HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. Agenda03.a. Professional Engineering Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. for the Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCTA) A-Line Relocation, DP 100050 NTE $1,150,000 million03.b. Construction Contract in the amount of $2246,800 with SDM Construction for the Laboratory Floor Replacement, DP 100008 and find the project is exempt from CEQA03.c. Construction Contract for the Downtown Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations-Locust in the amount of $4,112,000 million with Precision Engineering, Inc. and is exempt from CEQA03.d. Construction Contract with C. Overaa & Co. for $121,738,000 million for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, DP 7348; including additive alternates in the amount of $4,550,000 million for additional PE agreements04.a. Martinez Urgent Force Main Replacement, DP 100066; include bid alternates for Temporary Repairs and amend (E) Carollo Engineers Agreement and find project exempt from CEQA06.a. Future Agenda ItemsItem 3.c. Presentation (Handout)Item 3.d. Presentation (Handout)