HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 12-07-95 215 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON DECEMBER 7, 1995 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session in the Second Floor Conference Room, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 1: 1 0 p.m. on December 7, 1995. 1 Cl n~ED ~ESSION a. ANTICIPATED LITIGATION The closed session was held to discuss initiation of litigation pursuant to Subsection (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code. One potential case was discussed. b. EXISTING LITIGATION The closed session was held to discuss existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). The title of the litigation discussed was Acme Landfill Corp. v. Althin CD Medical, Inc., CCCSD, et ai, U.S. District Court No. C91-4268 SBA. At 1: 1 0 p.m., President Hockett declared the closed session to discuss litigation pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9(a) and (c) as noted above. At 2:00 p.m., President Hockett concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session in the District Board Meeting Room. Further discussion of Item 1.b., Existing Litigation, will continue at the end of the Board Meeting. 2 REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION No decisions were made or votes taken that require reporting at this time. 3 ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Dalton, Rainey, Boneysteele, Hockett ABSENT: Members: None a. El FCTION OF DISTRICT BOARD PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT PRO TFM It was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Member Menesini be elected District Board President for 1996. Member Menesini was elected by unanimous acclamation. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Rainey, that Member Boneysteele be elected President Pro Tem of the District Board of Directors for 1996. Member Boneysteele was elected by unanimous acclamation. Member Menesini was joined by the Board and staff in commending President Hockett for her leadership during the past year. 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS None 5 CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through g., be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. 12 07 95 216 ~1:'1 C;,) .!;~~;! Rp.~o'ution No 95-094 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Russell J. Bruzzone, et ux, Job 4944, Parcel 2, was adopted and recording was authorized. a. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: b. Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None Rp.~ollJtion No 95-095 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Shapell Industries, Inc., Job 5076, Parcel 1, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None The Grant of Easement Deed from Mount Diablo Unified School District for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, DP 4985, was accepted at a cost of $21,141, the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District were authorized to execute the related Purchase Agreement, staff was authorized to record said Deed with the Contra Costa County Recorder, and Rp.~ollJtion No 95-096 was adopted to that effect. c. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None d. Authorization was given for P.A. 95-18 (Danville) and P.A. 95-19 (Walnut Creek) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None The contract work for the construction of the Lombardy Lane Sewer Replacement Project (DP 5081) in Orinda was accepted, and the filing of the Notice of Completion was authorized. e. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: (;hl~. :., « 95 Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None None a. 217 f. Notification was received of the Employees Association, Local No.1, officers elected at the recent Association elections. This item was presented for the Board's information. No action was taken. g. The purchase of a replacement printer/plotter was authorized from the 1995- 1996 Equipment Budget Contingency Account at a cost not to exceed $5,000. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Rainey, Dalton, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None 6 CALL FOR RI;OUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER 7 REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF FN(",INEER 1 ) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that under the Board's leadership over the past several years the District has undertaken three school education programs. These programs are aimed at three different age groups with somewhat different goals at each level. The fundamental message is pollution prevention, but corollary messages include how the public sewer system works, responsible citizenship, and the place of the individual and society in the ecology and hydrological cycle. The first District program to be implemented was the Intermediate School Program which is now entering its third year. This program not only has an emphasis on how the biological process cleans dirty water, but also, it endeavors to show students something about career opportunities that exist. The High School Program is in the developmental stage. Ms. Kathleen McCarthy, a High School Biology teacher, is contracting with the District to assist in development of a town hall/role playing scenario on pollution prevention. This program is planned for implementation in 1996-1997. The Elementary School Program is entering the pilot stage. The District has been most fortunate to be able to work with the Lindsay Museum on this program. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Tim Tullis, Public Information and Production Assistant, who provided an overview of Central San's Sewer Squad Elementary Student Education Program done in partnership with the Lindsay Museum. Mr. Tullis introduced Ms. Jennifer Bennington, the Lindsay Museum Education Coordinator, who is working with the District on this program. Mr. Tullis stated that the District developed the curriculum and support materials and the Lindsay Museum will promote, schedule, and deliver the interactive classroom presentations. The objectives of the program are: . To engage students in learning about what happens to dirty water; . To teach students what they can do at home to prevent water pollution; . To provide parent involvement in the student's educational experience; and . To build an understanding of Central San's critical role in protecting the environment. 19 . foci 07 95 218 1 c:~ .~ The program will include a promotional/registration brochure, pre-visit materials, classroom presentation, and an evaluation. Mr. Tullis showed the materials and classroom display to be used in the program. A consultant will be hired to assist in evaluation of the follow-up data and a presentation of the findings will be made to the Board after the first year of the program. Mr. Tullis reviewed the implementation plan and schedule, indicating that 12 pilot sessions are planned followed by 88 regular sessions, covering about 50 percent of the third grade students in the District service area. The materials were developed and produced in house by District staff. The total cost of the program is approximately $52,000, budgeted over a two-year period. President Hockett thanked Mr. Tullis for the interesting and informative presentation. 2) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer. stated that the District is adapting well to the Information Age. Mr. Andrew Sniderman, Management Information Systems Administrator, with the assistance of people from every department, has been managing this effort for the District. The District's Management Team has recognized that as work shifts to rely more on electronic information and as the District downsizes, we become more dependent on the reliability and capability of the computer network. The consequence of this trend is that a resource need in the Management Information System (MIS) area has developed. The Management Team is working to shift resources to provide additional staff to support MIS and to ensure that there will be cost savings and/or increases in the quality of service at the same time. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Sniderman, who provided an overview of the increase in the use of computers in business and our personal lives through the years; the critical factors for ensuring that communication can occur, information is accessible, and systems are networked; and the way the District is integrating these critical factors into its system. Accomplishments to date include process improvements in budgeting, sewer billing, and building permits, improved decision making in the areas of project management and cost analysis, information sharing, data protection, electronic mail, resource sharing, windows word processing, personal computer (PC) management, and improved communication and training. Future plans include implementation of the Plant Maintenance System, Laboratory Information System, and Business Management System (HTE) enhancements; training and implementation of electronic mail, networking of PC systems, and greater connectivity; technical support of personal computers hardware and software, minicomputer support, and network management and support; and securing resources for systems upgrades, network and technical support, and minicomputer hardware upgrade. . Discussion followed with regard to networks and transfer of data, training, and leasing versus purchasing equipment. President Hockett stated that Acalanes High School is developing a program to serve as a technical resource providing tutorials for businesses tailored to the needs of particular employees. It was noted that technology is changing rapidly and it is important that the District monitor this area and carefully evaluate any recommended changes to District systems. 3) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that it has been clear for some time that Contra Costa Water District's (CCWD) best option for alum sludge disposal was air drying. New CCWD Board and management staff have ushered in a new era of cooperation. Earlier this year, CCCSD's Board authorized staff to enter into negotiations with CCWD relative to reopening the alum drying basins. The Draft Outline for Sludge Drying Basins Lease was provided to the Board with the agenda packet. If the outline is acceptable to the Board, staff will proceed to work out the details and bring the final contract back to the Board for consideration. 07 95 219 Following discussion wherein the Board stressed the need to clearly set forth the responsibilities of each party, it was the consensus of the Board that staff proceed with detailed negotiations of a final contract based on the draft outline and the guidance provided by the Board. 4) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that over the years the District Board, with special emphasis by Member Rainey, has sought ways local agencies could work together to improve services and reduce costs to the public. Thanks to Mr. Don Freitas, the Contra Costa County Director of the Clean Water Program, a collaborative effort is being put together for pollution prevention inspections of commercial and industrial sites. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. William E. Brennan, Plant Engineering Division Manager, who stated that in 1987 the Clean Water Act was amended regarding the issue of stormwater. Authority was delegated from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Joint National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater Permits are now required of cities. Eleven municipalities in Contra Costa County have expressed interest in proceeding with an Inspection Pilot Program with inspection services provided by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD), Delta Diablo Sanitation District (DDSD), and West County Wastewater District (WCWD). The annual budget for the sanitary agencies program is projected to be $207,000. Of that, CCCSD has a budget of $170,000 since CCCSD will conduct the majority of the inspections. The staffing impact on CCCSD is equivalent to one full-time position for inspection. Mr. Bart Brandenburg, Source Control Program Superintendent, will act as program manager for the three sanitary agencies. Mr. Brennan stated that a 30-month pilot program is proposed to get a better understanding of the impacts. After 30 months, the costs and benefits will be evaluated. Discussion followed with regard to the services to be provided, the possible involvement of other local agencies in the program, and training for inspectors. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff proceed with detailed contract negotiations based on the Contract Outline Draft between the Three Sanitary Agencies and the Contra Costa Clean Water Program provided to the Board in the agenda packet. 5) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that implementation of the new solid waste service is proceeding on schedule. Ms. Janet Schneider is assuming her duties has the new Executive Director of the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA). At the next CCCSWA meeting Ms. Schneider will request authorization to hire an assistant, and the status of the transitional documents which will be needed to shift power from the District to our Cities and Towns will be discussed. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager, who reported that the issues with regard to hard-to-serve areas in Orinda have been addressed. It has been decided not to purchase an additional small truck to serve those areas. Instead, residents will continue to receive hard-to-serve service in the same manner as they currently receive. Customer service representatives will work individually with anyone who has a special problem. If necessary, the driver will get the container. Unless they are disabled, these customers will be charged an additional $6 per month for backyard service. The Orinda City Council decided that the additional $.70 per customer that the additional truck would have cost will be collected and used as a buffer for unanticipated complications. Mr. Morsen reported further that Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, is drafting a document which will allow the Cities and Towns for which the District currently franchises, to join CCCSWA but will enable the District to continue to participate during a transition period. Mr. Aim stated that two documents are being prepared. The first document is between the Cities and Towns and the District; the second document will allow the District to remain as a member of CCCSWA for a period of time. 12 or; 95 220 b. c. d. _1"""';:, "...1;; , f.:~d COUN~Fl FOR THE DI~TRICT None SECRFTARY OF THF DISTRICT None BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) 2) The update on solid waste issues was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at the last Board Meeting Member Menesini requested an update on the status of the San Luis Drain. Mr. Dolan introduced Ms. Gail Chesler, Associate Engineer, who reviewed the history and location of the Grasslands Bypass Channel Proposal (San Luis Drain). In 1990 the San Luis-Delta Mendota Water Authority requested use of a portion of the San Luis Drain. A Use Agreement was developed by interested parties to allow this use. Ms. Chesler noted that this is a separate issue from the recent Federal Court decision requiring the Bureau of Reclamation to build the San Luis Drain. The San Luis-Delta Mendota Water Authority, an authority comprised of drainers, proposed project would provide drainage for 97,000 acres by reopening 28 miles of the San Luis Drain and adding approximately 100 feet of connecting channel. This would drain to Mud Slough, then to the San Joaquin River, and then downstream to the Delta. The farmers who established the San Luis-Delta Mendota Authority have proposed a field experiment to the Bureau of Reclamation. It is proposed that the field experiment would: . Last from two to five years; . Convert non-point drainage to point source; . Evaluate methods of drainage management; and . Achieve compliance with water quality objectives. The Bureau of Reclamation would be the lead agency. The Bureau has asked the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) to amend its Basin Plan to establish a Waste Discharge Requirement for the Authority. Ms. Chesler stated that proponents of the proposed project point to some anticipated benefits: . Single entity responsibility; . Selenium load reduction targets; . Improved water quality in wildlife refuge; . Compliance monitoring; and . Fines for non-compliance. However, there are some concerns over the proposed project: . Is there an adequate timetable for load reduction/compliance goals; . What will a review of monitoring data show; . Will there be increased fines for non-compliance; . What are the impacts on the San Joaquin River and the Delta due to non-compliance; or¡ 95 221 . Could this lead to a further drain extension; . Will there be degradation of Mud Slough in the short term; and . Other components such as salts, pesticides, and metals should be regulated as well as selenium. Ms. Chesler stated that Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) has not decided whether or not to oppose the Short Canal. CCWD has noted the potential benefits and potential concerns and remains opposed to the Long Canal and to any extension of the Short Canal. Member Dalton requested to be excused and left the meeting at the hour of 4:30 p.m. Ms. Chesler stated that the Bureau of Reclamation has signed a Finding of No Significant Impact, a Supplemental Environmental Assessment, a consensus letter to the Central Valley RWaCB, and the Use Agreement. Amendments to the Central Valley RWaCB Basin Plan are in progress. Ms. Chesler noted that there is a hearing today, December 7, 1995, on compliance timing, and positions on the proposed project continue to evolve. Discussion followed with regard to ensuring compliance, payment of fines for non-compliance, the positions of various interested parties and the possibility of litigation. It was agreed that the District should take a watch position on this issue. Member Menesini and Ms. Chesler will attend the Board of Supervisors Meeting on December 12, 1995 at which this issue will be discussed. Member Menesini complimented Ms. Chesler on her thorough and informative presentation. Member Boneysteele agreed, stating that all of the staff presentations at this meeting have been outstanding and very informative. 8 ADMINI~TRATIVE a. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIFF ENGINEFR TO APPROVE ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT WITH LAMB AND LAMB FOR $~7,500 FOR CONTINUATION OF THE DISTRICT'~ WORK REDESIGN PROGRAM IN 1998 Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, thanked the Board Members for attending the Work Redesign Fall Renewal Event and indicated that work is progressing on schedule as noted in the overview presented at the event. It was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Menesini, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to enter into an addendum to the agreement with Lamb and Lamb in the amount of $37,500 for the continuation of support for the District's Work Redesign Program. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Dalton being absent. 9 APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 1995 b. MINUTF~ OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEFTING OF NOVEMBER 14, 1995 c. MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGUL AR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1995 It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 1995, the minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 14, 1995, and the minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 20, 1995 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Dalton being absent. 12 07 95 222 10 APPROVAL OF EXPFNDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED DECEMRER 7. 1995 Member Menesini, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and Member Boneysteele reviewed the expenditures and would recommend their approval. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Menesini, that the Expenditure List dated December 7, 1995, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 101024- 101031, Running Expense Check Nos. 93043-93513, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 16415-16520, and Payroll Check Nos. 40367-40641, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was approved with Member Dalton being absent. 11 EMERGFNCY SITUATIONS REOLJIRING ROARD ACTION None 12 ANNOIJNCFMENTS/SUGGFSTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None Member Rainey requested to be excused and left the meeting at the hour of 5:07 p.m. At this time, President Hockett returned to Item 1.b., Closed Session. 1 CLOSED SESSION b. FXISTING LITIGATION The closed session was held to discuss existing litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). The title of the litigation discussed was Acme Landfill Corp. v. Althin CD Medical, Inc., CCCSD, et ai, U.S. District Court No. C91-4268 SBA. At 5:07 p.m., President Hockett declared the closed session to discuss litigation pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9(a) as noted above. At 5:40 p.m., President Hockett concluded the closed session and reconvened the meeting into open session. 2 REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION No decisions were made or votes taken that require reporting at this time. At this time President Hockett reverted to the order of the agenda. 1 ~ ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at the hour of 5:42 p.m. j~~Æ~~ President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: r¿¿~ Sec[et of the Central C ntr Cos Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California I~;' ç.~) """II' ~ 07 95