are already recycling and would like to conti nue w lth the vol untary program. Associ ati on vol unteers woul d monitor the bins on a periodic basis. The Association believes that the benefits woul d be tw of 01 d: waste woul d be removed from the waste stream and the Clyde community would receive some money. Member Clausen stated that because of the closure of Aane Fill, a committee was formed to negotiate with Alameda County for export of Contra Costa County waste to Altamont. Alameda County has indicated that they will impose the requirement that Contra Costa County have a curbside recycli ng program i n pl ace before any waste can go to Al tamont. Al ameda County will requi re that a certai n percentage of waste be removed from the waste stream. If the Board of Directors grants an exemption from the curbsi de recycli ng program to Cl yde, a way must be developed to compute the percentage of waste that is removed from the waste stream as a result of the alternate drop-off recycling program since the percentages will be critical for any export agreement with Alameda County. Mr. Morsen stated that District staff will undertake that task. Mr. Tom Meek, of Pl easant Hill Bay Shore Di sposal, stated that the Clyde residents are aware that they must meet a target percentage. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal will keep accurate records on both the Clyde and Pacheco communities. Member Cl ausen stated that if Clyde does not meet the goal, the District will be forced to implement a curbside recycling program. Ms. Janet Whi ppl e stated that the Cl yde Civ ic Improvement Association decided that if after a certain trial period, Clyde is unable to meet the recycli ng goal s, they will go to a curbsi de program. Ms. Whi ppl e stated that Cl yde woul d ask that they be all owed to try the . al ternate drop-off program first. Member Carlson stated that some other communities have active recycl i ng programs and may al ready be remov i ng substanti al amounts from the waste stream. Those efforts should be considered ,as well in calculating the percentage of waste removed from the waste stream. Mr. Morsen stated that staff intends to look into that and has asked the collectors' assistance in getting those figures. There being no further comments, President Rainey closed the public hearing at the hour of 3:25 p.m. It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Clausen, that implementation of the proposed Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal curbside pilot program be approved for a portion of Franchise Zone 3, comprising approximately 1,400 homes in the Pacheco area and that implementation of the al ternative drop-off recycling program be approved for the Clyde community on a three-month trial basis. If. the community of ,Clyde is unable to meet the recycling program goals during the test program, the curbside program will be implemented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. Prest dent Rai ney expressed the Board's enthusi asm for the programs and thanked Mr. Morsen, Ms. Harriette Heibel, and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore for their efforts. v. CONSENT CAL ENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of five items, be approved as recommended, resol uti ons adopted as appropri ate, and recordi ngs dul y authorized. Resolution No. 89-007 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from D. E. HASTINGS, et ux, Alamo area (Job 4224 - Parcel 1) was adopted and recording authorized. " ". .. "ó 1 . ':26 ¡ f/9 1. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen, Rainey NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 2. Resolution No. 89-008 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from R. KOURY, Orinda area (Job 4543 - Parcel 7) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 3. Resolution No. 89-009 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from D. J. HORN, Orinda area (Job 4554 - Parcel 2) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on th'e following vote: AYES: NOES: Members: Carlson, 'Dalton, Boneysteele, ~ausen, Rainey Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 4. Resolution No. 89-010 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from D. J. HORN, Orinda area (Job 4554 - Parcels 3 through 6) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen, Rainey NOES: ,ABSENT: Members: None Members: None 5. Nine weeks Leave Without Pay was authorized for Joye Kurasaki, Associ ate Engi neer, effective February 20, 1989, th rough April 24, 1989. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen, Rainey 'NOES: ,ABSENT: Members: None Members: None ,CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OOT OF ORDER .) Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Chief Engi neer, requested that Item X., Solid Waste, be taken out of order to accommodate interested persons in the audience. President Rainey proceeded to Item X., Solid Waste. X. SQID WASTE 1. ,6U"THORIZE STAFF TO PROVIDE IN-KIND SERVICES TO lHE CONTRA COSTA COMMJNITY RECYCLING CENTER IN lHE PUBLICATION OF ITS QUARTERLY NEW SL ETTER Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reviewed the request from the Contra Costa Community Recycling Center for assistance in publishing 01 26 9 .~, '<. " '...,' \'.. .0, ~~ , " '~ ".'." , . ""',-.-' 8",'::9"'" "--f' 10 0) CX) ~ ~ ,P-4 ;~:I.,' ~'W' J its newsletter and the benefits that would result for the public the District serves. In reviewing the conditions under which the District coul d publi sh such a newsl etter, 1 egal counsel expressed concern that care i s exerci sed i n processi ng i terns that coul d be consi dered to be taking political positions. Mr. James L. Hazard, Counsel for the . District, has provided staff with those rules. Staff feels that editorial comments can be managed to the degree that such problems would be avoi ded. Board and staff discussion followed with regard to th'e County's efforts in the area of public education and the amount of District staff time that would be involved in the publication of the newsletter. Ms. Marilyn McKinney, President of the Contra Costa Community Recycli ng Center, addressed the Board. Ms. McKi nney stated that the Contra Costa Community Recycling Center does not take political positions. The purpose of the organization is to educate the people. It was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dal ton, that staff be authorized to provide the Contra Costa Community Recycling Center with graphic and printing services to publish i,ts quarterly newsletter, in addition to mailing out this publication, for a period of one year, after which a rev iew of the conti nuati on of these serv ices will be made. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. At this time, President Rainey returned to the order of the agenda. VI. ENGINEERING 1. CONDUCT A, BOARD WORKSHOP ON ltIE DRAFT 1989 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT R.AN' AND FEE SYSTEM ANI\. YSIS' , Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Manager, who provided an overview of the 1989 Ten-Year Capi tal Improvement Pl an and fee system anal ysi s. Mr. Kelly bri efly di scussed the brochure dealt ng with the Capi tal Improvement fee revision. Member Boneysteele suggested that the word "will" be changed to "woul d" throughout the document. Mr. Kelly thanked Member Boneysteel e for his suggestion and indicated that the change would be made. Mr. James Coe, Associate Engineer, provided a brief overview of the '1989 Capital Improvement Plan highlighting differences between this plan an'd the plan submitted last spring. The 1989 plan anticipates capital expenditures of $196.5 million over the next ten years. This is $44.5 million or 18 percent 1 ess than the 1988 pl an. Some work has been deferred and some proj ect costs were lowered because better i nformati on is now available. There are some major areas of uncertainty and costs could go up however. Those areas of uncertainty include: 0 Solids handling requirements 0 Air quality standards 0 Toxicity standards 0 Ca 1 trans proj ects 0 Population growth Mr. Coe di spl ayed a graph show i ng the net effect of the pl an on the Sewer Construction Fund balance to the year 2020. A positive balance would be maintained for the first ten years. There would be a negative balance after the first ten years. This would require debt financing or some other source of revenue. Mr. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Senior Engineer, recapped the existing fee systems and reviewed the recommendations and background 1 eadi ng to those recommendations for revision to the fee system. Staff recommends that: ' 1) The present form of the fixture and watershed fees be eliminated; 2) A District-wide "facilities capacity fee" be established; 3) Two "zones", one covering the majority of the District and a second ,one covert ng pumped areas be establi shed; and 'l, j '~i> AnneLat;:~n charges be transferred from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Runni ng Expense Fund to cover the admini strative ~n~+e n. nrn~Qeeinn ~nnQv~+;nn~, 11 Mr. Miyamoto-Mills reviewed the fee analysis, the approach used, and the resul ts of the anal ysi s. With the proposed fees, we can manage the Sewer Construction Fund so a positive balance will be maintained. Mr. Kelly stated that the dollar figures represent a four percent increase in fees each year. The need will be analyzed each year by staff and brought to the Board for a deci si on with regard to a fee i ncrease. Member Boney steel e suggested that staff consi der i ndexi ng the fees i n some way. Mr. Kent Alm, Associate Counsel for the District, stated that the index concept was reviewed early in the process. No case or statute was found that said you could not index rates but after discussing this concept with the attorney for the League of Cal1forni a Ci ti es, it was felt that it was better to set a specific figure for the future charge rather than to adopt a formul a based on an i nterest rate or i nfl ati on index. Mr. Dolan stated that staff will come back with different proposals including an indexing proposal as suggested by Member Boneysteel e. Ms. J acq ue li ne Zayac, Pl anni ng Assi stant, di scussed th e i nterf ace with the Building Industry Association and the mailing of the brochure. Mr. Kelly stated that the non-residential user fees were not discussed today. There are some substantial potential increases in some user groups. Mr. Kelly briefly reviewed the potential increases. Due to the magnitude of the potential increases, staff feels that a Capital Projects Committee meeting would be appropriate before coming to the full Board. Following discussion, a Capital Projects Committee meeting was tentatively set for 3:30 p.m. on Monday, February 6,1989. Member Cl ausen commended staff for the exceptional work that went into the fee system analysis and Capital Improvement Plan. VII. TREATMENT PlANT 1. I\. LOCATE $12,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR THE SULFUR DIOXIDE INJ ECTION IMPROVEMENT PROO ECT, , DISTRICT PROO ECT NO.1 0036 ' Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the Sulfur Di oxi de Inj ecti on Improvements proj ect i s another step i n improv i ng our abilities 'to minimize chlorine residual problems. This project will improve mixing and control. There will be additional chlorination/ dechl ori nation proj ects i n the future. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Clausen and seconded by Member Carl son, that an addi ti onal $12,000 be all ocated to compl ete the Trea"bnent Pl ant Sul fur Di oxi de Inj ecti on Improvements proj ect, Di stri ct Project No. 10036. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. VIII. APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED JANUARY 26, 1989 Member Dal ton, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Clausen reviewed the expenditures and found them to be sa ti sf actory . It was moved by Member Dal ton and seconded by Member Cl ausen, that the Expenditure List dated January 26, 1989, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100327-100331, Runni ng Expense Check Nos. 43670-44143, and Sewer Constructi on Check Nos. 6640-6724, be approved as recommended. Following discussion, the motion was unanimously approved. IX. PERSOONB. REVISE QASS DESCRIPTION FOR JUNIOR ENGINEER G-67 ($2,918/Mo.- $3 ,5321Mo.) 1. '.." .. ~ 01 2'6 89 12 , 2. ADOPT REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TITLE CHANGE FOR MAINTENH4CE OFFICE COORDINATOR III! TO MAINTENH4CE COORDINATOR IIII, (G-47 $1,820-$2,192, G-51 $1,998-$2,413), AND RECLASSIFY VIRGINIA GERBER FROM SECRETARY II, (G-49 $1,905-$2,301) TO MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR II (G-51 $1.998-$2,413) CREATE A NEW OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUPERVISOR POSITION WI"THIN "THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTt.£NT, ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION, SET lHE SALARY LEVEL AT S-71 (~3,901), AND RECLASSIFY YVONNE BRONN. ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, S-60 ($2,482-$3,000), TO "THE POSITION 3. 4. ,ALJlHORIZATION TO HIRE ONE STUDENT INTERN Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at the time of the last Personnel Budget, staff had a couple items which were not far enough along to make a firm proposal to the Board. Therefore, these issues were referenced in the Personnel Budget as items which were expected to return to the Board later in the fiscal year. Those two items have now received the necessary attention and staff is bringing them to the Board for action. The first is the Junior Engineer issue. The class description has been broadened providing for rotation of Junior Engi neers from department to department. The Personnel Committee has reviewed the proposed revision and concurs. Member Boneysteele wholeheartedly supports recommendations. stated Item I that the Personnel Committee and endorses the other th ree It was moved by Member Boney steel e and seconded by Member Dal ton, that the following actions be taken: 1) That the class description for Junior Engineer, G67 ($2,918/mo.- $3,5321mo.) be revised to allow more flexibility in rotation assi gnments, that the rev i sed J uni or Engi neer cl ass descri pti on be maintained, and that the current salary range be maintained as the entry-level engineering position in the District; 2) That the title of Leslie Chapman, Maintenance Office Coordinator II be changed to Maintenance Coordinator II (G-51 $1,998-$2,413), that the revised class description of Maintenance Coordinator IIII (G-49 $1,905-$2,301, G-51 $1,998-$2,413) be adopted, and that Vi rgi ni a Gerber be recl assified fran Secretary II, (G-49 $1,905-$2,301) to Maintenance Coordinator II, (G-51 $1,998-$2,413), effective January 21, 1989; 3) That a new Operations Support Superv i sor post ti on be created within the Collection System Operations Department, that the class description be adopted, that the salary level be set at Range S-71 ($3,223-$3,901), that Resolution No. 89-011 be adopted all ocati ng the Operati ons Support Supervisor to the Management Support/Confidential Group, and that Yvonne Brown, Administrative Secretary, S-60 ($2,482-$3,000) be recl assified to the post ti on effective January 21, 1989; and 4) That the Admini strative Department/Personnel ,Section be authorized to hire one student intern at a salary of $10 per hour for the period January 30, 1989 to June 30, 1989. In response to a question from Member Cl ausen, the necessity of refilling the Secretary II position was discussed. Following the discussion, President Rainey called for the vote on the above motion. There bei ng no obj ecti on, the motion was unanimousl y approved. 1. X. SOL ID WASTE P4J1HORIZE STAFF TO PROVIDE IN-KIND SERVICES TO "THE CONTRA COSTA COMM.JNITY RECYCL ING CENTER IN THE PUBLICATION OF ITS QUARTERL Y NEW SL ETTER This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. . .. ,ï. \.) :""-~: f'¡' ~~',.', ? {} , .' 01 26 89 13 XI. OORRESPONDENCE 1. REQUEST FROM MAYOR BOBBIE LANDERS, OF THE CITY OF ORINDA, FOR APPOINTMENT OF A LIAISON TO PARTICIPATE IN lHE REVIEW, PHASE OF THE SPECIFIC PLAN BEING CONIlJCTED BY THE GATEWAY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief ,Engineer, suggested that, if the Board wished, staff could serve as liaison in the public review phase of the Specific PJan being conducted by the Gateway Advisory Committee on an intermittent basis. If Board level policy issues come up, they would be brought back to the Board. Following discussion, it was determined that Presi dent Rai ney woul d contact Mayor Landers to convey the Di strict's willingness to assist in the public review process, that a member of the Planning Division staff would act as liaison, and that staff would draft a response to the Ci ty of Ori nda. XII. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION Mr. Dol an, General Manager-Chief Engi neer, stated that yesterday afternoon, January 25,1989, staff became aware of a problem at 3970 Los Arabis, Lafayette. Mr. Dolan displayed a map showing the District easement and the locations of structures on the property which had been built over the District's pipe. He explained that the homeowner hired a contractor who used a high-pressure grouti ng system to try to stabilize the area. This crushed the District's 8" vitrified clay pipe causing an overflow into the creek. We do not know when this occurred. A pump has been i nstall ed as a temporary measure. There appears to be no easy alternative fix. Staff is considering a non-dig approach such as tunneling. An emergency situation exists. For that reason, Mr. Dolan requested Board authority for exception to the District standard bidding procedure to all ow work to proceed with d, contractor to repl ace the crushed pi pe or to do some other work as necessary on a force account basis to alleviate this problem. Following a brief discussion, it was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton, that in accordance with Public Contract Code , Section 20806, the Board of Di rectors finds that the ci rcumstances are sufficient for the Board to make the legislative finding that in order to avoi d public cal amity and to protect the public heal th and safety, exception to the Di stri ct standard bi ddi ng procedure i s authorized for repl acement of the crushed pi pe at 3970 Los Arabi s, Lafayette. There bet ng no obj ecti on, the motion was unanimousl y approved. Mr. Hazard, Counsel for the District, stated that he would evaluate the issue of legal liability with regard to the crushed pipe. XIII. REPORTS 1. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that th,e question of the feasibility of devolution of the garbage franchises to the cities was placed on the agenda at the request of Member Boneysteele. Member Boneysteele stated that it seems the District is impinging on the sovereignty of those in local communities who have organized themsel ves into ci ti es. Perhaps the time has come to re-exami ne the District's role in this area. Mr. Dolan reviewed the provisions and term of the franchise agreements. The relationship between the District, the cities, and the franchisees involves political, legal, and procedural factors. Mr. Dolan discussed political issues relating to the formation of a JPA, regional activities such as recycling and transfer, the impending rate increase which may be the largest in the District's history, and the cities' desi re to assume the franchising responsibility. W,ith regard to procedural issues, the need to establish a long-term goal for the franchise management process was discussed. If long term shared responsibility is the desired process, establishment, collection, and use 01 !, ". : ,~ 26 '; t ' 69 14 of the franchise fee; communication linkages; and related issues must be consi dered. It may be appropri ate to have two Members of the Board of Directors meet with representatives of the cities to discuss these questions. There are legal constraints which dictate the District's and ci ti es' actions under State 1 aw. In addi ti on, there are contractural procedures and rights under the franchise agreement. Member Carlson stated that most cities would welcome the garbage collection franchise as a revenue source but they lack the experience to regulate rates. Member Carlson stated his belief that the cities and the ratepayers have benefited from the District's expertise in rate setting over the years. President Rainey concurred with Member Carlson stating that,the rate-setti ng analyst s i s extremely complicated. The ci ti es are abl e to review the District's analysis but it could be difficult for them to perform the analysis. President Rainey indicated that she ~ould support the concept of a solid waste JPA. The District should work with the cities in forming a JPA. On January 30, 1989, a meeting will be held to discuss the formation of a JPA. Discussion followed concerning franchising and rate setting in the cities' spheres of influence and the unincorporated areas of the County. At the concl usi on of the di scussi on, Prest dent Rai ney stated the Board consensus for support of a solid waste JPA and the continued role of the District in solid waste franchising until the formation of such a JPA. President Rainey indicated that she would provide a status report of the efforts of the Mayors' Conference,JPA Committee at the February 2, 1989 Board meeting. b. Mr. Dol an reported that meeti ngs have been hel d with representati ves of the Ci ty of Ri chmond and Ri chmond Sani tary Di stri ct si nce the 1 ast Board meeti ng. Progress seems to be taki ng pl ace; however, we are not in a position to set a hearing for February 2,1989, to provide for rate increases. Staff will keep the Board apprised. c. Mr. Dolan reported that the Acme transfer station is expected to go into operation next week. Aane owns some equipment but they wlllbe renti ng and buyi ng addi ti ònal equi pment for transport of the waste. Rates going up to $54/ton have been announced. Indications are that much of that cost is for closure of Acme Fill. Important policy questions exi st. None of th e ga rbage got ng to th e transfer sta ti on w ill go i nto Acme Fill. Many waste producers who put garbage in Acme Fill will not be usi ng the transfer station. It was the consensus of the Board that a 1 etter shoul d be sent to the County requesti ng an i temizati on, of the disposal fees at the transfer station. d. Mr. Dolan announced that the District's Wastewater Collection System Master Pl an prepared j oi ntly with Camp, Dresser & McKee has been nominated as a candidate for the ,American Academy of Environmental Engineers Award for Excellence. 2. COUNSEL FOR "THE DISTRICT None 3. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Ms. Joyce McMill an, Secretary of the Di stri ct, di stri buted the Training/Conference Summary for the period October-December 1988. 4. BOARD MEMBERS a. President Rainey reported that the County is rewriting the County Solid Waste Management Pl an. The al ternative transfer station site proposed by Central San was ommitted from the previous draft of the Plan. If the District stl1l wishes to reserve the site, it would be appropriate to again request the County to include the proposed site in the County Solid Waste Management Plan. Following discussion, it was determined that staff woul d draft a 1 etter to the County request1.ng that the Central San alternate transfer station site be included in the County Solid Waste Management Plan. öi ; ", 4b" 09 26 15 b. Member Boneysteele reported that there will be a meeting of the' Regional Recycl ing Advisory Committee at 10 a.m. on February 8, 1989. There will be a lengthy agenda including a presentation by Supervisor Torl akson. c. Member Cl ausen reported th at Sol ano County is ci rcul ati ng a request among its ci ti es for approval to take 95/tons of waste per year . to the Potrero Hills Landfill. Negotiations continue with Alameda County. It appears that we may reach an agreement with them in the near future. Member Clausen briefly highlighted some of the potential conditions and terms of the agreement. Member Dalton left the meeting at the hour of 6:00 p.m. c. Member Boney steel e reported that the County Pl anni ng Congress met on January 5, 1989. It appeared that all the work done by the Pl anni ng Congress had been al tered by County staff. When asked by Pl anni ng Congress members, the Pl anni ng Di rector i ndi cated that County staff would do the same thing again if the, Planning Congress put the original language back in the document. After much discussion, the draft General Pl an was passed on to the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on and the Board of Supervisors as drafted by County staff. Individual Planning Congress members can submit comments. The Planning Congress forwarded the draft General Plan to the Planning Commission with no recommendation. Member Boneysteele commended Ms. Jacqueline Zayac for the marvellous job she di din representi ng the Di stri ct at the Pl anni ng Congress. President Rainey joined Member Boneysteele in his commendation of Ms. Zayac and thanked Member Boneysteele for his representation as well. c. Member Carlson reported on the January 1989 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Annual Work Conference. Member Carlson stated that the session was very informative including such topics as proper investment of public agency money, selection of a professional serv ices consul tant, and the State impact of Bay/Del ta recommendations. Member Boney steel e prov i ded a status report of the Legislative Committee and Bylaws issue. Following discussion, it was determined that Messrs. James Hazard and Kent Alm would work with attorneys from other districts to provide assistance to the Legislative Committee in an effort to better utilize CASA as a vehicle for 1 egi sl ative change. XIV. ANNaJ NCEMENTS An invitation was received to Danvl1le's 7th Annual Community Serv ice Awards and Town Council Install ati on Program to be hel d at 7:30 p.m. on January 30, 1989. President Rainey announced that correspondence was received from the accounti ng firm of Pfanner & Tate expressi ng i nterest i n performi ng the District's annual audit. This item was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. XV. QOSED SESSION, None XVI. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN QOSED SESSION None : ',O} :" ¡2'6~' 8.:'9 16 XVII. AOO OJRNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 6:29 p.m. resiöent of the Boa d of rectors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COU NTERS IG NED: r ary of the C ntral Contra ta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California ,.. -.~I)'l .,°'6 $"." 8';,"9 1...:\1, ,~ "If;¡ ~, "~'