HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00.Agenda01.a. Approve minutes of meeting held 07-20-202301.b. Approve minutes of meeting held 07-24-202302. Approve minutes of meeting held 07-24-202303. Set a public hearing for September 21, 2023 to consider establishing the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limit04. Conduct a public hearing to consider placing the following charges for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 on the Contra Costa County tax roll for collection: 1) Sewer Service Charge; 2) Assessments for the Contractual Assessment Districts and Alhambra Valley04.(Handout 1) Exhibit D04.(Handout 2) Resolution_2023-021_Revised05. Approve Resolution No. 2023-022 to extend the existing Septic to Sewer Financing Program for three years and approve Resolution No. 2023-023 to create a new three-year Lateral Repair and Replacement Pilot Program05.(Handout) Resolution No. 2023-023_Revised06.a.General Manager Written Announcements09.a. Committee Minutes - Finance 07-18-202309.b. Committee Minutes - Real Estate, Environmental and Planning 07-19-202310.a. (Handout) Member McGill's Report and Announcements11.a.Consider authorizing Member Laurtizen to attend the California Association of Sanitation Agencies Conference August 9 to 11