HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-24-91 13 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JANUARY 24, 1991 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at the Velvet Turtle, 100 Chilpancingo Parkway, Pleasant Hill, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 6:30 p.m. on January 24, 1991, for a joint meeting of Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. The Secretary of the District noted the attendance of the following Board Members: PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Carlson, Rainey, Clausen ABSENT: Members: ' None 1. INTRODUCTIONS Chairperson Rainey welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County. The representatives from each agency and members of the public attending the meeting introduced themselves. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25, 1990 There being no corrections or additions, the minutes of October 25, 1990, were approved as mailed. 3. UPDATE ON LOS VAQUEROS PROJECT Mr. John Gregg, of Contra Costa Water District, repor¡ed on the Los Vaqueros Reservoir' Project, indicating that the project is a major undertaking for Contra Costa Water District' (CCWD). The Los Vaqueros Project will improve the quality and reliability of the water provided to the public served by CCWD. The quality of the water will be improved by storing and blending higher quality Delta winter/spring runoff with Delta summer/fall water. Reliability will be improved by providing storage for a supply of water in the event of an emergency that would jeopardize CCWD's water supply. A water storage facility will be constructed south of Brentwood and an additional intake will be added from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta estuary. The project is not part of the state or federal water systems and would not alter water export patterns from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Mr. Gregg stated that CCWD must acquire approximately 20,000 acres of land for water quality maintenance and mitigation of certain environmental impacts. By January 11, 1991, over 50 percent of the 20,000 acres was in the ownership of CCWD and negotiations were well underway for acquiring the remainder on a timely basis. The Stage I Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been completed and funding al;Jthority secured so the power of eminent domain can be. used if necessary. Most of the north/south pipeline alignment has been secured. A project for realignment of Vasco Road has been defined and accepted by Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, and an environmental document has been certified. This was critical since Vasco Road now runs through the dam site. There will be no net loss of wetlands as a result of the project. The Corps of Engineers has sent CCWD a letter accepting the wetlands delineations. Work was recently completed on the alternatives analyses. Mr. Gregg stated that CCWD believes that the analyses proved that the Los Vaqueros Project is the least environmentally damaging of the project alternatives to improve water quality and reliability. A fatal flaw analysis was conducted and current and potential threatened and endangered species were considered. CCWD is developing plans with the appropriate resource agencies to insure that rare and endangered species are identified and protected. The Los Vaqueros Project is based on water rights filed in 1 961. This places the project in front of water rights for a number of other projects. Based on the CCWD Board of Directors demonstrated commitment, a suitable bond rating and level of credit has been developed. The Los Vaqueros Project is competing with a number of other projects and Mr. Gregg requested the support of those present for CCWD's drive for higher quality water. ,,() Ii, ~24 ?,.91 " " , '., ' 14 Mr. Gregg stated that development of a recreational plan is a component of the Los Vaqueros Project. In addition, preservation of historic sites and development of an environmental education program will be parts of the project. CCWD is committed to completion of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Project in 1996. The 'current estimate of project costs is $350 million in 1988 dollars. With forecasted inflationary increases, CCWD anticipates that the total investment at the time of completion, 1995-1996, will be $450 million. The project is on schedule and on budget. The political and technical aspects of the point of diversion were discussed briefly. Mr. Gregg stated that it is Contra Costa Water District's aim to maintain an independent voice and not become a customer of others. In this way, CCWD would hope to preserve the Delta. Chairperson Rainey thanked Mr. Gregg for his interesting and informative! presentation. At this time, Chairperson Rainey departed from the order of the agenda to accommodate Mr. Lon Wixson, of the District Attorney's Office, who was unable to stay for the dinner portion of the meeting. 8. UPDATE ON HAZARDOUS WASTE STRIKE FORCE ACTIVITIES Chairperson Rainey stated that sanitary districts contributed to the Hazardous Waste Strike Force funding in the prior year and an update was requested. Chairperson Rainey introduced Mr. Lon Wixson, Deputy District Attorney, who provided an update on the activities of the Hazardous Waste Strike Force. Mr. Wixson stated that because of reallocation of resources, Hazardous Waste Strike Force activities will be funded only through June 1 991. It is hoped that during that time the Board of Supervisors can be convinced to contribute long-term funding. The District Attorney's Office hopes to prosecute cases that may provide revenues needed to make the Hazardous Waste Strike Force support itself. However, District Attorney Gary Yancey has always contended that environmental enforcement is a good thing in and of itself and should not be contingent on generating revenues. Mr. Wixson reported that the Hazardous Waste Strike Force has established better communications among the sanitary districts, police agencies, and the County Health Department who are actively doing enforcement activities throughout the county. Training geared towards enforcement and not just compliance has been conducted. As a result documentation for use in Court has improved. A number of cases are being investigated, ten cases have been filed, some cases have been settled, and others are still pending. The Hazardous Waste Strike Force is making progress. Chairperson Rainey thanked Mr. Wixson for his presentation and stated that she is happy to hear the Strike Force will be continuing through June. As long as the Strike Force exists, there is a proactive effort. At this time Chairperson Rainey reverted to the order of the agenda. 4. STATEWIDE PLANS FOR INLAND SURFACE WATERS AND ENCLOSED BAYS AND ESTUARIES Mr. Roger J. Dolan, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, stated that on March 21, 1991, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) will consider approval of the Inland Surface Waters and Enclosed Bays and Estuaries Plans. These are the key plans for water and sanitary districts since they will establish water quality objectives for the future. The Bay Area Dischargers Association plans to oppose them because they impose regulations that are fundamentally unattainable. The SWRCB staff has proposed that during the five-year implementation period, means for compliance be determined. Mr. Dolan asked that any other agency interested in taking a position do so. 5. STATUS OF COUNTY ORDINANCE DEFINING REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-POTABLE WATER USE . Mr. Dave Requa, of Contra Costa Water District, stated that John Gregg said earlier that all the water has been allocated. In order to maintain the quality of life we now enjoy, we must find other sources of water. This will take the cooperation of water and sanitary I ~1¡~4t91 15 districts to make this possible. The draft ordinance, setting forth requirements for dual water systems is a step in that direction. Since the last Sanitation and Water Agencies meeting, the Board of Supervisors Water Committee, the Homebuilders Association, and a committee of Sanitation and Water Agencies representatives have reviewed the draft ordinance. Mr. Requa distributed the revised Ordinance on Requirements for Dual Water Systems, highlighted the changes which resulted after committee review, and requested comments and authorization to move forward with the county staff, county counsel, and finally B~ard of Supervisors approval. Discussion followed concerning the roles of water and wastewater agencies and the size of the dual water system that would be required by this ordinance. Following discussion, it was moved by Mr. Paul Hughey, of Contra Costa Water District, and seconded by Mr. Nels Carlson, of Centrål Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County support the proposed Contra Costa County Ordinance on Requirements for Dual Water Systems with the inclusion of both water and wastewater agencies in Item 3b. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the agencies present. Mr. Requa stated that anyone wishing to submit editorial comments may do so during the next two weeks. If substantive changes are required, it will be necessary to request additional time from the county. 6. SOLID WASTE jPA UPDATE Mr. Paul Morsen, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, reported that major issues have been resolved in negotiation with the county with the exception of staffing for the Solid Waste JPA and the number of votes that will be accorded to the county. The JPA document will be forwarded to the agencies and cities for their review and comment in the near future. Chairperson Rainey requested that the JPA document be reviewed and ratified as soon as possible, since the document has been in the review and draft process for over two years and has been reviewed by each agency previously. 7. CORRESPONDENCE a. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MINUTE ORDER REGARDING AB 939 PLAN INPUT FOR UNINCORPORATED AREAS Receipt of the Board of Supervisors minute order regarding AB 939 Plan input for the unincorporated areas was noted. This item was presented for the information of the Sanitation and Water Agencies. 8. UPDATE ON HAZARDOUS WASTE STRIKE FORCE ACTIVITIES This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. 9. SECURE COUNTY SUPPORT FOR DISPOSAL OF RESIDUALS FROM WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS AT COUNTY LANDFILLS Mr. Robert Baker, of, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, stated that at a previous meeting of the Sanitation and Water Agencies~ plans for dealing with residuals from water and wastewater treatment plants were discussed. These plans dealt mainly with reuse alternatives; however, landfills will still be needed. There are currently two landfills going through the permitting process in Contra Costa County. It would be to the benefit of the Sanitation and Water Agencies to get language in the Land Use Permits and franchise agreements that would require landfills to accept residuals from water and wastewater treatment plants. Mr. Baker recommended approval of the proposed resolution distributed to Sanitation and Water Agencies members. Mr. Michael Wallis, of East Bay Municipal Utility District, suggested that there may be some benefit in making the resolution more comprehensive by requiring landfills to use '01 ì,24 }, 91 16 water and wastewater treatment plant residuals for cover and composting. Mr. Baker agreed that a paragraph could be included covering the use of sludge properly managed as landfill cover. Mr. Kenton Aim stated that to the extent developed regulations permit such, that sludge could be used as cover. Further discussion followed wherein the advisability of complicating this resolution by requiring the use of sludge for cover when regulations may not permit it, was questioned. It was decided that if future regulations develop which would allow the use of sludge for cover, the Sanitation and Water Agencies could take a position at that time. . It was moved by Mr. Ron Tsugita, of Delta Diablo Sanitation District, and seconded by Mr. Nels Carlson, of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that Resolution No.1, Resolution Requesting the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to Require Acceptance of Water and Wastewater Treatment Residuals by Landfill Owners and Operators, be adopted. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the agencies present. Chairperson Rainey requested that the resolution be forwarded to the county with a cover letter explaining its intent. 10. OPPORTUNITIES FOR COOPERATIVE PURCHASING, TESTING, ETC. Chairperson Rainey stated that when the Sanitation and Water Agencies organization was formed, an effort was made to identify benefits of such an organization. Those benefits included sharing technical knowledge and expertise, exchanging information of mutual concern, and cooperating on implementation of regulatory policies. In addition, there could be an advantage to member agenc,ies in considering cooperative purchasing, testing, and training. In the discussion that followed, support was expressed for cooperative purchasing of large price or bulk items such as chemicals, chlorine, and equipment since it may be possible to secure better prices and avoid duplication. Chairperson Rainey indicated that this matter would be calendared for further discussion at the next meeting. 11. OTHER ITEMS Chairperson Rainey stated that the Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County membership directory is available. Please pick one up if you have not already done so. 12. DEVELOP AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING Chairperson Rainey stated that suggestions for possible discussion at the next meeting include a presentation on No-Dig Technology and a report on the EBMUDIWCCSD/Chevron Water Reclamation Project. Other suggestions should be submitted to Joyce Murphy at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairperson Rainey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 8:02 p.m. Dinner was served immediately following the business meeting. '~ -"-- .:;~_.. -- . . u - Þre~ent of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Se re ar of the Central Contr Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California ;. 0 1 t 2:' 4 f91