HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-04-202201.a. Approve minutes of meeting held 07-21-202202. Approve expenditures03. Set a public notice date for 09-15-22 to consider establishing FY 2022-23 Appropriations Limit04. Approve revisions to Board Policy No. BP 01405. Accept an irrevocable offer of dedication re: The Mill on Brown LLC, Job 6709 in Lafayette06. Accept an irrevocable offers of dedications re: Summerhill Homes, LLC and Paul J. Kline Trust, Job 6562 in Moraga07. Accept an irrevocable offer of dedication re: Faria Preserves, LLC, Job 6607 in San Ramon08. Conduct a hearing to consider a resolution to record a Notice of Uninspected Sewer Work re: 1721 3rd Ave, Walnut Creek with County Recorders Office09. Receive overview of Deferred Compensation Plan Fiduciary Responsibilities10. Receive update on COVID-19 Pandemic Response10. (Handout) Written Public Comment11. Consider renewing findsings to conduct Board and Committee meetings under AB361 guidelines, effective August 5, 202212. Authorize to amend an existing contract with J.T. Thorpe for completed Multiple Hearth Furnace repairs13. Receive Legislative Matters update14.a. General Manager Written Announcements17.a. Committee Minutes-Administration 07-18-202217.b. Committee Minutes-Real Estate, Environmental & Planning 07-20-22217.c. Committee Minutes-Finance 07-26-202218.a. (Handout) Member McGill's Report and Announcements20. Declare and ratify an emergency and authorize a contract increase to perform repairs on the Aeration Turbine Blower No. 2