HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 01-05-95 4 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON JANUARY 5,1995 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 3:00 p.m. on January 5, 1995. President Rainey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Menesini, Dalton, Hock~tt, Boneysteele, Rainey ABSENT: Members: None ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT PRO TEM a. Member Menesini and Member Hockett's names were placed in nomination for the office of District Board President for 1 995. There being no further nominations, President Rainey called for a roll call vote. Member Hockett was elected District Board President for 1995 with Members Dalton, Hockett, and Rainey voting for Member Hockett and Members Boneysteele and Menesini voting for Member Menesini. President Rainey congratulated Member Hockett on her election as President of the Board of Directors for 1995 and expressed the hope that Member Menesini would serve as President Pro Tem for 1995 so that the District would benefit from his excellent leadership as well. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that Member Menesini be elected President Pro Tem of the District Board of Directors for 1995. Member Menesini was elected by unanimous acclamation. Member Menesini was joined by the Board and staff in commending President Rainey for her leadership during the past year. President Rainey stated that it has been a pleasure because of the high caliber of the Board and staff. President Rainey turned the meeting over to newly elected President Hockett. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 3. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Dalton and seconded by Member Rainey, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through h., be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. a. Resolution No. 95-001 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Ronald D. Solomon, et ux, Job 4977, Parcel 2, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None 01 05 95 b. 5 Resolution No. 95-002 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Liahona M. Christensen, Job 4832, Parcel 1, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None Resolution No. 95-003 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Terra California Limited Partnership, Job 4847, Parcel 1, was adopted and recording was al;Jthorized. c. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None d. Authorization was given for P.A. 95-1 (Alamo) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None The transferral of easements and other right-of-way documents from Shell Pipe Line Corporation and the Grant of Easement from Pacific New Wave Corporation were accepted, staff was authorized to record appropriate documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder, and Resolution Nos. 95- 004 and 95-005 were adopted to that effect. e. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None Notification of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees Association, Local No.1 officers elected at the recent Association elections was received. This item was presented for the Board's information. No action was taken. 1. The attendance of Mr. Douglas J. Craig, Planning Division Manager, was authorized at the winter and spring 1995 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) conferences. g. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: 01 05 95 ----------,----,----------'---'------'---'------'--'- -- -----,--,.,------, 6 AYES: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None h. Staff was authorized to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the appeal procedures for suspension of employees in the matter of Accounting Technician III David Rolley. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Dalton, Rainey, Menesini, Boneysteele, Hockett None None 4. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None 5. CORRESPONDENCE a. NOTE RECEIPT OF LETTER DATED DECEMBER 14.1994. FROM MR. DAVID C. HARDIN. OF LAFAYETTE. REQUESTING THAT MINI-CAN SERVICE BE OFFERED TO REFUSE COLLECTION CUSTOMERS: CONSIDER DRAFT RESPONSE Receipt of the letter dated December 14, 1994, from Mr. David C. Hardin, of Lafayette, requesting that mini-can service be offered to refuse collection customers was noted, and the draft response was approved as modified. b. NOTE RECEIPT OF LETTER DATED DECEMBER 20. 1994. FROM MR. LEO PERA T A. OF UNITED WAY. THANKING THE DISTRICT FOR ITS CONTINUED SUPPORT WITH THE 1994 UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN Receipt of the letter dated December 20, 1994, from Mr. Leo Perata, of United Way, thanking the District for its continued support with the 1994 United Way campaign was noted. President Hockett and the Board commended Plant Operations Department Manager Charles W. Batts, Planning Division Manager Douglas J. Craig, and all District employees for their contributions and participation in the United Way campaign. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1. 1 994 a. It was moved by Member Rainey and seconded by Member Menesini, that the minutes of December 1, 1994, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 7. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURE LIST DATED JANUARY 5. 1995 a. Member Menesini, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and Member Dalton reviewed the expenditures and had questions with regard to the use of the Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson firm and the interface between District activities and Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) activities. Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager, provided an explanation to the Committee. Member Menesini requested that the Board be kept apprised during the transitional phase both with regard to the use of consultants and staffing for CCCSWA. The District's work redesign effort being coordinated by Lamb & Lamb was also discussed. 01 05 95 7 Following discussion, it was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Dalton, that the Expenditure List dated January 5, 1995, including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 100904-100907, Running Expense Check Nos. 86404-86540, and Sewer Construction Check Nos. 15052-15083, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. Member Menesini commended Planning Division Manager Douglas J. Craig for his explanation of the District's odor control efforts, and Plant Engineering Division Manager William E. Brennan for his excellent presentation on retrofitting and seismic upgrade. 8. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 9. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER 1 ) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that as a result of changes in leadership at local water agencies, interest in Central Contra Costa water recycling has increased recently. As the pace of this work accelerates, there will be a series of important Board level policy issues. Mr. Dolan introduced Ms. Lynne Putnam, Senior Engineer, who reviewed the schedule for monthly reports to the Board on the District's Recycled Water Program. Ms. Putnam stated that the goal of the State program is to recycle one million acre feet of water by the year 2010 at an estimated cost of $2 billion. At the local level, the District's Recycled Water Program goals focus on two areas: irrigation and industrial. In the area of irrigation, the District's goals are to recycle 1,000 acre feet of water by 1997 and 3,000 acre feet by the year 2000, at an estimated capital cost of $14 million. In the industrial area, the District's goals are to recycle 8,000 acre feet of water by 1998 and 20,000 acre feet of water by the year 2010. Ms. Putnam highlighted the guidelines followed by staff in achieving those goals and established by the Board during the past years as follows: . To provide a safe and reliable supply of recycled water; . To maximize the use of existing recycled water facilities; . To coordinate with water agencies; . To recover annual operations and maintenance (O&M) costs; . To recover capital costs over a 20-year period; and . To maintain good public relations. Discussion followed with regard to the interaction and communication between Districts at the Board level. Member Menesini stated that it is important to have Board Members exchange views and reflect their input in positive ways in this process. Ms. Putnam briefly described the recycled water facilities and their locations, and the locations of proposed recycled water projects. The District's Recycled Water Program must comply with various regulations including securing a Regional Water Quality Control Board discharge permit for each recycled water project, Department of Health Services Title 22 regulations relating to water quality, Public Utilities Code duplication of services regulations, and the Sanitary District Enabling Act relative to purveyorship. Ms. Putnam stated that these issues will be addressed in the general agreement and project specific agreements with Contra Costa Water District and the study agreement with East Bay Municipal Utility District. 01 05 95 8 01 Discussion followed with regard to the possibility of making this a metric measurement project. Following this discussion, President Hockett thanked Ms. Putnam for her informative presentation. 2) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that several contentious Rossmoor issues have been going on for over 30 years. These issues have been managed but never resolved. There is now an openness to change with new management at UDC, the Rossmoor developer. Infrastructure Division Manager Jay S. McCoy, Collection System Operations Department Manager John A. Larson, and District Counsel Kenton L. Aim have worked diligently to bring a resolution to these issues. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Jay S. McCoy, Infrastructure Division Manager, who provided background on the matter at hand beginning in 1 963 when the District entered into an agreement with Rossmoor which provided, among other things, that Rossmoor would pay a special rate and build their sewers to certain standards. Through the years issues have arisen from the perspective of the Rossmoor citizens, the Rossmoor developer (UDC), and the District. About three years ago negotiations became more intense. An engineering study was authorized by the Board to determine the condition of the current sewers. That study found that the sewers were in a general good structural condition, but certain improvements were needed. This study formed the basis for negotiation of a proposal to end the disputes among the parties. Mr. McCoy reviewed the key points of the proposal as follows: . All parties agree to end all disputes. . Existing sewer systems will be upgraded over the next ten years. . Money to upgrade sewers will come from two sources: UDC is to pay full Capital Improvement Fees, $1,200 of which will be spent on upgrades; and 20 percent of the Sewer Service Charges paid by Rossmoor citizens from fiscal year 1993-1994 to fiscal year 2003-2004 will be spent on upgrades. . All new sewer systems in Rossmoor will be built to District standards. . Fees paid by the developer will be based on current and future rates. Mr. McCoy stated that the proposed agreement is structured so that the District must take over the highest priority sewers. If additional funds remain after that work is completed, the District will take over the lower priority sewers as well using the available funds until they are exhausted. The total estimated cost to upgrade the sewers is $3.5 million to $4 million which is roughly the amount of money available. At the next Board meeting, the Board will be asked to authorize staff to proceed with execution of the proposed agreement. 3) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that in looking forward to the challenges of 1995, it would appear that Board and staff may benefit from working together in a workshop setting. Mr. Dolan discussed possible agenda items and noted that potential facilitators have been identified. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that staff proceed with organizing a Board/Staff Workshop. President Hockett will appoint an Board Ad Hoc Committee to interview possible facilitators and to work with staff in organizing the workshop. 4) Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Ron Klimczak, Senior Engineer and Project Manager for the construction phase of the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project, who provided an update on the project. The contract for the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project was awarded in June 05 95 9 1992 to Humphrey Construction, Inc. at a bid price of $18,368,000, substantially under the engineer's estimate of $23,291,000. The Notice to Proceed was effective July 15, 1992. The original contract completion date was October 4, 1994, and the District received partial beneficial use of the new headworks facilities on September 28, 1994. Mr. Klimczak reported that all significant construction work has now been completed. It is expected that at the February 2, 1994 Board Meeting, the Board will be asked to accept the project and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. This three and one-half month extension to the original contract completion date was due to several factors including: . Adverse weather during the excavation phase in the 1992-1993 winter; . Unforeseen utility conflicts; . A Teamsters strike in summer 1993; . Extra work and coordination required to facilitate the Pleasant Hill Interceptor Project connection; and . Various extra work issues. Mr. Klimczak reported that overall the headworks is working well and the project has been successful. There are two budget issues remaining. The first relates to the projected change order value of $1.2 million, approximately 6.5 percent of the contract value. This is due to the complexity and difficulty of the project, the extensive work encountered with regard to unknown utilities, and issues brought to the Disputes Review Board for resolution. The Disputes Review Board is a new technique used by the District. It was quite effective on this project and a useful tool in avoiding potential litigation. The second budget issue relates to the construction management agreement with CH2M Hill. Since the contractor has completed his work late, it will be necessary to provide for construction management services with CH2M Hill through the end of February 1995. The cost for these services is $130,000. Adequate funds are available in the project budget and no additional funds will be required. A position paper will be presented for Board consideration on January 17, 1 995. President Hockett thanked Mr. Klimczak for the interesting and informative report. 5) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that the District is currently advertising for the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase I. The engineer's construction estimate is $250,000. This is the first of approximately 10 projects that the District will be doing over the next ten years pursuant to the proposed Rossmoor agreements. 6) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, directed the Board's attention to the article on Ultraviolet Disinfection which appeared recently in the Water Environment & Technology publication. Copies of the article were provided to the Board. 7) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that the District has rented Bay 1 of the 4737 Imhoff Place warehouse propertx to GE Supply for $35,000 per year. The tenant will be doing approximately $10,000 of improvements that will ultimately be beneficial to the District. 8) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that Garaventa/Concord Disposal Service is in a dispute with Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal, Inc. (PHBS) concerning refuse collection for a number of customers in the North Concord area. District staff has informed Garaventa, as has PHBS, that they are infringing on PHBS's business rights. Garaventa's response has been truculent. This issue could escalate. 01 05 95 10 b. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT None c. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT None d. BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at the Special Board Meeting held on January 3, 1995, the Board instructed staff to draft a letter to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors relative to the County's plans to franchise solid waste collection and disposal in the unincorporated area of Central County and in pursuit of the County joining the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA), The draft letter was distributed, discussed, and approved as modified. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 11. CLOSED SESSION a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ON SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (8) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE - TWO POTENTIAL CASES b. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ON INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO SUBDIVISION (C) OF SECTION 54956.9 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE - TWO POTENTIAL CASES These items were removed from the agenda. No closed sessions were held. 12. ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Hockett adjourned the meeting at the hour of 6:28 p.m. to reconvene at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 1995 for an Adjourned Regular Meeting. C¥/¡ h' . /" /1 , I. / . -, ¿kJ u. ,{ / If,ltJ-~ President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Se r t of the Centra Co ra Co a Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 01 05 95