HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 03-11-97
HELD ON MARCH 11, 1997
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned
regular session a 1250 Spring brook Road, Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, State
of California, at 6:00 p.m. on March 11, 1997.
President Menesini called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
Rainey, Nejedly, Hockett, Boneysteele, Menesini
President Menesini announced that Member Rainey has decided to place her name into
consideration for appointment to the Walnut Creek City Council. President Menesini was
joined by the Board and staff in wishing Member Rainey well.
OUTREACH PROGRAMS (Continued from Februarv 27. 1997)
PROGRAM (Continued from February 27, 1997)
President Menesini stated that the District's monuments and successes are buried deep
in the earth and few people know about Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. President
Menesini stated that he feels that the District should have an exceptionally good public
information program highlighting the efforts as they occur but also being proactive
anticipating and creating opportunities to communicate with the public.
Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that this workshop is a
continuation of the February 27, 1997 Board Workshop on the District's Community
Education and Media Outreach Programs. Mr. Dolan stated that at the February 27
Workshop, he and Member Boneysteele provided an introduction and gave some of the
history of media relations at the District. The essence of that was that the media
relationship at the District has grown out of experience and direction from the Board. Also
any successful media relationship must take into account the media's needs and
Mr. Dolan stated that the purpose of this workshop is to make sure that the Board and
staff are aligned on the District's Media Outreach Program. Rather than laying out what
staff believes this should be, Mr. Dolan suggested that it might be more appropriate for
staff to give a glossary of the terms from the handout prepared by staff and then have a
free flowing discussion. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager,
who stated that at the last meeting, Ms. Harriette Heibel, Community Education Officer,
gave an overview of the District's Public Outreach Program and ways of getting the
District's messages out to various audiences. Mr. Morsen stated that the Media Outreach
Program is somewhat different as the District does not have the same control that is
available in other public information efforts. Therefore, media outreach has historically
been separate and distinct from other public information efforts.
Member Hockett stated that she sees the Community Education Program and the Media
Outreach Program as two separate pieces. The components of the Community Education
Program were reviewed at the last workshop and are great as they stand today. Member
Hockett asked if everyone agrees to that?
President Menesini stated that he does not agree. The components of the Community
Education Program may be good, but he would like to consider ways the District could
improve them.
Member Hockett stated that she needs to know where improvements could be made.
Member Hockett stated that she believes that we all can and should improve everyday.
Based on the presentation made at the last meeting, Member Hockett asked if the
Community Education Program is acceptable to the Board?
Mr. Dolan stated that staff took away the message that the Board liked what it heard, and
staff was to look at three things:
1 )
Evaluate the Shop Smart Program and determine if the concepts embodied
in this program can be incorporated into the District's Community Education
Come back with an overall budget for the Community Education Program;
Look at the possibility of teaching teachers as an alternative to some of the
direct education program components.
President Menesini stated that he also asked for a feedback evaluation of the "Sewer
Squad" Elementary School Program.
Member Rainey stated that she thought the presentation of the Community Education
Program was very good, but the District must keep in mind what its limitations are. We
must be selective and determine how we can be most effective. Member Rainey stated
that she does not think the District should have programs for kindergarten through twelfth
grade because that is not the District's function, but should instead just use programs that
get out the District's messages.
President Menesini stated that is why he asked for a budget and objectives tied to the
budget. President Menesini stated that great community education programs are
sometimes presented at the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA)
meetings. The District could emulate some of those programs without expanding its
budget or staff.
Mr. Dolan indicated we are most happy to do what the Board wants. We have been
unable to produce all the programs the Board has requested to date because our staff is
overloaded. If the Board wants to do something else, an existing program must be
eliminated or the District will have to increase its resource commitment to community
Member Hockett stated that the District does an incredible job in presentations and getting
out information. Member Hockett stated that she does not believe the District should
emulate any other programs.
Mr. Dolan stated that staff planned to come back at the April 17, 1997 Board Meeting to
provide further information and receive additional direction on the Community Education
Program. At our last workshop it was decided that tonight's meeting would focus on the
Media Outreach Program and staff is prepared to respond.
Mr. Morsen distributed a handout entitled "Media Activities" including the following
. Feature Articles
. News Articles
. Editorial Articles
Mr. Morsen described these components and gave examples of each one. Mr. Morsen
discussed the importance of the relationship with the reporter, stating that he has tried
to enhance those relationships by:
1 )
Trying to build a good relationship with the reporters and editorial writers;
Trying to be very responsive when reporters call the District; and
Trying to bring interesting and timely items to their attention.
President Menesini stated that he feels that the District could do a better job in this area.
President Menesini stated that the purpose of this Board Workshop is to make suggestions
and try to see if there are ways the District can improve.
Member Hockett stated that the District has awesome press coverage, and she would
have nothing to contribute in the way of recommending change.
Member Rainey stated that she finds it very informative to see what the District has done
with regard to media outreach. It is important to have consistency in dealing with the
press so that a relationship can develop to the point that reporters will call you for
information. The District's problem is that the press is only occasionally interested in the
Mr. Dolan stated that there is a very powerful axiom at the District that says that the most
valuable commodity we have with the press is credibility for accuracy. They need to
know they can rely on us to be honest, open, and factual.
President Menesini suggested that a follow up article or an editorial on the Acme
settlement could be very well done. The fact that the District is treating effluent that
comes out of the landfill and using landfill gas reduces the $2 million in public costs.
Other districts are not doing that.
Member Nejedly stated that it is important to know someone at the newspaper and keep
the communication lines open. In addition, letters to the editor are well read. Articles on
the District have been good for the most part. Staff must create and maintain a
relationship with the media people since they are dealing with them on a regular basis.
It is very important to keep that to our advantage. Unfortunately, with a newspaper you
will get good press for a time and then bad press depending on the situation. If we keep
in contact with each other about the people we know at the newspaper, we might get an
advantage. There should be a balance between cost and activities. The Times is the local
newspaper and we can use that to our advantage. If the information is out, double check
to be sure it is still accurate or that you did not leave anything out.
Member Rainey stated that those are all good points. One of the things that the Board
and staff must realize is that we do not control the headlines nor does the reporter. Based
on the experience of Senator Rainey's office, Member Rainey offered the caution that if
too many press releases are generated, there comes a point when the press loses interest.
Member Rainey stated that staff should wait until there is something of interest to the
President Menesini agreed that there must be a balance. President Menesini stated that
staff must be proactive and look at what is coming up. More District staff should be
involved in this activity. In addition, President Menesini suggested that public access
television should be considered. Recycled water is a big issue for the District now. Public
access television might be a way to get out information on the quality and quantity of
recycled water. The District must generate that information and be proactive in the area
of news releases. President Menesini suggested that a follow up story might be
appropriate on the Orinda City Council decision to allow sewer work at night and on
weekends. Perhaps the District could send something back to the Orinda City Council
thanking them for allowing this to happen. President Menesini stated that he understands
that we cannot do everything but some of these things are just good public information
techniques. There are ways in which the District could improve. By that, President
Menesini stated that he does not believe that the current Media Outreach Program is bad,
he just feels that there are things that can be improved.
With regard to having more people from different departments involved in the Media
Outreach Program, Member Rainey noted that others are involved from time to time but
stated that she would be concerned if calls from the press were not routed through a
single individual.
Member Boneysteele stated that he tends to agree with Member Hockett but on the other
hand knows that President Menesini has real concerns that the District is not getting our
story out. Member Boneysteele stated that since 1962 he has had experience dealing
with the press during very difficult years of energy shortage and rampant inflation.
Member Boneysteele stated that he has seen agencies get pummeled by the press and as
a result lose prestige. The press must be handled with a great deal of care. Member
Boneysteele stated that he thinks Mr. Morsen is doing an excellent job under the
circumstances. If President Menesini has a definite program with specific suggestions or
specific problems, it should be brought forward and the Board can decide what it would
like to do. President Menesini is President of the Board of Directors and as such is the
spokesperson for the Board. However, Member Boneysteele cautioned that the District
should move very carefully if it is going to a proactive program because East Bay
Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) was very nearly destroyed in that way.
President Menesini stated that he is not suggesting radical changes. Specific examples
were given earlier. President Menesini stated that the District should take a good look at
what it is doing and how it is being done.
Member Boneysteele suggested that President Menesini work with Mr. Morsen on the
next media matter that arises.
Member Nejedly stated that there might be a time factor in some cases even though
President Menesini is easy to reach. In addition, building relationships takes time.
Mr. Morsen stated that the Household Hazardous Waste Facility will present the District
with an opportunity to generate a positive article. We have received guidance from the
Board about this project. Mr. Morsen stated that he and Ms. Heibel have already begun
planning for that. Further input would be welcomed from the Board.
Member Boneysteele suggested that a letter to the editor from the President of the Board
responding to the Acme settlement might be worthwhile.
Member Hockett expressed concern about the District aligning itself with Acme after the
lengthy and costly litigation where the District and Acme were adversaries.
Discussion followed with regard to a follow up article on the Acme settlement.
Member Hockett left the meeting at the hour of 7:40 p.m.
President Menesini stated that things can be done to benefit the District's relationship
with the news media. It is easy to say that things are fine, but there are things that can
be done to improve.
Member Rainey stated that she believes the Board and staff all agree with that and are
just trying to zero in on a program. Member Rainey expressed concern about putting out
so much information that when something really important arises it is not heard. Member
Rainey stated that she thinks the District's Media Outreach Program is good, and she
doesn't see anything wrong with what is being done. However, anything can be
improved. Member Rainey stated that there is a good balance now. Stories are
sometimes twisted, but the District is doing a good job. The amount of media coverage
has increased over the past few years.
President Menesini stated that he indicated that he thought this was an excellent
presentation and complimented Mr. Morsen on it, but he can see ways the District can
improve its presentation. The District is not beyond improvement. President Menesini
stated that he made a few suggestions on how we might improve as follows:
1 )
Involving more staff members having the necessary technical ability and
public speaking skills to deal with the media;
Doing follow up articles of benefit to the public; and
Generating more editorials.
President Menesini stated that he wanted to apologize that this event was held but at the
same time, he stated that he feels very strongly that the District should be able to look
at ways to change and improve, and not just say that everything we are doing is good
and therefore we shouldn't make âny changes. The Board is here to make suggestions,
not to micro manage.
In response to a question from Member Nejedly, Ms. Harriette Heibel, Community
Education Officer, stated that she and Mr: Morsen have discussed ways to involve staff
more. A recent example is Infrastructure Division Manager Jay McCoy's participation in
the article on the Gary Way Contractual Assessment District. Ms. Heibel stated that there
will be more opportunities in the future with the Household Hazardous Waste Facility,
Recycled Water Program, and Earth Day Event.
Member Boneysteele stated that it might be worthwhile to have a Board Committee follow
up on this discussion. Member Boneysteele suggested that Members Menesini and
Nejedly be appointed to that Committee because they bring new viewpoints to the issues.
As opportunities and applications come up, the Committee can come back to the full
President Menesini agreed, stating that the District should take a proactive approach to
media outreach.
Member Nejedly stated that a proactive approach would provide the District with an
opportunity to act before it had to react.
Mr. Dolan stated that the District's newsletter to our customers will go out this spring.
Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that a follow up to the Acme
settlement news story be presented in the newsletter where it can be clear and the
District's leachate and gas services are being done in an environmentally protective way.
President Menesini stated that the Acme settlement would also be an appropriate topic
for a newspaper feature story follow up if the opportunity presents itself.
Mr. Dolan stated further that he believes that there is a misunderstanding about the
degree to which people other than Mr. Morsen are involved in these news stories. The
Board's suggestion that other staff members be involved is being done now, but the
newspapers do not always quote them.
President Menesini stated that may be the case, but there are also certain feature stories
that can be crafted in such a way as to focus on District employees.
Following discussion, Mr. Dolan stated his understanding of the consensus of the Board
that to the degree practicable, the involvement of District staff, other than management
staff, should be part of the generation of feature stories and the response, where possible,
to news reporter inquiries. Members Menesini and Nejedly agreed, Members Rainey and
Boneysteele disagreed, and Member Hockett was absent.
Following further discussion, Members Menesini, Nejedly, and Rainey agreed that to the
degree practicable, the greater involvement of District staff, who have good
communication skills in conjunction with management staff, should be part of the
generation of feature stories and the response, where possible and when time permits, to
news reporter inquiries.
President Menesini stated that if anyone has an item that might generate a news story,
they should call Mr. Dolan or Mr. Morsen.
Mr. Dolan suggested that the Board might consjder adding a standing item on the Board
Meeting agenda where at each meeting the Board would have an opportunity to indicate
any matters of District business that they felt would be suitable topics for a media
outreach effort.
Member Boneysteele strongly counseled against having a standing agenda item. The
Board agreed.
In response to a question from Mr. Dolan, President Menesini stated that by having press
releases and being proactive, the District can get information out on important programs
such as the Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Project and the Recycled Water Program. In
order to explain these programs, the" District must get the issues out to the public in a
positive way rather than a negative way.
Member Boneysteele stated that reporters resent press releases.
President Menesini stated that some reporters love press releases but others may feel they
are being manipulated. There are all kinds of variables. President Menesini stated that
by press releases, he means that the District may need to generate feature stories,
articles, and press conferences.
Member Rainey stated that staff is already planning media events for UV Disinfection,
Recycled Water, and Household Hazardous Waste. The question is how much more, if
anything, should the District do? Member Rainey stated that there is a danger in too
many press releases.
President Menesini agreed but indicated that he felt that is staff's job, but stated that
there are a number of newsworthy stories that should be communicated to the public.
Member Rainey stated that in deference to staff, there have been excellent presentations
to the Board when major media campaigns were planned and the Board provided input on
design, graphics, and content.
Member Nejedly suggested that the Board Committee could review some of the large
media campaigns.
President Menesini stated that the Board Committee should be helpful to staff. The right
attitude with the Board Committee is to put something out and receive input from the
Board Committee as to how the Board as a whole will react. The Board Committee's role
is not to pass judgment on everything that goes out of the District. President Menesini
stated that the Board Committee could review the situation and develop a press policy for
consideration by the full Board.
Member Boneysteele stated that if the Board Committee could come up with a specific
concept which could be applied to a specific case, it might be possible to achieve
consensus on that. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to reach consensus.
In summary, Mr. Dolan asked if there was consensus to proceed with feature stories on
major items and to review these stories with the Board Committee comprised of Members
Menesini and Nejedly. Members Menesini and Nejedly concurred.
Mr. Dolan stated that in the past editorials were used only on selective items where it was
believed that the public needed to receive the information. Staff felt that approach had
been successful.
President Menesini stated that editorials should receive consideration from the full Board.
Mr. Dolan thanked the Board for their input.
Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that there will be a dinner
honoring retiring Senator Dan Boatwright. Specifics on the event will be provided to the
Board at a later date. Unless the Board objects, staff will prepare a resolution for that
event. The Board voiced no objection.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Menesini adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 8:45 p.m.
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California