HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-17-95 11 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JANUARY 17, 1995 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in an adjourned regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 3:00 p.m. on January 17, 1995. President Hockett called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Dalton, Rainey, Boneysteele, Hockett ABSENT: Members: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. and b., be approved as recommended. a. Authorization was given for P.A. 95-2 (Alamo) and P.A. 95-3 (Danville) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Menesini, Rainey, Hockett None None b. The attendance of Mr. Alan R. Grieb, Associate Engineer, was authorized at the five-day software training program to be held in Irvine, California, from February 6 through 10, 1995, at a total cost not to exceed $3,500. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Menesini, Rainey, Hockett None None 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, requested that Item 6.d., Engineering, and Item 6.b., Engineering, be taken out of order to accommodate interested persons in the audience. There being no objection, President Hockett proceeded to Item 6.d. 6. ENGINEERING d. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT <DP 4879) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project dates back to the hydraulic limitations first learned of in the 1986 storms. The 01 17 95 ---,-,~------.----------------------~--'--~-------- , -- -- --------,,~-------_._-- 12 contract is now virtually completed. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Henry Thom, Senior Engineer, who stated that Phases I and II of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project from Chilpancingo Parkway into the Treatment Plant have been completed. Mr. Thom reviewed the major elements of the project which included installation of 102-inch diameter pipe, reinforced concrete box sewer, microtunneling along Contra Costa Boulevard, three highway crossings using microtunneling, eight junction structures, and one and three-quarter miles of recycled water line. The contract was awarded to Ranger Pipeline, Inc. in October 1993 and the Notice to Proceed was effective January 1994, allowing for a one-year construction period. The job was completed ahead of schedule. The contract price was $14.3 million. Change orders total $320,000 or 2.2 .percent, for a final contract cost of $14.6 million. This total is still lower than the second low bid. The total project budget was $19.2 million. Mr. Thom credited the low change order rate to the excellent design by Montgomery Watson and the conscientious efforts of the District's project team headed by Mr. Tad Pilecki, Senior Engineer. A Dispute Review Board was used on the project. The Dispute Review Board met once a month but no disputes rose to that level. Mr. Thom commended the project team and applauded the cooperative working relationship between District staff and the contractor. The following members of the project team present introduced themselves: Construction Project Manager Henry Thom, Planning Assistant Russell Leavitt who worked on the Environmental Impact Report, Planning Assistant Jackie Zayac who coordinated community relations, Assistant Engineer Michael Penny in charge of right-of-way acquisition, Associate Engineer Jim Coe who served as project manager for facilities planning, Senior Engineer Tad Pilecki who served as project manager on design, JMM Design Project Manager Charles Joyce, Assistant Resident Engineer Charles Canepa, JMM Construction Resident Engineer Paul Nagy, Engineering Assistant for Survey Kevin Collins, Construction Inspector Doug Neufeld, Construction Inspector Gerry Winter, Land Surveyor Liz Charlton, and Survey Party Chief Jim Ruetenik. Mr. Thom also introduced Infrastructure Division Manager Jay McCoy and Deputy Chief Engineer Robert Baker who played key roles on the project. Mr. Thom stated that the heavy storms last week tested the new system and it performed successfully. There were no overflows in the Baylor Lane area of Pleasant Hill. Mr. Thom stated further that there was a significant public relations effort throughout the project dealing with residents, businesses, and other jurisdictions. Given the size, complexity, and difficulty of the project, the complaints were relatively minor. Mr. Thom stated that there is still one issue to be resolved relating to complaints from residents of the mobile home park along Marsh Drive. Sixty claims have been made. These have been turned over to the insurance company and they are being dealt with in an expeditious manner. The project team is monitoring this activity and progress. The Board commended staff on the success of this complex project. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Dalton, that the contract work for construction of Phases I and II of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, DP 4879, be accepted and that the filing of the Notice of Completion be authorized. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. At this time, President Hockett proceeded to Item 6.b. b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH ROSSMOOR MUTUALS. THE GOLDEN RAIN FOUNDATION AND UDC HOMES. INC. REGARDING ROSSMOOR SEWERS AND FEES: ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENTS Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at the last meeting staff gave an overview explaining the features of the proposed agreements with Rossmoor Mutuals, the Golden Rain Foundation, and UDC Homes, Inc. In addition, Member Boneysteele, resident of Rossmoor, has kept the Board and staff apprised on Rossmoor possible financial complications. Mr. Dolan introduced Infrastructure Division Manager Jay S. McCoy who stated that he has discussed this matter with Mr. Chris Cady, Manager of the local office of Rossmoor. Mr. Cady stated that the local problems such as the Central San issues will not affect the resolution of the financial complication and that there will be an announcement on January 20, 1995 with regard to the financial situation. The issue has 01 17 95 13 been considered by the District's legal staff and we are in the process of modifying the language to ensure that the District is protected in the event of a bankruptcy in the future. Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that he believes that the District can move forward with minor revisions to the agreements and believes that the District will not be at risk. Mr. Dolan recommended approval of the proposed agreements, stating that this is a win/win/win situation, and that he appreciated the cooperation received from the community of Rossmoor. It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Menesini, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute agreements with the Rossmoor Mutuals, Golden Rain Foundation, and UDC Homes, Inc. regarding Rossmoor sewers and fees, and that Resolution No. 95-006 be adopted to that effect. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Menesini, Rainey, Boneysteele, Hockett None None Mr. Paul Cornell, of Rossmoor, stated that it has been a pleasure working with Infrastructure Division Manager Jay S. McCoy and Collection System Operations Department Manager John A. Larson. They were cooperative and worked hard to meet the schedule. President Hockett thanked Mr. Cornell for his comments and for the cooperation of Rossmoor representatives in reaching this agreement. At this time, President Hockett reverted to the order of the agenda. 5. SOLID WASTE a. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF OPTION FOR A LONG-TERM AGREEMENT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF ALAMEDA COUNTY FOR DISPOSAL AT THE AL T AMONT LANDFILL Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that Deputy General Manager Paul Morsen and District Counsel Kenton L. Aim have been meeting with representatives of Waste Management to refine the issues and reach agreement on the terms of a long-term agreement for disposal at the Altamont Landfill. Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that there was an understanding of the general terms of the agreement prior to beginning the process of developing a written agreement. Mr. Aim reviewed the basic terms of the proposed long-term agreement as set forth in the position paper. Mr. Aim stated that the intent is that this is an option; therefore, execution of the long-term agreement or commitment of the waste stream would not take place at this time. The terms of the agreement would be fixed during the option period. There is no financial obligation to the District of approving this option and the District is not obligated to exercise the option by entering into the long-term agreement if, during the competitive bid process, a better disposal proposal is incorporated into the winning bid. It is contemplated that the District will ultimately assign its interests under the agreement to the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA), in the event the option is to be exercised. Mr. Aim stated that there is one issue remaining which has not been resolved. That issue relates to an imposed tonnage or per truck limitation. This issue was not put on the table until relatively late in the negotiations. An option that has been discussed is to have a 14- ton monthly average limit on all of the waste coming in from this area. In exchange for this limitation, Waste Management has agreed to license or lease the Waste Management System (WMS) Pod technology to the successful bidder. This information has been provided to Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson, the consultants working on the RFP. They have concluded that it is questionable whether the current tonnage limitations proposed are 01 17 95 ,----------,-,"" -"----, 14 d. marginally achievable, so this limitation must be renegotiated or we must be shown the calculations are not accurate. Mr. Aim recommended that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to enter into this option for a long-term disposal agreement on the general terms provided, with the understanding that the tonnage limitation will be worked out to the satisfaction of District staff and District Counsel. Discussion followed with regard to using corporation yards for Pod exchange, the tonnage limitation issue, the role of the District as opposed to the role of CCCSWA, and the Board's wish to review the final terms of agreement prior to approval of the option. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that an Adjourned Regular Meeting be scheduled for 11 :00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1995, for further consideration and approval of the option for a long-term agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County for disposal at the Altamont Landfill following negotiation of the per truck tonnage limitation issue and other related items as necessary. 6. ENGINEERING a. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT FOR $130.000 TO THE CH2M HILL AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES ON THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 20069) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that this matter was discussed in detail at the last Board Meeting. Approval is now requested. Following discussion, it was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member Dalton, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute an amendment in the amount of $130,000 to the existing CH2M Hill agreement for construction management services on the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project, DP 20069. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH ROSSMOOR MUTUALS. THE GOLDEN RAIN FOUNDATION AND UDC HOMES. INC. REGARDING ROSSMOOR SEWERS AND FEES: ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENTS This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. c. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR DESIGN OF THE BANCROFT ROAD SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT. DP 5048 Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Rainey, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to allocate $30,000 from the Collection System Contingency Account for design of the Bancroft Road Sewer Renovation Project, DP 5048. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT <DP 4879) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION This item was taken out of order earlier in the agenda. a. 7. TREATMENT PLANT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH JB SYSTEMS FOR A REPLACEMENT COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that Phase II of the District Management Information System (MIS) Project includes replacement of the present 01 17 95 15 Computerized Maintenance Management System. Purchase of the JB Systems Mainsaver system is recommended. In response to questions from Member Menesini, Plant Operations Department Manager Charles W. Batts stated that the recommended package includes bringing the system on line and training on site for five days. The contract also includes conversion of the current Plant and Equipment Maintenance System data. It was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Dalton, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute an agreement in the amount of $63,778 with JB Systems for the purchase of Mainsaver software and installation support for the District's Computerized Maintenance Management System. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15. 1995 Following discussion and clarification by Member Boneysteele, it was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the minutes of December 15, 1995 be approved with the following amendment. The first sentence in the sixth paragraph on page 5 was amended to read, "To address the communications issue, Member Boneysteele suggested that an agenda procedures workshop be held. There being no objection, the above motion was unanimously approved. 9. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED JANUARY 17. 1995 Member Menesini, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and Member Dalton reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Menesini, that the Expenditure List dated January 17, 1995, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100908-100909, Running Expense Check Nos. 86541-87037, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 15084- 15166, and Payroll Check Nos. 37151-37432, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 10. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 11. REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER a. 1 ) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Mr. Jim Coe, Associate Engineer, who provided the second in a series of reports on the District's Recycled Water Program. Mr. Coe described the existing reclamation facilities constructed in the 1970's. Ten to 20 acre feet per year is now delivered to the District's current recycled water customers which include the Treatment Plant utility water system, Contra Costa County maintenance facility, Seasons Cemetery, Contra Costa Topsoil, the Maltby Pumping Station, Henry's Wood Recycling, and County Quarry Products. In addition, there is a temporary truck filling facility, which is not now in operation, but was used during the drought. Mr. Coe reviewed proposed alternatives to serve existing customers and to connect the clearwell to the existing Marsh Drive 24-inch pipeline. Mr. Coe reviewed the schedule and estimated costs for the facility plan, design, and construction of new Treatment Plant facilities and pipelines totalling $4.5 million. Recycled water produced must comply with State regulatory (Title 22) requirements for high quality water which would allow its sale as irrigation 01 17 95 ,------,--~~--------'----------'----"-'--'--- -- 16 01 water without restrictions to schools, playgrounds, and the like. Mr. Coe reviewed the District's existing delivery system and industrial recycled water users. Water quality is the main issue facing the District with regard to industrial users. Based on today's technology, on-site treatment at the refineries might be a cost-effective option for meeting industrial water requirements. President Hockett thanked Mr. Coe for his report. 2) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that recently a number of District employees visited household hazardous waste facilities in the Bay Area and around California. At the same time, Deputy General Manager Paul Morsen has made presentations and conducted discussions with the City Managers and Contra Costa County representatives with regard to the District's proposed Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program. Mr. Dolan introduced Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste) Elaine Jacobs who stated that about four years ago, District staff had proposed a plan for a permanent HHW facility. Central County Cities and the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) have now asked that the District revive its plan as an alternative to the County HHW mobile collection facility. Ms. Jacobs stated that the objectives of the HHW Program are to comply with regulations, provide convenient and safe disposal alternatives for both households and small businesses, and to address concerns raised by Cities that a permanent facility be open on a regular basis and that costs be lowered. Ms. Jacobs reviewed the results of the County mobile collection program and the concerns which the city representatives had identified with the program, noting that the scope and costs of the County program are proposed to increase from 1993-1994 to 1994-1995. Advantages of operating a permanent HHW facility include: . Appointments would not necessarily be required; . Continuous access would be provided for household and small quantity generators at a fixed location; . Opportunities would exist to increase participation; . Safer disposal practices would be in place; . A minimum of 25 percent savings in the cost per vehicle is anticipated; . Long-term storage would be permitted allowing for consolidation; . One time permitting and only one annual State report would be required; . Resources could be shared with the treatment plant; and . Publicity and site operations could be standardized. Mr. Don Berger, Associate Engineer, showed slides and described the various HHW facilities visited by District staff. These facilities range from very simple to elaborate with a corresponding wide range in capital and operating costs. Mr. Russ Leavitt, Planning Assistant, briefly discussed the planning, financial, and public relations issues relating to the proposed HHW project. Preferred site characteristics include: . Environmentally suitable; . Land owned by the District or Cities, preferably near the treatment plant; 17 95 17 . Public services and utilities available; . Easy vehicle access; and . Reuse existing facilities. Mr. Leavitt stated that the estimated capital cost of the project is $800,000 to $1 million. This estimate includes planning and permitting, design, and construction but excludes land purchase and unforeseeable complications. Annual operating costs are estimated to range from $320,000 (assuming $85 per vehicle and 4 percent household participation rate) to $600,000 (assuming $ 85 per vehicle and 7.5 percent household participation rate). Potential funding mechanisms for the facility include direct billing to the Cities and County, solid waste franchise fee, tipping fee, Sewer Service Charge, and small quantity generators' fee-for-service. Mr. Leavitt reviewed the proposed project schedule which calls for construction to be completed by November 1 997. Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager, stated that a permanent HHW facility is proposed that is less expensive and more convenient than a mobile collection program, and solves the environmental problem. Some imponderables include the neighbors' opinions, financing issues, and politics. Mr. Morsen stated that the District has a very keen interest in keeping these materials out of the sewer system since they could impact the plant process and be detrimental to employees and the environment. An initial authorization has been requested to begin the project and staff will proceed absent further direction from the Board. Discussion followed with regard to funding mechanisms, possible impact of the pending County decision to franchise in the unincorporated areas, and cooperation and participation of the neighbors and Mt. View Sanitary District. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board, that staff proceed with the proposed HHW Program. 3) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported that an Ad Hoc Committee of the Board, Members Rainey and Menesini, met with Ms. Barbara Miller, a recommended facilitator, to discuss the proposed Board/staff workshop. Mr. Dolan discussed goals for the workshop including: . Increased, in depth understanding of Board/staff opinions and feelings about issues important to the District; . Ensure adequate information flow and exchange between all members of the Board, staff, and executive team; and . Analyze and review mechanisms and processes by which all Board Members are involved including committees, agenda processes, and the like. Mr. Dolan reviewed the proposed procedures and format for the workshop. Members Menesini and Rainey reported on their meeting with the proposed facilitator and recommended that the Board proceed with the workshop and that Ms. Miller be hired to serve as facilitator for the process. The Board voiced no objection. 4) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported on the January 13, 1995 Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) meeting at which prevailing wage language was included at the request of Teamsters Local 315, in the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solid Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling Services. This language was included only with regard to collection services and not for recycling or green waste services. 01 95 17 ------"---,----------",--"---".",--",--,,,,,-----_._-'-,._-----",..'---' 18 b. The matter of Contra Costa County joining CCCSWA was also on the agenda but was continued at the request of County staff. At a separate meeting on the same date, City Managers expressed support for cooperative, coordinated actions on solid waste possibly including a materials recovery facility. Mr. Dolan reported that the dispute between Garaventa and Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal continues. District Counsel has pursued an amicable resolution of this matter but has not yet been successful in that regard. Staff will keep the Board advised. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None d. BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) 2) 01 17 Member Rainey reported that the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is moving forward with development of guidelines. Member Rainey has provided that information to District staff for review and comment. President Hockett distributed the Board Committee assignments, stating that she tried to take into consideration the preferences and interests of the Board Members. The Board Committee assignments for 1995 are as follows: STANDING COMMITTEES: Budget and Finance Committee *Mario M. Menesini Parke L. Boneysteele Caoital Projects Committee * Parke L. Boneysteele Mario M. Menesini Personnel Committee *Barbara D. Hockett William C. Dalton AD HOC COMMITTEES: Water Recyclina Committee *Mario M. Menesini Susan McNulty Rainey REPRESENTATIVES: Board Liaison to Cities and County Concord, Pleasant Hill, Pacheco Danville, Alamo, San Ramon Lafayette, Walnut Creek Martinez, Contra Costa County Orinda, Moraga William C. Dalton Barbara D. Hockett Parke L. Boneysteele Mario M. Menesini Susan McNulty Rainey 95 19 California Soecial Districts Association Contra Costa County Chaoter Susan McNulty Rainey Barbara D. Hockett - Alternate Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authoritv Susan McNulty Rainey Barbara D. Hockett Mario M. Menesini - Alternate Friends of the San Francisco Estuarv Mario M. Menesini Sanitation and Water Aaencies of Contra Costa County Parke L. Boneysteele William C. Dalton - Alternate * First named Member will serve as Committee Chair. 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS At the recommendation of Member Menesini, the Board recognized Pumping Stations Superintendent Clarence Covey, Pumping Stations Operator II David Freitas, Pumping Stations Operator II Terese Hammett, Pumping Stations Supervisor Eugene Peyrucain, and Pumping Stations Operator II Raymond Sawyer for their efforts during the recent heavy storms. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at the hour of 6:35 p.m. to reconvene at 11 :00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 1995 for an Adjourned Regular Meeting. d j). j£ ¿Þf= President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: 01 17 95 ,------------_.,------,---,----_._---,-_.._-------,.,----. --.---,.,.--- _m_,_- .",