HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. Agenda4.a. Conduct biennial review and approve revisions to Board Policy BP 039 - Internal Audit Function4.b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement with SDI Presence, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,039,042 to develop a District-wide Information Technology (IT) Master Plan4.c. Review draft Position Paper to consider replacing a vacant Information Technology (IT) Supervisor position (S-82, $5,558 - $6,717 bi-weekly) with a Project Manager / Business Analyst Position (S-83, $5,691 - $6,882 bi-weekly)5.a. Conduct biennial review of the following Board Policies, BP 006, BP 011, BP 018, BP 030, BP 0325.b. Hold discussion regarding Return to Office and CAL OSHA Regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic response5.c. Receive annual status report on biennial review of Board Policies5.d. Review timelines (Gantt charts) for activities related to upcoming labor negotiations with the Management Group, Management Support/Confidential Group, and Public Employees Union, Local #17.a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items