HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-05-89 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAA BOAAD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOAAD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SJlNITAAY DISTRICT HELD ON J ANUAAY 5, 1989 The Di stri ct Board of the Central Contra Costa Sani tary Di stri ct convened i n a regul ar meeti ng at its regul ar pl'ace of meeti ng, 5019 Imhoff Pl ace, Marti nez, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal1forni a, at 3:00 p.m. on January 5, 1989. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. I. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ,ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, Carlson, Rainey Members: None II. PUBL IC COMt.£NTS None III. APPROV I\. OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15,1988 It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Carlson, that the minutes of December 15,1988, be approved as presented. There being no obj ecti on, the moti on was unanimousl y approved. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Carlson and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of eight items, be approved as recommended, resol uti ons adopted as appropri ate, and recordi ngs dul y authorized. . 1. Resolution No. 89-001 accepting an easement at no cost to the District from S. J. FURTAOO,et ux, Pleasant Hill area (Job 4589 - Parcel 1) was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: . Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 2. Resol utfon No. 89-002 accepti ng an easement at no cost to the Di stri ct from LAFFERTY DEVELOPMENTS, INC., Wal nut Creek area (Job 4129 - Parcel 1A (R-1» was adopted and recording authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 3. Resolution No. 89-003 accepting an easement at.no cost to the Di stri ct from UDC - UNIVERSI\. DEVELOPMENT L. P., Wal nut Creek area (J ob 4593 Parcel 1) was adopted and recordi ng authorized. . Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney NOES: Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None .01'...'.,05 f 89 2 1. 4. Quitclaim Deed was approved to Lafferty Developments, Inc., Job 4129, the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the Di stri ct were authorized to execute and record said Quitclaim Deed, and Resolution No. 89-004 was adopted to that effect. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Boneysteele, Clausen, Rainey NOES: ,ABSENT: Members: None Members: None 5. Quitclaim Deed of the District interest in Ocho Ml1pas Lane (abandoned) was approved to The Park Place Group and Park Plac~ Executive Center, Job 3454, the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District were authorized to execute and record said Quitclaim Deed, and Resolution No. 89-005 was adopted to that effect. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 6. The Board was adv i sed of the close out of the Concord Revenue Meters Project <District Project 20013). This item was presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action was taken. 7. Resol uti on No. 89-006 was adopted, establi shi ng the Sewer Construction Fund appropriations limit in the amount of $9,852,989 for the 1988-1989 fi scal year, i n accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution (Proposition 4). Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: NOES: Members: Carl son, Dal ton, Boney steel e, Cl ausen, Rai ney Members: None ,ABSENT: Members: None 8. Noti ce of the 1989 Executive Board for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association was received. This item was presented for the information of the Board of Di rectors. No action was taken. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OOT OF ORDER None v. COLLECTION SYSTEM P4J"THORIZE EXCEPTION TO "THE STJlNDARD BIDDING PROCEWRE FOR, "THE REPlACEf.£NT OF AN UNDERGROUND DIESEL STORPGE TANK AT COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTt.£NT . Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the position paper is self-explanatory. Staff would recommend that we move expeditiously to prevent any further ground water contamination. Staff is investigating the extent of contamination. Additional funds may be required to cover the cost of site cleanup and disposal of contaminated material. Member Carlson advised staff to minimize excavation to the point of the contaminated soils since disposal is the major cost item. If there Oì.;"..Ò'5 ":89 3 is an on-site area available to treat the contaminated soils, disposal is much easier and less costly. Mr. Dolan thanked Member Carlson for his suggesti ons. It was moved by Member Clausen and seconded by Member Carlson, that i 1'\ accordance with Publ ic Contract Code Section 20806, the Board of Di rectors fi nds that the ci rcumstances are suffici ent for the Board to make the legislative finding that in order to avoid public calamity, exception to the District standard bidding procedure is authorized for the replacement of the underground diesel storage tank at the Collection System Operations Department. There bei ng no obj ecti on, the moti on was unanimously approved. VI. APPROV I\. OF EXPENDITURES 1. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED J JlNUARY 5, 1989 Member Dal ton, member of the Budget and Fi nance Committee, stated that he and Member Clausen reviewed the expenditures and found them to be sa ti sf actory . It was moved by Member Dal ton and seconded by Member Cl ausen, that the Expenditure List dated January 5, 1989, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100321-100326, Runni ng Expense Check Nos. 43460-43669, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 6599-6639, and Payroll Check Nos. 15244-15513, be approved as recommended. .. In response to questions from Member Boneysteele, appropriate charges to be bill ed aga i nst the Sel f- Insurance Fund, sewer serv i ce charge payment to the Ci ty of Concord, and payment to the Al ameda Newspaper Group for notice of public hearing were discussed. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that policies and criteria for billing to the Self-Insurance Fund are available and will be submitted to Member Boneysteele for his review. In addition, staff will be happy to discuss the matter with Member Boneysteele. There bet ng no further di scussi on, Prest dent Rai ney call ed for a vote on the above motion to approve the January 5, 1989 Expenditure List. There bei ng no obj ecti on, the moti on was unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE LETTER FROM DELTA DI,ABLO SJlNITATION DISTRICT OONCERNING DEVELOPMENT OF A PUBLIC LANDFILL 1. The Board acknowledged recei pt of the 1 etter dated December 15, 1988, from Delta Diablo Sanitation District concerning development of a public landfill and directed staff to draft a response indicating that a solid waste JPA or M:>U would be the appropriate vehicle for development of a future public landfill. LETTER FROM fvR. KEN D. LImE, ATTORNEY FOR ORINDA-M)RPGA DISPOSI\. SERV ICE, CONCERNING PROPOSED RlOif()ND IMPORT .FEES 2. Mr. Ken D. Little, attorney representing Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, addressed the Board indicating that there is an outstanding cost accrui ng against Ori nda-Moraga Di sposa 1 Serv i ceo ,The Ci ty of Ri chmond has said that they intend to place Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service on COD. This would cause a considerable cash drain. Mr. Little stated that his current understanding is that the City of Richmond will consider deferri ng coll ecti on of the $10.56 surcharge for the month of January 1989 prov i ded that the Central Contra Costa Sani tary Di stri ct Board of Directors will show some interest in meeting and negotiating. Mr. Little requested that the Board of Directors do one or more of the following: 1) 2) Appoint a Board subcommittee to meet with the City of Richmond. Adopt a resolution directing staff to meet with the City of Ri chmond. 3) Send a staff or Board member to the Richmond City Councl1 meeting on January 9,1989, when this matter will be considered. ..>" . 89 : .,' ';,"0 1 .. '~:fO5i .. 4 President Rainey stated that a Board committee, including Board Members Clausen and Rainey and District staff members, has been appointed and has met with representatives of the Ci ty of Richmond. Prest dent Rainey stated further that the City of Richmond has indicated that they will consi der deferri ng the fee until February 3, 1989. The Board subcommittee will meet with the City of Richmond representatives again prior to February 3,1989. In the di scussi on that foll owed, Member Carl son requested that Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service provide information as to the costs for di sposal at the Aane transfer stati on and haul i ng and di sposal at the Antioch landfill as a comparison to the Richmond costs. Presi dent Rai ney requested that an update of the proposed Ri chmond surcharge be calendared for the January 26, 1989 Board meeting. Following further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff be given the authori ty to noti ce a public heari ng to consi der Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service rates on February 2,1989, if necessary. VIII. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None IX. REPORTS 1. GENERI\. MANPGER-Q-UEF ENGINEER a. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Ms. J acq ueli ne Zayac, Pl anni ng Assi stant, who presented an update on the County Pl anni ng Congress activ iti es. Ms. Zayac i ndi cated that Board Member Boneysteele represents all the sanitation agencies in Contra Costa County on the 6o-member Pl anni ng Congress formed i n J ul y 1986. The Pl anni ng Congress met to develop General pl an polici es. County' staff compl1 ed the pol ici es into a draft General Pl an. In December 1988 the Pl anni ng Congress reconvened to b~gi n review of the 400-page draft General Plan. Ms. Zayac reported that it is anticipated that the County will prepare the EIR document by March 1989. The draft General Plan and EIR will be forwarded to the County Pl anni ng Commi ssi on. The Pl anni ng Commission will hold public hearings which could result in some changes. The draft General Plan, with any revisions made at the Planning Commission, will then go to the County Board of Supervisors for more public hearings. The Board of Supervisors will adopt the draft General Plan or return it to the Planning Congress for further revision. Ms. Zayac introduced Mr. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Manager, who reported that Di stri ct staff has rev i ewed the draft General Pl an com pi 1 ed by County staff. In compili ng the document County staff made some changes. Mr. Kelly reviewed those changes with the Board and presented the District staff r~commendation with regard to each change. In each case, the Board concurred with the ori gi na 1 wordi ng proposed by the Planning Congress or with the modification proposed by District staff. Mr. Kelly thanked the Board for their input and indicated that the recommendations would be presented to the Planning Congress. Member Boneysteele commended Ms. Planning Congress. Zayac for her work with the b. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that in recent weeks he and Board Prest dent Rai ney have had a seri es of meeti ngs with local elected officials. In discussions with both Assemblyman Baker and Senator Boatwright, interest was expressed in a co-composting project for Contra Costa. This could be provided by a bill which is currently maki ng i ts way th rough the State Legi sl ature. The devel operl promoter. pl ans to bull d sound wall s on the freeways with composted materi ale Because of the real interest on the part of Assemblyman Baker and Senator Boatwright, Mr. Dolan suggested that the District invest engineering labor hours to work with the developer's technical people and the State Legi sl ative staff to do a seri ous eval uati on of the proposed co-composti ng pil ot proj ect. The Board voi ced no obj ecti on. , '~ 1 1\ 5 8 9 ; . C':- :':~', .: ":Y'i ,'. 5 c. Mr. Dolan stated that the gross profit calculation for the garbage franchisees has been calendared at the request of Member' Carlson for Board discussion and guidance. ' Member Carlson suggested that the Board consider setting a range of reasonable profit to provide direction to staff and a framework for use by the Board in setting the garbage rates. Mr. Ken Little, attorney for Pleasant Hl1l Bay Shore Disposal, distributed and discussed a proposed use of cash summary encouraging the Board to make some sort of change to the rate-setting procedure to allow for the increased costs associ ated with recycli ng and automati on. President Rainey thanked Mr. Little for his comments and returned the matter to the Board for discussion. In the brief discussion that foll owed, no support was expressed for modification to the current rate-setting process and calculations prepared by District staff. d. Mr. Dol an reported that Mr. Robert A. Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer, is Vice Chair of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) Committee on Sludge Disposal. The Committee is responsi bl e for rev i ew i ng the new sl udge regul ati ons on i nci nerati on. Mr. Dolan highlighted the apparent effect of the new sludge regulations contrasti ng the EPA draft regul ati ons and the State regul ati ons show i ng the District's present incineration system and common options in use el sew here. Even though our i nci nerati on process will requi re some improvements, it continues to be a viable option. ' e. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Robert A. Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer, who provided an overview of the draft Capital Improvement,Plan and the proposed capital fee proposal in preparation for a workshop to be held at the January 26, 1989 Board meeting. Staff has met on two occasions with the Capital Projects Committee to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan and capital fee proposal and has received the Committee's approval to present them to the full Board., Mr. Baker reviewed the schedul e and process proposed for adoption of the Capital Improvement Plan and implementation of the proposed capital fees. Mr. Baker highlighted some of the major projects included in the Capital Improvement Plan. At the request of the Capital Projects Committee, Mr. Baker advised the Board of the areas of future uncertainty including: 0 solids handling requirements 0 air quality standards 0 toxicity standards 0 Ca 1 trans proj ects 0 population growth Mr. Baker i ntroduced Mr. Jarred Miyamoto-Mill s who reviewed the proposed capital fee system which will be discussed in detail at the Board workshop on January 26, 1989. f. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that Mr. Al Hornsby and hi s crew received a Chri stmas card from the Sabatte family commending them for the work they did recently on the Sabatte property. g. Mr. Dolan announced that Dalton Construction Company has completed the construction in the easement from the Elks Club. Dalton is bri ngi ng i n another subcontractor to do addi ti onal bori ng and j acki ng work to get back on schedule. Because of the circumstances and urgency, staff was adv i sed that Board approval was not requi red. Staff has authorized Dalton to proceed. The Board voiced no objection. 2. COUNSEL FOR "THE DISTRICT None 3. SECRETAAY OF THE DISTRICT None '{:'(j):¡ ';':0'5 i89 6 4. BOAAD MEMBERS a. President Rainey reported that the County Solid Waste Commission met and i s drafti ng recommendations to the Board of Superv i sors on the County Solid Waste Management Plan. Member Cl ausen reported that the Soli d Waste Export M)U Committee met with a subcommittee of the Alameda County Solid Waste Commission. Four more meetings have been scheduled during the next two months. X. ANNOONCE~NTS President Rainey announced that former Supervisor Tom Coll passed away this week. Services will be held on January 9,1989 at Queen of All Saints Catholic Church in Concord. Member Carl son announced that the Capi tal proj ects Committee di d meet with staff to review the proposed Capital Improvement Plan and capital fees as reported. Member Carlson stated that both he and Member Cl ausen feel that staff di d an excel 1 ent job i n putti ng together the Capi tal Improvement Pl an and the support and backup for the new fee structure. XI. QOSED SESSION None XII. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN QOSED SESSION None XIII. AOO OURN~NT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Rai ney adj ourned the meeti ng at the hour of 5 :47 p.m. to reconvene i n an Adjourned Regular Session at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, 1989. OOU NTERS IG NED: / I) ì "".. \ ,,' ~~~~~ ~~/ ~e! ¿;~~~i(.~~ra Costa Sani tary Di stri ct, County of Contra Costa, State of California i' Q ,1 '; Q 5 ~~9