HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 04-06-202301.a. Approve minutes of meeting held 03-16-202302. Approve expenditures03. Receive Budget-to-Actual expenditure overview through February 202304. Adopt new Board Policy No. BP 049 - Grants05. Authorize execution of new administrative services agreements with MissionSquare Retirement as the Deferred Compensation Plan Recordkeeper for an additional five years06. Authorize two as-needed engineering services agreements, each for 3-year term, with ArcSine Engineering and Joe Hill COnsulting for EI&C services07. Authorize execution of an equipment contract with Xylem Water Solutions for pre-purchase of fine bubble diffusers and special services for DP 10001908. Authorize a change order with Aubutn Constructors, LLC under District Project 7328 to upgrade wet weather bypass structure09. Conduct a public hearing to consider amending District Code Sec 6.12.030 and Capacity Fee Schedule relating to unpermitted Accessory Dwelling Units10. Conduct a public hearing re annual review of Board Member compensation and benefits12.a. General Manager Written Announcements15.a. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 03-13-202315.b. Committee Minutes-Finance 03-21-202315.c. Committee Minutes-Administration 03-22-202315.d. Committee Minutes-Real Estate, Enviromental & Planning 03-22-202315.e. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 03-23-202316.a. (Handout) Member McGill's Report and Announcements