HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-28-91 50 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON MARCH 28, 1991 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at the Velvet Turtle, 100 Chilpancingo Parkway I Pleasant Hill, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 6:30 p.m. on March 28, 1991, for a joint meeting of Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. The Secretary of the District noted the attendance of the following Board Members: PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson, Rainey ABSENT: Members: Clausen 1 . INTRODUCTIONS Chairperson Rainey welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. The representatives from each agency and members of the public attending the meeting introduced themselves. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There being no corrections or additions, it was moved by Director Paul Hughey, of Contra Costa Water District, and seconded by Director Ted Wooten, of West Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the minutes of January 24, 1991 be approved as mailed. The motion was approved by a 'unanimous vote of the agencies present. 3. UPDATE ON SOLID WASTE COUNTY FRANCHISING IN UNINCORPORATED AREAS , a. Chairperson Rainey reported that the County has introduced an ordinance to take over solid waste franchising in the unincorporated areas. This action will impact seven sanitary districts and existing joint powers authorities who currently franchise in those areas. On April 2, 1991, the Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing and consider adoption of the ordinance. Chairperson Rainey introduced Mr. Kent Aim, District Counsel for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, who reported that affected parties met with County legal and solid waste representatives to discuss the basic issues. After meeting with the County representatives, it was decided that a letter should be drafted for consideration by the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. That letter was distributed to those present. Mr. Aim stated that if the Sanitation and Water Agencies agree, he would ask that those elected officials present who wish to sign the letter do so as eJected officials and not on behalf of their agencies since the letter has not been reviewed with the individual agencies. Mr. Aim stated that if the Board of Supervisors is to be convinced not to adopt the ordinance, they must be presented with an alternative. With that in mind, the letter sets forth an alternative whereby the County would enter into Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the current franchisers. These MOUs would offer certain guarantees that the franchisers may not want to make in the normal course of business, but which may be necessary in this case. The MOUs would: 1. Shift responsibility for meeting AB 939 source reduction and recycling objectives from the County to the franchisers; 2. Provide a mechanism for the County to receive revenues to cover its legitimate AB 939 incremental costs related to the unincorporated areas; and 0\3 . " 2.9 ".9'" 1 :~ "'. '< 51 3. Hold the County harmless for AB 939 penalties which are the result of actions (or inaction) of the franchising agency. Mr. Aim recommended that the proposed letter be sent to the Board of Supervisors and that this be communicated to the members of the Board of Supervisors prior to the April 2, 1991 public hearing. Chairperson Rainey stated that everyone is aware of the effort to form a County-wide Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The JPA would provide a means for all the agencies to join together to handle solid waste matters in a more unified and efficient way. That has been alleged to be the goal of the County in adopting the proposed ordinance. Unfortunately, the County's ordinance would not create efficiencies. There would be no continuity between cities and unincorporated areas. There would be route problems. Investment in equipment and programs would be in doubt. The AB 939 Task Force unanimously voted that this ordinance should have input from the affected parties. However, nothing was done to get input from elected officials of the franchisers and the ordinance was put before the Board of Supervisors. Chairperson Rainey read the proposed letter drafted by the attorneys. Following discussion, it was moved by Director Carl Heller,of Crockett Valona Sanitary District, and seconded by Director Lenny Byer, of Oakley Sanitary District, that the draft letter to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors concerning the proposed ordinance providing for County takeover of solid waste franchising within unincorporated areas be approved as presented. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the agencies present. b. LETTER FROM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RE AB 939 PLAN PREPARATION FOR UNINCORPORATED AREAS Chairperson Rainey stated this was discussed with the Sanitation and Water Agencies and the Board of Supervisors was asked to include the franchisers in the planning process. The letter included in the agenda packet is in response to that request and was provided as information. . c. SOLID WASTE JPA Mr. Paul Morsen, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, reported that the County-wide Solid Waste JPA will be distributed next week. It is hoped that the document will be , approved in the next 30 to 45 days. The document was presented to the Mayor's Conference earlier this month, and they concurred in sending the JPA to the cities. , 4. OPPORTUNITIES FOR COOPERATION Chairperson Rainey stated that at the last meeting benefits of this type of organization were discussed. Because of the interest expressed, presentations were scheduled for this meeting. a. PURCHASING Mr. Ken Laverty, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, stated that cooperative purchasing programs provide the opportunity for member agencies to share in a purchase and/or to join in a formal bid for a particular supply item. There are three major cooperative purchasing programs that agencies can use: 1. The State of California Program allows any public agency to participate in state contracts for materials, equipment and supplies. To use the state program, the purchase must be over $500, the agency's governing board must adopt a resolution making the state its agent for that purchase, and a purchase order to the state must be issued. The state does charge a fee. For more information, contact the State Office of Procurement, Mr. Bus Eddy at (916) 445-6681. . . , , , ",.. ' :91 0'3 ,. 8 2. 52 2. Publicly advertised bids by local agencies could be used for cooperative purchasing. A Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement authorizing the lead agency to bid would be needed. The lead agency would incorporate the participating agency's requirements in the bid request. Once the master purchase order was awarded by the lead agency, the participating agency would be able to purchase directly from the supplier at bid prices. 3. The informal method would allow any agency to call the, other agencies' suppliers and order direct. The supplier would hold to the original contract pricing. Each agency would negotiate with its supplier for the inclusion into its purchase orders a statement such as: liThe supplier will extend the contract prices included herein to other public agencies. Additional delivery charges, if any, must be negotiated between that public agency and the supplier." . Each agency would get the applicable contract information for the goods desired from the initiating agency and order directly from the supplier. Following discussion, Chairperson Rainey thanked Mr. Laverty for his presentation, and indicated that those interested should contact Mr. Laverty for more information. b. TRAINING Ms. Bonnie Allen, of Contra Costa Water District, stated that there are many opportunities for cooperative training because of the similarities in the types of work, equipment, materials, and chemicals used at the sanitation and water agencies. Ms. Allen listed various types of training including shoring, hazardous materials, respirator, and driver training. Ms. Allen stated that the agencies would benefit from sharing training courses and programs both in terms of cost savings and exchange of information and experiences. c. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Ms. Bonnie Allen, of Contra Costa Water District, stated that there would be a great benefit to having mutual aid agreements between agencies. Public agency employees are designated emergency response workers by law, and by sharing resources our public would be better served. Ms. Allen suggested that agencies with safety officers could serve as the contact point for resources and coordination of training. In the discussion that followed, it was decided to proceed with cooperative training and emergency preparedness on an informal basis. Since Ms. Allen is currently the Chair of the County-wide Safety Officers group, she will serve as an information clearinghouse and contact person. d. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES FOR COOPERATION Mr. Dave Requa, of Contra Costa Water District, suggested that sharing equipment could be helpful in problem situations. There was general agreement of those present that sharing specialty equipment could be beneficial in certain circumstances. 5. APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY-WIDE BOARDS Chairperson Rainey stated that the County came to the Sanitation and Water Agencies to request an appointment to the Hazardous Waste Minimization Task Force. That worked well and allowed the Sanitation and Water Agencies to have input. With regard to the AB 939 Task Force, other groups such as the Mayor's Conference are represented. It may be appropriate for the Sanitation and Water Agencies to recommend an appointee as well. Chairperson Rainey opened the matter to discussion. In the discussion that followed, Mr. Dwight Meadows, of Oakley Bethel Island Wastewater Management Authority, stated that there was a procedure for appointment to the AB 939 Task Force that provided that the appointment rotate through the districts. That procedure worked well, but the County did not follow the procedure in their most recent appointment. 03 '<. . 28 .91 ". ,. . 53 There being no further discussion, Chairperson Rainey requested a copy of the procedure from Mr. Meadows for incorporation in the AB 939 Task Force Bylaws. Mr. Meadows agreed. 6. STATUS OF COUNTY ORDINANCE ON REQUIREMENTS FOR DUAL WATER SYSTEMS Mr. Dave Requa, of Contra Costa Water District, distributed copies of the proposed ordinance on dual water systems. Mr. Requa reported that the proposed ordinance was presented to the Board of Supervisors Water Committee on March 25, 1991 by County Counsel. The ordinance was essentially as approved by the Sanitation and Water Agencies at the January 24, 1991 meeting. Supervisors McPeak and Torlakson were very supportive of the Sanitation and Water Agencies' efforts in this regard. Mr. Requa suggested, and the representations of Sanitation and Water Agencies present concurred, that a letter supporting adoption of the proposed ordinance be sent to the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Joyce Murphy, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,' indicated that she would draft such a letter for Chairperson Rainey's signature. Mr. Requa reported that the Board of Supervisors Water Committee is considering another ordinance concerning requirements for use of reclaimed water for construction projects on a County-wide basis. 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 8. DEVELOP AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING Chairperson Rainey stated that suggestions for possible discussion at the next meeting include presentations on the EBMUDIWCCSD/Chevron Water Reclamation Project and No- Dig Technology. Chairperson Rainey suggested that election of a Vice Chair for the Sanitation and Water Agencies be scheduled for the next meeting and that election of new officers be calendared in January. Other suggestions for agenda items should be submitted to Joyce Murphy at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairperson Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 7:52 p.m. Dinner was served immediately following the business meeting. Pre den of the Board of Directors, C Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: I l S~ e ry of the Cen ral ntra C ta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 03 28 91