HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 07-19-91
HELD ON JULY 19, 1991
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an Adjourned
Regular Meeting at the Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill,
County of Contra Costa, State of California, at noon on ,July 19, 1991, for a Solid Waste
Workshop. '
In the absence of President Clausen, Member Rainey, Chair of the Board Solid Waste
Committee, called the meeting to order. The Secretary of the District noted the
attendance of the following Board Members.
Dalton, Carlson, Rainey
Boneysteele, Clausen
President Clausen had advised staff that he would be unable to attend this meeting and
had requested that he be excused. Member Boneysteele had advised staff that he was
unavoidably detained and would be late for the meeting. Member Boneysteele entered
the meeting at the hour of 1: 1 0 p.m. .
It was noted for the record, that representatives of the towns of Danville and Moraga, the
cities of Lafayette~ Orinda and Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, Alamo Improvement
Association, Pacheco Town Council, Clyde Civic Improvement Association, Valley Waste
Management, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, the
Contra Costa Times, the Martinez Record, and the public were present.
Member Rainey thanked everyone for coming and indicated that the purpose of the solid
waste workshop is to discuss the continued role of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
in solid waste planning and management.
Member Rainey introduced Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General'Manager-Chief Engineer, who
presented recent history of solid waste activities. Recently laws and regulations have
changed with regard to solid waste. With the passage of AB939 in 1990, the framework
for solid waste planning in California was revised, providing a planning role for cities and
counties but not for sanitary districts. Mr. Dolan reviewed Central San's role in solid
waste franchising and the status of current programs including recycling and household
hazardous waste. Mr. Dolan described the franchise areas currently served by Central
San including the cities of Danville, Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda and the unincorporated
areas of Alamo, Blackhawk, Clyde, Diablo, and Pacheco. These franchises will expire in
1996 if they are not renewed for an additional five years pursuant to the terms of the
agreements. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU's) have been developed between the
District and the cities of Danville, Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda to bring together AB939
planning and responsibility. Central San was willing to make the same arrangement for
its unincorporated areas with the County; however, the County elected to develop an
independent AB939 plan and has rebuffed Central San's efforts to have input in the
planning process.
Mr. Dolan reported that over the past year, Central San, Walnut Creek and San Ramon,
through a Joint Powers Agreement, have been working on the development of a publicly
owned transfer station to serve our franchise areas. Commitment of the waste stream
to this publicly owned facility is a key factor.
Member Rainey stated that she has been a Member of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary
District Board of Directors for about five years. Her interest in joining the Board was
related to the District's primary purpose of planning for and treating sewage for the
people in Central Contra Costa County. Member Rainey stated that she had an additional
interest in solid waste. The District offers economies of scale in planning and managing
solid waste activities. Being a special district, or single purpose agency, the District has
committed time and staff with expertise in this area to help solve this difficult solid waste
problem. If the cities wish to take over solid waste franchising or if the County and the
District are unable to agree on the terms of an MOU, it would fragmentize the franchise
areas currently served by the District and inefficiencies could be created. This workshop
was scheduled to receive input from the affected parties, in order that the District can
provide the best service for its ratepayers.
Ms. Avon Wilson, Lafayette City Councilmember, stated that she was authorized by the
Lafayette City Council to express the following view. The City of Lafayette does not wish
to assume the franchise for the City. The City did at one time consider and weigh all of
the issues and decided that the City simply did not have the resources to assume the
franchise. In addition, there was a general satisfaction with the way Central San was
handling the franchise. The City does have a citizen committee that is looking primarily
at rate regulation issues. Councilmember Wilson stated that the City of Lafayette is very
satisfied to have franchising continue by Central San. Central San has instituted and
pushed important changes in solid waste in the interest of the ratepayers. The changes
that have been made by the County in recent years have been at the urging and lobbying
of Central San. If that function is to continue, it will have to be done by a consortium,
but the function is absolutely critical. Central San's role of leadership in solid waste has
been phenomenal and the District's role as watchdog is essential. The City of Lafayette
believes it must continue. .
Ms. Susanna Schlendorf, Danville Town Councilmember, stated that the quality of service
received from Central San has been very good. The Town of Danville is considering
becoming more involved and assuming franchising responsibility in 1996 when the current
franchise expires. This is primarily because of the active involvement of a staff liaison.
Councilmember Schlendorf stated that the Town of Danville feels very strongly about
customer satisfaction. There will be a decision of the Town Council in 1996 with regard
to franchising.
Mr. Aldo Guidotti, Orinda City Councilmember, stated that he could not speak on behalf
of the full City Council since some Councilmembers are out of town. Councilmember
Guidotti stated that there is a great deal to be done in the area of solid waste.
Councilmember Guidotti stated that in his opinion, the least amount of bureaucracy that
gets the job done is the best.
Ms. Sue Noe, Vice Mayor of the Town of Moraga, stated that she is present representing
Councilmember Sweeny who is on vacation. Vice Mayor Noe stated that this matter has
not yet been before the Town Council; but in general, the Town of Moraga is satisfied
with Central San's role and the job that has been done.
Mr. Donald Blubaugh, Walnut Creek City Manager, stated that no Walnut Creek Council-
member could be present at this meeting; however, Mr. Blubaugh was authorized to
speak on behalf of the Council. Mr. Blubaugh stated that when he first received the
notice of this meeting and thought Central San may go out of the solid waste business,
he reflected on the status of solid waste in Contra Costa County. Mr. Blubaugh stated
that each accomplishment in the solid waste area in the last five years has been a
struggle. All of the cities and unincorporated areas are better off today because of the
efforts made by the Central San Board and staff. Mr. Blubaugh stated that the City of
Walnut Creek would defer judgment to the cities for whom Central San franchises. If it
is their wish that Central San continue to franchise, the City of Walnut Creek wishes to
work with the District. Central San staff has been the mainstay of the Central Contra
Costa Solid Waste Authority. :The City of Walnut Creek hopes to continue working with
the District on solid waste matters.
Ms. Dorothy Elsenius, President of the Pacheco Town Council, stated that Pacheco has
been very satisfied with Central San's role in solid waste. The Pacheco Town Council
held a general meeting earlier this month. At that meeting, presentations were made by
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both County and Central San representatives. Following the presentations, the Pacheco
Town Council voted unanimously to support Central San's continued role in solid waste
franchising. Pacheco has always received good service from the District. District staff
has been very cooperative, particularly in securing special services and rates for the
mobile home parks because of their differing needs. President Elsenius stated that the
Pacheco Town Council is very pleased with the service provided by the District.
Mr. Joe Fanucchi, President of the Alamo Improvement Association, stated that this issue
was discussed at a public meeting of the Alamo Improvement Association Board.
Because the Alamo area has not yet incorporated, there is no councilor group other than
the Alamo Improvement Association to speak for Alamo residents. President Fanucchi
stated that the State decided to change solid waste management even though the former
solid waste management framework was working. It is the position of the Alamo
Improvement Association Board that Alamo has received excellent service from Central
San. Central San has been very responsive to recycling programs and other solid waste
matters. The Alamo Improvement Association Board is a little distrustful of another layer
of bureaucracy and would endorse Central San's continued role in solid waste
Mr. Mark Tavernier, representing the Clyde Civic Improvement Association, stated that
this matter has not yet been discussed by the Association. However, Mr. Tavernier stated
that he believes that the Clyde Civic Improvement Association would be opposed to
increased expenses and red tape.
In response to a question from Mr. W. Douglas Lomow, of Orinda-Moraga Disposal
Service, Inc., Member Rainey stated that the purpose of this workshop is to learn the
wishes of the affected parties for use by the District in deciding how to proceed with
regard to solid waste management. If the District is unable to reach agreement with the
County on the terms of an MOU, the District could turn the franchising responsibility over
to the County or the District could oppose the County ordinance. If the Cities or the
County assume franchising responsibility and the District's franchise area becomes
fragmented, the District must examine the staff and time commitment to determine
whether it is cost effective for the District to continue franchising. If an agreement is
reached with the County, the status quo may continue. In any case, it will be necessary
to obtain a commitment of the waste stream from the cities for whom the District
franchises for the publicly owned transfer facility and the Central Contra Costa Solid
Waste Authority.
Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that MOU's have been negotiated with
the four cities for whom the District franchises. If all parties agree to proceed as in the
past, it may be that the cities would not have to turn over control of the waste stream
to the District, but could instead commit the waste stream to the transfer station.
Member Rainey stated that a County-wide Solid Waste Joint PQwers Authority (JPA) is
now being formed. It may be that the JPA could assume some of these functions in the
future that Central San now provides.
Ms. Sara Hoffman, Contra Costa County Solid Waste Manager, stated that on June 11,
1991, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance providing for County franchising of
solid waste collection, handling, disposal and recycling in the unincorporated areas. The
ordinance is effective August 11, 1991, and provides for transitional permits. County
staff will report the status of requests for transitional permits to the Board of Supervisors
on August 6, 1991. Ms. Hoffman stated that the County is interested in pursuing
MOU's with the franchising sanitary districts.
Member Rainey stated, that as one Member of the Board, ~he is interested in pursuing an
MOU; however, if the cities assume franchising responsibility, it may be inefficient for the
District to continue franchising the unincorporated areas.
In response to a question from Mr. Sanford Skaggs, Ms. Hoffman stated that the
ordinance provides for transitional permits for either operation or franchising. The County
must know whether to pursue franchise agreements with the haulers or MOU's with the
sanitary districts.
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Mr. Aim stated that several conditions required by the ordinance would substantially
impact the District's ability to control its own fate and that of the unincorporated areas.
The ordinance requires that the District indemnify the County if AB939 requirements are
not met; the ordinance requires pass through of any County rates; and the ordinance
gives the County control of the waste stream.
Member Rainey stated that it would appear from the comments today, the cities and
unincorporated areas are happy with Central San and its present role in solid waste
management. Member Rainey stated that as a result of the discussions today, she would
envision an official request from the Board of Directors to the City Councils requesting a
formal endorsement. The District will sit down with the County to try to come to terms
on an MOU acceptable to both. If the District is unable to reach agreement with the
County, the Board of Directors must consider its options including getting out of the solid
waste business or considering litigation.
Member Carlson stated that rates have always been a major concern for the District. The
Board has tried to deal with solid waste issues fairly and provide the best service for the
communities and ratepayers. All of the communities have increased service levels over
the years and that has increased costs. Now, the State has mandated that programs
such as recycling and household hazardous waste must be implemented. This has been
difficult from the standpoint of rates. In addition, solid waste is an important
environmental issue and of concern to the District. Member Carlson stated his belief that
the District has done a good job but there is still a great deal to be done. A landfill must
be constructed in this County and it would seem that a publicly owned transfer station
is in the best interest of the ratepayers as well.
Member Rainey thanked Member Carlson for his comments and stated that Member
Carlson has indicated that he will be leaving the Central San Board this summer. The
District will surely miss Member Carlson's insight and guidance. "
Discussion followed concerning the feasibility of Central San's role in solid waste
excluding franchising responsibility for the unincorporated areas. Member Carlson stated
that if the franchise area is fragmented, routing and collection issues become very
expensive and crucial. It would be more difficult to accrue costs for the various areas for
rate-setting purposes, and consequently more expensive for the ratepayers. Member
Rainey suggested that it may be possible for the cities to assume franchising for their
spheres of influence. Ms. Hoffman stated that West Contra Costa Sanitary District
franchises for the unincorporated areas in West County and the five cities franchise as
well. That arrangement seems to work very well.
Member Boneysteele stated that about 25 years ago, decisions were made that special
districts should not engage in planning activities but confine themselves to providing
service, planning activities being considered the exclusive province of counties and cities.
That was the spirit in which AB939 was enacted despite heavy lobbying and opposition
by the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CAS A) and Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District (CCCSD). Since AB 939 was enacted, CCCSD has had all of the
responsibility for solid waste and none of the authority; and, therefore, Member
Boneysteele stated that, in his opinion, CCCSD should confine itself to providing sewer
service and relinquish solid waste activities entirely to the County.
Mr. Ken Little, attorney for Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., stated that in his view
the economies of scale issues favor the collectors more than cities or the County. Mr."
Little stated that there need not be a problem or fragmenting and routes would not be
broken up.
Ms. Caluha Barnes, of the Town of Danville, stated that there are administrative
economies of scale as well which favor consolidated franchising. Mr. Dolan agreed with
Ms. Barnes.
Ms. Lillian Fujii, of Contra Costa County, stated that hopefully the County and the District
will be able to negotiate an MOU. There will not be fragmentation.
Ms. Sara Hoffman, of Contra Costa County, stated that the County began this effort as
a result of reaching the conclusion that the County could not abrogate responsibility for
meeting AB939 goals. If the issue is simply economies of scale, the County certainly has
that. Mr. Hoffman stated that the sanitary districts came to the Board of Supervisors and
indicated that they believed there are advantages to local contacts with the sanitary
districts. For that reason, the Board of Supervisors included the MOU option in the
ordinance. However, the County must be involved.
Member Rainey stated that there appears to be a consensus. It would appear that the
cities and unincorporated areas within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District franchise
area, wish the District to continue solid waste management and planning at least in the
near term. Letters will be sent to the cities requesting a formal expression of the cities'
position. Member Rainey thanked everyone for coming to the workshop and contributing
to the discussion. '
There being no further business, Member Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of
1 :50 p.m., to reconvene at 6:30 p.m., on Thursday, July 25, 1991, for a meeting of the
Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County to discuss areas of mutual
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Pre,idenyóf the Board of Directors,
Cen'üãíContra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
S cr ta of the Centra Con a
Costa Sanitary District, County of
Contra Costa, State of California
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