HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 02-04-99 19 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON FEBRUARY 4, 1999 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on February 4, 1999. President Lucey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Nejedly, Menesini, Hockett, Boneysteele, Lucey ABSENT: Members: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. RESOLUTION COMMENDING BOARD MEMBER JAMES A. NEJEDL Y FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AS PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett, that Resolution No. 99-013 be adopted, recognizing Board Member James A. Nejedly for his service to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as President of the Board of Directors. The motion was approved with Member Nejedly abstaining. President Lucey presented a framed resolution to Member Nejedly and was joined by the Board and staff in commending him for his leadership during the past year. Member Nejedly thanked the Board and staff. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Following discussion of the Kaplan Annexation, it was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini, that the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through g., be approved as recommended, resolutions adopted as appropriate, and recordings duly authorized. a. Resolution No. 99-014 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from Glasgow Circle Developers, loP., Job 5234, Parcel 1, Campbell Place, Danville area, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey None None b. Resolution No. 99-015 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from loC. Brody, et ux, Job 5255, Parcel 1, San Miguel Drive, Walnut Creek area, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: 02 04 99 20 02 AYES: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None c. Resolution No. 99-016 accepting work and Offers of Dedication from D. Gonsalves, et ux, Job 5255, Parcel 2, San Miguel Drive, Walnut Creek area, was adopted and recording was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey None None d. Authorization was given for P.A. 99-2 (Alamo) and P.A. 99-3 (Walnut Creek) to be included in a future formal annexation to the District. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey None None e. Resolution No. 99-017 was adopted, concurring with the findings and determinations of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), and ordering completion of District Annexation No. 147 (Kaplan Annexation to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District). Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey None None 1. The contract work was accepted for the construction of the Fairview/Maltby Pump Modifications and Fairview Discharge Header Replacement Project, DP 6124, and filing of the Notice of Completion was authorized. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey None None g. April 15, 1999 was established as the date for a public hearing to consider establishment of the Charles Hill Circle Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 98-2 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. Motion unanimously approved on the following vote: 04 99 None a. 21 AYES: Members: Hockett, Menesini, Nejedly, Boneysteele, Lucey NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER 6. BIDS AND AWARDS AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT SUBSTATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT tDP 6113) Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that this project enables battery backup for the Treatment Plant electrical substations. Staff would recommend award of a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, California Electric Company. Following discussion of the type and life of the batteries, it was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Nejedly, that award of a construction contract in the amount of $155,522 for the construction of the Treatment Plant Substation Improvements Project, DP 6113, be authorized to California Electric Company, the lowest responsible bidder. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. a. 7. REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER 1 ) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the treated effluent from the Plant is taken by means of a six-foot diameter, four mile pipeline to Suisun Bay. The elevation of the Plant is high enough to enable about 56 mgd to flow by gravity. In the early 1990's the District defined a number of improvements needed to the Outfall pipe to enable it to handle the increased flows which are anticipated to result from growth and the increased influent flows due to new wet weather capacity in our Headworks and interceptors. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Ba Than, Associate Engineer, who stated that the four-mile Outfall was built in 1958 to discharge treated effluent into Suisun Bay. There is 1,700 feet of submerged pipe with diffusers to provide proper dilution to the effluent and two pumps. During the recent wet winter up to 110 mgd was treated and processed. During high flow it was necessary to use both final effluent pumps to keep up with the demand so there was not backup capacity. In addition, the weir structure leaked during high flow conditions. The first three phases of the Outfall Improvements Project enabled pressurization of the Outfall to accommodate 135 mgd flow with surge protection; improved reliability of the primary effluent pumping system; monitoring of settlement and lateral movements of the Outfall; and improved dilution ratio of the final effluent at the discharge point. Phase 4 of the Outfall Improvements Project, DP 7184, work will include installation of one new final effluent pump, rehabilitation of two existing final effluent pumps, and rehabilitation of the weir structure to accommodate 135 mgd flow. The objectives of this work are to increase the capacity of the Outfall and to provide reliability and redundancy for the system. Mr. Than showed slides of the pumps and weir structure and described planned improvements. Mr. Than reviewed the project schedule which calls for design to be completed by August 1999 and construction to be completed by October 2001. The total estimated cost of the project is $4.5 million. A position paper will be presented for the Board's consideration at the next Board Meeting. 02 99 04 .- ._------- ----- .--.------- .....---. --...----- 22 02 Following discussion of the pump manufacturer and specifications, a breakdown of the $4.5 million estimated cost figure, and the dilution ratio required in the District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, the Board thanked Mr. Than for his presentation. 2) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Mr. Charles W. Batts, Director of Engineering, who reported that the Martinez City Council had requested an update on work in progress. At the January 20, 1999 Martinez City Council meeting, District staff reported that over the last eight years more than $20 million has been spent in Martinez. Major work has been done in streets and at the pumping stations that take significant wastewater flows to the Treatment Plant. In the current joint project with the City of Martinez on Pacheco Boulevard, the District is replacing 7,000 feet of 12 to 20 inch sewer lines. In addition, existing 6 inch lines are being replaced with new 8 inch lines. The District's portion of the work is about 90 percent complete. Work on the Martinez Eastside Sewer Improvement Project is approximately 40 percent complete. The District is working with the City to ensure that the hours of work do not interfere with City operations or local businesses. The District is also working to ensure that impacts on traffic are minimized. Mr. Batts stated that the District's report was well received by the Martinez City Council. The City Council requested a project site visit and that is being scheduled. 3) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the District must publish a notice each year of those commercial and industrial customers in significant non-compliance with Federal source control regulations and rules. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Tim Potter, Source Control Program Superintendent, who distributed a list of the businesses and a descriptive write up on the nature of the violations. In accordance with previous direction from the Board, the list has been divided into two categories: 1) Discharge Quality Violations, and 2) Reporting Violations. In the discussion that followed Member Menesini requested that a notation be made by those businesses that are repeat violators. Following discussion, President Lucey stated the consensus position of the Board that the Board is cognizant that many businesses who were not in compliance have come into compliance. The Board will do all that is possible to bring those who are not into compliance immediately. Those few that have shown themselves to be out of compliance over the years, will receive special attention to help bring them into compliance. President Lucey congratulated Mr. Potter and his group for all of their efforts in this regard. 4) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that at the last Board Meeting, the Board raised a question as to whether there was a continuing need to have Board approval for filling Board authorized positions which become vacant as a result of termination, resignation, or retirement. The current practice was instituted as part of a Board imposed hiring freeze in 1993. It was modified later to allow the Board Personnel Committee to approve filling vacancies and report at the next Board Meeting. Over the years this process has not been much of a burden because there have not been many vacancies, but the District anticipates a number of retirements in the coming years. Each vacancy is carefully reviewed by the managers who are motivated to reduce expenses and keep the District competitive. If the Board feels it is appropriate to let go of one or both of these review and approval steps it would be helpful for the General Manager to have the authority to fill vacancies and it would help reduce the labor shortages that can be anticipated in some important areas. Member Boneysteele stated that he does not believe this should be delegated to the Personnel Committee. Member Boneysteele stated that the 04 99 23 Board should establish new positions and it should be up to the General Manager not to keep positions that are no longer required. However, Member Boneysteele stated that does not mean he advocates laying anyone off. Member Boneysteele stated that he does not think either the Board or a Committee should micro-manage the filing of authorized vacancies. It should not be necessary for the General Manager to get an authorization from the Board to fill a vacant position established by the Board. Member Hockett agreed. Member Hockett stated that when the Personnel Committee took on this task, the District was looking at not filling positions and changing positions to better fit the current needs of the District. Member Hockett stated that she did not want to see downsizing or unfilled positions without some kind of oversight. Member Hockett stated that she believes there should be a balance of personnel in terms of workload. Member Hockett stated that she supports the General Manager having authority to fill vacant positions, but that she does not support having positions eliminated simply to save money or to make the District look good. Member Hockett stated that she used the reports from the Personnel Committee to keep informed of decisions that were being made. Member Nejedly stated that he agrees with Members Boneysteele and Hockett. Member Nejedly stated that he thinks it is important that the Board and/or the Personnel Committee be informed of changes in employment needs. Member Menesini stated that he would like to be informed of changes such as the Safety and Risk Management reorganization. Member Menesini stated that knowledge of what is happening in the structure of the organization is important and reporting should continue, but he has no problem with the General Manager making decisions to fill vacant positions. Member Lucey stated that he felt the Personnel Committee reports were very helpful in letting him know what was happening and what decisions are being made, but he will go along with the rest of the Board. It was the consensus of the Board, that a position paper authorizing the General Manager to fill vacant positions be prepared for Board consideration at the next Board Meeting. Member Hockett left the meeting at approximately 3:30 p.m. 5) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that there was an incinerator ash duct release into the air last fall. At that time Mountain Cascade (NADA Pacific and Westcon Inc.) was microtunneling on the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project and discharging clarified drilling slurry into the sanitary sewer system. District staff was not aware silt was going into the system. The amount of ash from the furnace increased and the ash emission release occurred as a result. The ash handling system was designed to match normal ash loads. When the ash doubled, the system could not handle it. The ash was still hot when it went into the bag house. The bags burned and a substantial amount of ash dust was blown out into the atmosphere. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District cited the District and we are required to pay a $313 fine. 6) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that because of the specialized nature of tunneling work, and some unfortunate experience a few years ago, the District has used a prequalification process on all recent tunneling projects. The projects coming up in the Dougherty Valley involve both tunneling and microtunneling. Mr. Dolan introduced Mr. Curt Swanson, Principal Engineer, who stated that developments in the Dougherty Valley will be served by a 5,OOO-foot tunnel and trunk sewer to larwin Pumping Station in San Ramon. The District is currently designing these facilities. 02 04 99 24 02 Preliminary design should be complete in April, bid in the May/June time frame, with construction contract award occurring in August, and completion anticipated in August/September 2000. The tunnel will be constructed by conventional tunneling technique. The 24-inch trunk sewer will be constructed by a combination of microtunneling and conventional tunneling techniques. Mr. Swanson stated that staff recommends prequalifying tunneling contractors both because of the size of this project and the importance of getting a competent contractor. The prequalification process will look at staff, experience, and equipment necessary to complete this type job. District staff is working with District Counsel's office to develop the prequalification request which will be followed by a more conventional bid submittal. Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, stated that his office has looked closely at the documents. The documents are set up in a two phase process. The first phase will be separate prequalification for conventional and microtunnelers because they may be separate contractors. If the general contractors elect to do the tunneling themselves, they must prequalify. Mr. Aim stated that care is being given to the documents because the law in California neither specifically provides for or excludes this prequalification process. The criteria will include such things as experience of the contractor, experience of the personnel to be used on the job, equipment to be used in microtunneling, prior safety compliance, and prior environmental compliance. Submittals will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. There will be a two-stage appeal process should a contractor have an objection. The first appeal will be to staff and the second to the Board. In addition to the normal publication, staff is doing an extensive outreach program to get the word out to potential contractors. President Lucey expressed his overall concern that the District may still have problems on the job even using this prequalification process. President Lucey asked that when this matter comes back to the Board a clear explanation be provided as to the District's role as the owner and the project manager's role. Who is responsible when mistakes are made? Mr. Swanson stated that staff will provide that information. 7) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, reported on the January 25, 1999 Contra Costa Special Districts Association meeting. Mr. George Schmidt, of West County Wastewater Agency, was elected special district alternate to Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The other LAFCO special district representatives are Mr. Dwight Meadows, of Iron house Sanitary District, and Mr. David Jameson, of Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District. Other topics of discussion included the difficulty of achieving a quorum for voting purposes at the Special Districts Association meeting; opening a dialogue with the Mayors' Conference and City Managers on the quality of life in Contra Costa County; reelection of Ms. Bette Boatmun, of Contra Costa Water District, as Chair and Mr. Mike Yeraka, of Diablo Water District, as Vice Chair of the Special Districts Association; the hearings on local government including the responsibilities of counties, cities, and special districts currently being held by Senator Steve Pease; and the joint legislative reception to be held by Alameda and Contra Costa Counties this spring to introduce the special districts' agenda to legislators. 8) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that the District is advertising for bids for the Light Fixture Replacement Project, a Success Sharing idea. The estimate for the work is $150,000. In addition to a reduction in future energy and maintenance costs, the District will receive a rebate from Pacific Gas and Electric. 0\>4.' "I ~ 99 9) 11 ) 12) b. 25 Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that Safety and Risk Manager David Clovis is in San Francisco today presenting a paper on communication of risk management information at the Public Risk Managers' Association meeting. 10) Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the hourly pay for co-op students and summer students has not been modified in some years. Unless the Board objects, the hourly rate of pay for co-op students will be increased from $13.00 to $16.00 per hour and that the hourly rate of pay for summer seasonal employees will be increased from $7.50 to $10.00 per hour. Returning students receive $1.00 more per hour per year for two years. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation on the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Improvement Project has been published. Staff will advise the Board if any significant comments are received. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, announced that the Keenan claim was settled for $10,000, within the authority authorized by the Board, bringing the total paid to approximately $35,000. COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT 1 ) d. Mr. Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District, provided an update on the issue of prevailing wages as it relates to the District's Contractual Assessment District (CAD) Program. Mr. Aim stated that in one of the first CAD options proposed, his office suggested that it be a requirement that prevailing wages be paid under that option because the District would be putting in funds for those who elected not to participate. However, the option that was recommended to the Board provided that the other homeowners would be responsible for all of the costs rather than having the District assume responsibility for a portion of the costs. Since the District does not assume responsibility for any of the needed funds but simply loans the money that is fully paid back with interest, the payment of prevailing wages technically does not apply. Some months ago a representative of the Fair Contracting Foundation contacted the District regarding whether prevailing wages were being paid for the Alhambra CAD. The District was sent information that indicated that Soquel Creek Water District was required to pay prevailing wages. That information was evaluated and it was felt that Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's situation was somewhat distinct. A letter will be sent back indicating the differences in the situations and indicating that prevailing wages need not be paid in our setting. The basis of our position is that we are not entering into the contract and public funds are not paying for it. Mr. Aim stated that he is raising the issue at this point because the prevailing wage law is anything but clear on this type of issue. The CAD agreement documents have been was modified to be more clear on this point in the future. Mr. Aim stated that it is hoped that the Fair Contracting Foundation will accept the District's position and recognize that we are trying to operate in a bonafide way. If they do not and file a claim, the District may seek an opinion from the Division of Labor Standards. If we are found to be wrong, there could be money owing to the workers which was not included in the original assessments. Mr. Aim stated that his report is to notify the Board that this issue exists. BOARD MEMBERS 1 ) President Lucey presented the Board Committee assignments for 1999 as follows: 02 04 99 26 Budget and Finance Committee * Parke L. Boneysteele Gerald R. Lucey Personnel Committee * James A. Nejedly Mario M. Menesini Capital Projects Committee *Barbara D. Hockett Parke L. Boneysteele * First named Member will serve as Committee Chair. 02 Board Liaison to Cities and County Concord, Pacheco James A. Nejedly Danville, Alamo and San Ramon Barbara D. Hockett Lafayette, Walnut Creek Parke L. Boneysteele Martinez, Contra Costa County, and Pleasant Hill Mario M. Menesini Orinda, Moraga Gerald R. Lucey California Special Districts Association Contra Costa County Chapter Mario M. Menesini Barbara D. Hockett - Alternate Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Mario M. Menesini Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County Barbara D. Hockett Gerald R. Lucey - Alternate 2) President Lucey introduced Mr. Charles W. Batts, Director of Engineering, who reported on the January 21-23, 1999 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CAS A) meeting at which topics of discussion included presentation of the 1998 CASA Public Service Award to Oro Loma Sanitary District for its Public Education Program and presentation of the 1998 CASA Innovation Award to Irvine Ranch Water District for its Shade Tree Partnership Nursery Project; the CAS A Attorneys' Committee panel discussion on environmental justice; legislative update; a session on contractor issues including dealing with incompetent bidders, negotiating dispute clauses, and arbitration and attorney fee provisions; a presentation of the QualServe self-assessment and peer review program for water and wastewater utilities; an update and report on the Impaired Water Bodies litigation; a report on the CASA Strategic Planning process; and Wastewater v. Wildlife: interagency conflicts. 04 99 27 President Lucey stated that the quality of the CASA meeting was outstanding. Mr. Batts agreed and indicated he would pass that along to CASA. Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the District is participating in the QualServe Program discussed at CASA. Mr. John A. Larson, Director of Collection System Operations, is the District's representative. Mr. Larson has been asked to go to Denver for a training program on February 18-21, 1999. Expenses will be paid by QualServe. As part of the program the District will do at least two QualServe peer reviews in the next two years. BREAK At 4:02 p.m., President Lucey recessed the meeting, reconvening at the hour of 4: 18 p.m., with all parties present as previously designated. 3) Member Hockett reported on the January 14, 1999 Sanitation and Water Agencies of Contra Costa County meeting at which representatives from Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency reported on the Self Directed Work Teams in place at that agency. 8. ENGINEERING a. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. DP 4928. IN ORINDA. AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, stated that the District has come close to the end of this project. The South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project has been one of the most difficult sewering projects in the District's recent history. A lot of good work has been done with good results. Mr. Dolan stated that the project team included Construction Project Manager Henry Thom, Assistant Resident Engineer Charles Canepa, Design Project Engineer Michael Penny, Secretary III Virginia Harris, Design Project Manager Tad Pilecki, Community Liaison Jackie Zayac, Right of Way Specialist Rick Hernandez, Capital Projects Division Manager William Brennan, and Survey and Engineering Support staff. The project started under former Deputy Chief Engineer Robert Baker and went to Director of Engineer Charles Batts. Mr. Henry Thom, Senior Engineer, stated that the project is more than 99 percent. A few punch list items remain to be completed. The contractor is now repairing some of the rain damage to the landscaping. Mr. Thom stated that staff learned many valuable lessons on this project: the importance of public relations; how to minimize impacts on the public particularly traffic impacts; and issues concerning working around mature trees and landscaping. Mr. Thom stated that although the District has done several microtunneling projects in the last several years, more about microtunneling was learned on this project and steps have been taken to avoid future problems. Because of the spillage and the problem the contractor had with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the District has volunteered to produce a "Best Construction Management Practices on Water Quality Protection" document. That document will be attached to future construction bid packages. The District is withholding $150,000 from the contractor's retention in the event of fines from regulatory agencies. Mr. Thom stated that staff will do its best to apply the lessons learned on this project to future projects. Member Hockett commended staff on the great job done on this difficult project. Mr. Steve Colberg, Shift Supervisor, showed a video of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project construction areas. The Board recognized Mr. Colberg for his efforts in making the video. It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that the contract work for the construction of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, DP 4928, be 02 04 99 28 accepted and that the filing of the Notice of Completion be authorized. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. b. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TUCKER AND ASSOCIATES TO HELP MANAGE AND IMPLEMENT THE INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT lIPM) PARTNERSHIP GRANT Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, introduced Community Affairs Manager Harriette Heibel, who described the Integrated Pest Management (lPM) partnership, the contributions from other agencies, grant funding, in-kind services, and Tucker and Associates' scope of activities. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini, that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute a cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceiling of $75,000 with Tucker and Associates to help manage and implement the IPM Partnership Project for the duration of the grant (through August 2001). There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. c. AUTHORIZE THE SUBSTITUTION OF BLAIR & SONS COATING. THE LISTED SUBCONTRACTOR. WITH JAY GIBBS PAINTING. A NEW SUBCONTRACTOR. FOR PAINTING WORK ON THE TREATMENT PLANT SEISMIC UPGRADE PROJECT. DP 1H! Following explanation by Mr. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer, it was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Nejedly, that the substitution of the listed subcontractor, Blair & Sons Coating, with a new subcontractor, Jay Gibbs Painting, be authorized for painting work on the Treatment Plant Seismic Upgrade Project, DP 7144. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. a. 9. CORRESPONDENCE NOTE RECEIPT OF LETTER DATED JANUARY 5. 1999 FROM MR. BRUCE H. HANDLER. OF ORINDA. COMPLIMENTING CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT STAFF FOR THEIR WORK ON THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Receipt was noted of the letter dated January 5, 1999 from Mr. Bruce H. Handler, of Orinda, complimenting District staff for their work on the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project. a. 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 17. 1 998 It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 17, 1998 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. b. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 7. 1 999 It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Nejedly, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 7, 1999 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. c. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 8. 1999 It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett, that the minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 8, 1999 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 02 04 99 29 d. MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 11. 1999 It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that the minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 11, 1999 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 11. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES a. EXPENDITURE LIST DATED FEBRUARY 4. 1999 Member Boneysteele, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that he and President Lucey reviewed the expenditures and found them to be satisfactory. It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by President Lucey, that the Expenditure List dated February 4, 1999 including Self-Insurance Check Nos. 101509- 101517, Running Expense Check Nos. 115293-115853, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 20656-20751, Manual Payroll Check Nos. 48498-48504, and Regular Payroll Check Nos. 49761-49836, be approved as recommended. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 12. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. ADJOURN REGULAR BOARD MEETING AND CONVENE AS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT FACILITIES FINANCING AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT ITS ANNUAL MEETING At 4:55 p.m., President Lucey adjourned the Regular Board Meeting and Member Boneysteele, President of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) Facilities Financing Authority, convened the annual meeting of the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority. President Boneysteele requested that the Secretary call roll. PRESENT: Directors: Lucey, Menesini, Hockett, Nejedly, Boneysteele ABSENT: Directors: None President Boneysteele requested public comments, and noted that there were none. President Boneysteele stated that in accordance with the Bylaws of the Authority, it would be appropriate to elect officers at this time. It was moved by President Boneysteele and seconded by Director Lucey, that pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Bylaws, the following slate of officers shall be elected for 1999: 1 ) President of the Authority shall be Director Parke L. Boneysteele, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee of the District Board of Directors; 2) Vice President of the Authority shall be Director Gerald R. Lucey, the remaining Member of the Budget and Finance Committee of the District Board of Directors; 3) Executive Director of the Authority shall be Mr. Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District; 4) Treasurer of the Authority shall be Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Controller for the District; and 5) Secretary of the Authority shall be Ms. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. 02 09 '4 ...... 99 30 It was moved by Director Lucey and seconded by Director Nejedly, that the minutes of the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority annual meeting of January 20, 1998, be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was unanimously approved. Ms. Deborah Ratcliff, Treasurer of the Authority, reported that in December 1994, the Authority issued 1994 Revenue Installment Certificates (Certificates of Participation) in the amount of $25 million for a term of 20 years. The annual payments had reduced the debt to $22.6 million with interest rates ranging from 4.7 percent to 6.25 percent. In October 1998, revenue bonds were issued to refund all outstanding debt at 3.5 percent to 4.7 percent. Based on the lower interest rates, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District will save over $750,000 in interest expense over the next two years. After the refunding, advice of Bond Counsel was sought as to whether the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority should be dissolved. Counsel advised that the Authority must continue to exist and meet on an annual basis until the earliest call date of the old Certificates of Participation, September 2004. At that time, the Authority can decide whether it wishes to continue to exist or dissolve. President Boneysteele thanked Ms. Ratcliff for her report. There being no further business to come before the Board, President Boneysteele adjourned the annual meeting of the CCCSD Facilities Financing Authority at the hour of 5:01 p.m. and turned the meeting back to President Lucey. 13. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Nejedly requested that an update be provided on the Standby Power Diesel Engine Replacement. 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lucey adjourned the meeting at the hour of 5:03 p.m. President of the Board of Dire ors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Sec e ar of the Central ont a Costa Sani ry District, County of Contra Costa, State of California 02 04 9Q Q.,.;'