HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 06-03-202101.a. Approve minutes of meeting held 05-20-2101.b. Approve minutes of meeting held 05-24-2102. Approve expenditures03. Receive February 20201 Financial overview04. Receive Quarterly Financial Overview, quarter ending March 31, 202105. Set public hearing for approval Cordell Drive West CAD 2021-1 in Danville06. Adopt resolution appointing Amelia Berumen as Secretary Pro Tem in the absence of the Secretary of the District07. Continue public hearing to 06-17-20 to adopt Ordinances re updated Capacity Fees and Env. and Development-Related Fees08. Approve contract with Handson Bridgett for labor negotiation services through June 30, 202209. Public hearing to consider adopting FY 2021-22 District Budget09.Att.1 - FY 2021-22 District Budget (final draft)09.Att.2 - Revision Log10. Discuss issues related to proposed 2021 Debt Transaction and adopt proposed resolution to authorize the transaction11. Receive update on COVID-19 pandemic response12. Receive legislative update16.a. Committee Minutes-Finance 05-17-2116.b. Committee Minutes-Finance 05-25-2117.a. (Handout) Member McGill's Report and Announcements19. Conduct FFA meeting and adopt propsed resolution to authorize the execution of Certificates of Participation documents