HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-27-97
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned
regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of
Contra Costa, State of California, at 10:00 a.m. on February 27,1997.
President Menesini called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
Rainey, Nejedly, Hockett, Boneysteele, Menesini
Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that this workshop is on two
subjects which are distinct, separate programs here at the District but are related to each
other: Community Education and Media Outreach. Both of these programs started from
very limited beginnings. In the late 1970's, the direction from the Board was no proactive
activity directed towards the media. The Board was understandably sensitized from a
number of years of bad press coverage on various construction projects, and a low profile
approach was maintained for the most part until Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General
Manager, was hired in 1981. Mr. Morsen was asked to take on a proactive media contact
as part of his responsibilities. As a result of Mr. Morsen's efforts over the years, there
has been virtually a complete absence of the negative bias towards the District in media
coverage which we had in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
Member Boneysteele concurred, stating that as President of the Board at the time, he
advocated the low profile approach for two reasons. At that time there was a public
revulsion against self serving publicity evident at other local agencies. The second issue
was Watergate and the fact that sewer districts were suspected as being fountainheads
of corruption. Member Boneysteele recapped examples of media coverage and the
District's efforts to present a positive public image during that time period.
Mr. Dolan agreed with Member Boneysteele's comments and stated that the question for
us today on media outreach is how can we do it better?
Mr. Dolan stated that the second issue before the Board is the Community Education
Program. As with the Media Outreach Program, the District's Community Education
Program in the past was a responsive one only. As people wanted tours or speakers, the
District responded. Mr. Dolan stated that one could have justified a community education
purpose of informing the public better about the business of the District during the 1970's
and 1980's, but it would have been in a limited scope because of the good citizenship
argument. It had been a concern at the staff level, in the industry in general, and
reflected by the District Board, that a Community Education Program was not "our
purpose. H Things changed around 1990 with the significantly more stringent toxics
regulations. The District was looking at bio-toxicity elimination at the plant at a cost of
$10 million to $30 million capital investment and millions of dollars a year in operating
expenses. This compared unfavorably with the community education message of
pollution prevention at a cost of a few hundred thousand dollars per year. In 1992,
Members Hockett and Menesini were elected to the Board of Directors and the District
began looking at ways to do a community outreach program. After the 1994 national
election, President Clinton and others pulled back on their toxics programs somewhat and
things are now more rational in that area. In addition, there is a stronger feeling about the
public's right to know than there was in the past. Also, in the last four or five years, the
District has noted a public interest in what the District is doing and the public sense that
they wish to exercise control and say in what is going on continues to increase.
Therefore, the District is moving more into the community. We have a growing need to
respond and get various messages out in a proactive way on a variety of issues. There
has been a good response to the District's elementary school and intermediate school
programs, and a high school program is being developed.
Member Rainey stated that when she came on the Board, she was concerned that the
District was invisible to the cities. That has greatly improved and now city officials know
what the District is doing within their cities and our staffs are working together.
President Menesini stated that he feels very strongly that the Board should establish a
policy with regard to public outreach and objectives to achieve the goals of that policy.
Mr. Dolan introduced Ms. Harriette Heibel, Community Education Officer, who provided
the annual update on the District's Outreach Program. Ms. Heibel stated that a great deal
of thought went into identifying the audiences, messages, and the external and internal
communication vehicles. Ms. Heibel listed the audiences and the primary messages of the
District's Outreach Program. The cornerstone of the program is the District's pollution
prevention message. In addition, the District is now moving into recycled water. The
submessage of all communication is the service orientation of the District. And, as
always, cost consciousness is part of each message. Ms. Heibel reviewed the internal
and external communication vehicles, stating that many different people are responsible
for the various components of the District's Outreach Program, but now there is overall
coordination of these components.
Ms. Heibel stated that the District student education outreach activities include the
Elementary School Sewer Squad Program, the Intermediate School Program, and a pilot
of a High School Program. The Sewer Squad Program has reached 2,986 students over
a three-year period. Ms. Heibel presented an overview of the program evaluation.
President Menesini expressed an interest in the evaluation, stating that he wished to
ascertain whether there has been a change in behavior of the parents and teachers and
whether there will be a long-range impact from the program. Mr. Dolan concurred, stating
that a validation or audit function should be fundamental to the evaluation of all of the
programs. Ms. Heibel stated that staff will look into ways of gathering that data for
Ms. Heibel proceeded to review the District outreach activities.
Member Rainey suggested that a program such as the solid waste "Shop Smart" Program
be used in conjunction with the educational component of the Household Hazardous
Waste Program. Ms. Heibel agreed that may coordinate well with the point of sale
brochures we are currently placing in stores selling pesticides and paints and indicated
that she would look into this and report back.
At 11 :03 a.m., Member Nejedly requested that he be excused and left the meeting.
President Menesini suggested that an outreach program or a brochure be considered for
those people who are providing advice on environmental and household hazardous waste
issues. University of California Extension might be a source. President Menesini stated
that another area the District may want to consider is teacher education programs
because they spread the District's messages wider and faster.
Ms. Heibel stated that Ms. Kathy Kramer, of Aquatic Outreach Institute, conducts a large
program on pollution prevention each year for teachers. The District is one of the co-
In response to a question from Member Rainey, Ms. Heibel stated that staff is looking into
what would be involved for the District to become a co-sponsor of the Heather Farms
Educational Garden. Member Rainey stated further that outreach to garden clubs on
pesticides and household hazardous waste issues would be appropriate, but again
cautioned staff about inviting garden clubs to the Household Hazardous Waste Facility and
garden in the near term. Member Rainey suggested that the May newsletter contain
information on pesticides since that is the time of year when people are working in their
yards using pesticides. Mr. Dolan stated that the Spring issue of the newsletter will also
be used to comply with the requirements of Proposition 218 and advise the District's
ratepayers about upcoming public hearings to consider rates.
Ms. Heibel continued describing the District's outreach activities. Ms. Heibel noted that
agencies are beginning to work together on publications, pooling their resources. In
closing, Mr. Heibel requested policy direction from the Board and input on the budget and
staffing requirements.
Mr. Dolan stated that Ms. Paulette Bruzzone, Staff Assistant II, has applied for disability
retirement. In order to fulfill the outreach programs described, which staff believes it is
doing in response to Board direction, it is necessary to refill the position. Mr. Paul
Morsen, Deputy General Manager, stated that the position will be reclassified to more
accurately reflect the work now being done.
Member Rainey stated that the Public Outreach Program is ambitious and endorsed filling
the position.
President Menesini stated that before filling the position, it would be appropriate for staff
to look at the job description to determine how involved this position will actually be in
the programs described and to determine what the direction of the Board will be.
President Menesini agreed that the program is ambitious, and suggested that staff look
at other agencies and see what they are doing and how much staff they have.
Member Hockett stated that the program is a well structured, global program that cuts
into all of the facets where the District delivers service and where the District would like
to be known. It serves both internal and external customers. After developing the various
components of this program, staff is in a very good position to know what is needed in
the job description.
Mr. Dolan requested input from the Board on the components of the Public Outreach
President Menesini stated that the Board should give direction. This is truly an
outstanding program, still the programs and staffing of other agencies should be reviewed.
Member Hockett stated that the District has been doing that for a number of years. Ms.
Heibel stated that twice annually, the District has had a public agency forum where all
kinds of agencies are invited to participate, to share information, and to cooperate on
Member Rainey expressed support for the program components described for use in
proceeding with budget preparation and filling the position, but stated that they are
subject to comparative analysis when the Board receives the full budget and begins the
rate-setting process.
Member Boneysteele expressed support for filing the position as proposed with a talented
Mr. Dolan thanked the Board for their guidance and stated that at the time the Board is
asked for formal approval of the position, a job description will be provided.
Due to the lateness of the hour, staff was asked to schedule a meeting for further
discussion of the District's Media Outreach Program.
This item was continued as noted above.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Menesini adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 12:05 p.m., to reconvene at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4,
1997, at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, for an Adjourned Regular Meeting and
Board Workshop to review the Personnel Budget and other personnel matters.
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President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California