HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-26-91 188 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1991 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at the Velvet Turtle, 100 .Ghilpancingo Parkway, Pleasant Hill, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 6:35 pôm. on September 26, 1991, for a joint meeting of Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. Attendance of the following Board Members was noted: PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Starita ABSENT: Members: Clausen, Rainey Members Clausen and Rainey has previously advised staff that they would be unable to attend this meeting and had requested that they be excused. 1. INTRODUCTIONS Vice-Chairperson Wallis welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. The representatives of each agency and members of the public attending the meeting introduced themselves. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There being no correction or additions, the minutes of July 25, 1991, were approved as mailed. 3. INDUSTRIAL RECYCLING EFFORTS IN RESPONSE TO DROUGHT Mr. Dave Requa, of Contra Costa Water District (CCWD), gave a presentation of the Industrial Recycling Efforts in Response to the Drought. Contra Costa Water District is working together with Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and with Delta Diablo Sanitation District on water reclamation projects. CCWD is working with the industries to promote the use of reclaimed water. An agreement was signed in April, 1991 and by July, 1991 over 40 million gallons/mo. of reclaimed water was being delivered. Shell and Tosco are now using reclaimed water. At first they were concerned about using the reclaimed water, but now that they have been using it, they do not see any difference. Reclaiming water is costing, the industries a fair amount of money ($1,000/day - $525/acre foot) and it would be more cost-effective if reclamation were a more permanent operation. When there is a drought, there is the incentive to do this; when there is no drought, there is no longer an incentive. Mr. Requa stated that he would like to report back to this group in six to eight months to discuss the projects that are now being worked on. CCWD, Delta Diablo, or Central Contra Costa Sanitary District could do this presentation. 4. REGIONAL RECLAMATION PLAN Ms. Judy Parker, of East Bay Municipal Utility District, gave a presentation on the Regional Reclamation Plan. She stated there was a Regional Reclamation Plan completed I after the 1976-1971 drought which looked at ways to free up fresh water. This was updated in April 1991. The study looks at a Southern San Joaquin Irrigation alternative; pumping reclaimed water from all treatment plants in the Bay Area to the Southern San Joaquin Valley, thus freeing up fresh water in the Delta. Issues of concern in this area include the impact of total dissolved solids, agricultural drainage, and toxicity in storage reservoirs. The study also addresses a Delta Salinity Control Project which would take effluent from all sanitary distri,cts in the Bay Area and use it for flushing the Delta in the summer. Concerns around this issue include: 1) the fact that it would require the use of the Peripheral Canal which would mean the combining of fresh and reclaimed water 2) the actual yield has not yet been determined and it would likely require a modeling study 3) the impact of concentrated dischargers, and 4) the dilution factor allowable. 09 26 91 189 The costs are within the range of the Auburn Dam and desalinization. Support and funding for a regional water reuse study is being solicited. The study would be in four phases and would require a minimum of ten years. The project to be undertaken and the source of funding would need to be developed. Environmental documentation is also. necessary. Design and construction would be the final phase. Ms. Parker stated that if anyone would like a copy of the report, they can request it from the City and County of S~n Francisco. 5a. HEARING UPDATES REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD Mr. Chuck Batts, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, reported that the 1989 Regional Water Quality Control Board hearing process was held up due to Development of the State Inland Surface Water and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries Plan. Today was the second of several Regional Water Quality Control Board workshops. This workshop dealt with the Basin Plan effluent limitations and toxicity issues. The major discharger issue is that of dilution. The regulatory board is tightening up the point source discharge limits. Many dischargers will have problems meeting the standards for mercury, copper, lead, and nickel. The Regional Board is asking for limits which are, in some cases, below the methods of detection that are now being used in Central San's laboratory. These new limits will be incorporated in the new permits in December 1992. The permits could be constantly in a state of flux if the Regional Board adds new limits at various times. The State Plan was quite generous with their implementation schedule, giving up to five years to come up with a solution and five years to implement, while the Regional Board is looking for immediate compliance. The chemical specific limits could be incorporated into permits as instruments to detect them become available, and dischargers may be required to use the best available laboratory detection equipment. The Regional Board is planning to adopt this plan in November 1991. There will be a hearing on the Basin Plan provisions before the Regional Water Quality Control Board on October 16, 1991. Any written comments should be placed with the Regional Board before the hearing. 5b. HEARING UPDATES BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Mr. Robert Baker, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, reported on the hearing updates for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BADA). The air regulations are changing very rapidly. The Bay Area is not meeting the standards of the California Clean Air Act of 1988. Air quality is getting better, but not fast enough. The Bay Area Clean Air Plan is scheduled for adoption on October 30, 1991. When adopted, the Clean Air Plan will require that regulations be prepared requiring NOx controls on existing stationary gas turbines, existing boilers, steam generators, process heaters, and on existing internal combustion engines larger than 50 Bhp. The Air Toxics New Source Review Rule is scheduled for adoption during September 1991. This rule would require that all new or modified sources, which have a total post- project Health Risk Assessment greater than 1 in 1,000,000 implement All Available Risk Reduction Techniques (AARRT). AARRT is defined as Best Available Control Technology for air toxics or TBACT, pollution prevention, source control, reasonable dispersion improvements, and consideration of alternative locations within the facility. 6. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM PRESENTATION OF MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL PLAN Mr. Paul Morsen, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, presented the Multi- Jurisdictional Household Hazardous Waste Plan stating that disposal of household hazardous waste (HHW) is a solid waste concern, a concern for wastewater treatment plants, and a concern for urban runoff control. The objectives of the plan are to reduce or eliminate improper disposal, to address the issue of source control at affected facilities, to provide residents and small waste generators with convenient access for proper disposal, to undertake programs for safe management (collect, recycle, store properly), to transport to disposal facility, and to educate the public to promote the safe disposal of HHW and safer alternatives. The scope of effort would include both recyclable and nonrecyclable wastes. The facility design that has been selected is the mobile collection with the stationary HUB storage located at the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's 09 26 . . 91, 190 Treatment Plant. This could service the entire county. It would be a permanent facility collecting a full range of HHW. Residents, as well as small quantity generators, would be serviced. Ongoing periodic mobile collection would be provided as well as a county- wide public education effort. The advantages of the selected facility design include good accessibility to maximize participation and flexibility to accommodate the stationary HUB with the ability for relocation or expansion of service area with minimal impact. Disposal costs would be minimized and traffic impact mitigated. It meets the regulatory requirements, is consistent with local priorities, and is a permanent solution (ongoing program). This program would require active involvement of participating communities in the operating mobile facility's collection days. It would take approximately 11 to 18 months to have this facility up and running. Potential funding sources were presented including small quantity commercial generator fees, solid waste rates, sanitary sewer rates, Storm Sewer Authority funding, AB 2448 Integrated Solid Waste Management program grants, landfill or transfer station tipping fees, and cost sharing with other districts. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Mark Braly, of West County Agency, distributed two handouts, one entitled "Two- Stage Process Combines Anaerobic and Aerobic Methods" and "Management of Wastewater Sludge Using a High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion/Aerobic Composting : Process." Mr. Roger Dolan, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, announced that Central San Director Mr. Nels Carlson has retired, and he introduced the new Director, Mr. Joseph Starita. 8. DEVELOP AGENDA FOR OCTOBER 24, 1991 MEETING Oakley-Bethel Island Wastewater Management Authority will be giving a presentation at the next meeting entitled "There Is An East County... And We Are Growing." 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Vice-Chair Wallis adjourned the meeting at the hour of 8:27 p.m. Dinner was served immediately following. the business meeting. <~~~ ..Presid~ht of the Board of Directors, ( C~tral Contra Costa Sanitary District, ---C-ounty of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: S e ry of the Central Co ra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 09 26 91