HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. Agenda03.a. Receive 2024 Permitting Resource Management Review and Biannual Findings Reporting03.b. Conduct biennial review of Board Policy BP 029 - Debt Managemnt and continuing disclosure03.b.(Handout) BP 029 Debt Management and Continuing Disclosure (redline)03.c. Conduct biennial review of Board Policy BP 041 - Pension Funding03.d. Conduct biennial review of Board Policy BP 042 - Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding04.a. Receive semi-annual update on participationin Talksics Toastmasters Club04.b. Retiree Billing Audit Findings04.c. Receive update on employee benefits for calendar year 202506.a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items