HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 05-06-202101.a. Approve minutes of meeting held 04-13-202101.b. Approve minutes of meeting held 04-15-202102. Approve expenditures03. Set public hearing to declare buffer properties unneeded and authorize lease agreements04. Set public hearing to adopt FY 2021-22 Central San Budget05. Set public hearing to adopt updated schedules of 1) Capacity Fees and 2) Environmental & Development Related Fees06. Adopt updated salary schedule effective 04-18-2107. Amend a consultant agreement and approve the Phase 2-Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement Project08. Approve a real property agreement for 111 El Centro, Danville09. Approve three Quitclaim Deeds related to Autumn Trail and Paulson Lanes, Danville10. Accept a grant of easement re: Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor, DP 498511. Authorize a change order to upgrade emergency generators for DP 8436, Pump Station Upgrades-Phase 112. Consider adopting a resolution to appoint a financing team and address other matters related to a 2021 Debt Issuance13. Make findings of a non-responsive bid and award a construction contract for Contractor Staging Improvements, DP 737514. Receive update on COVID-19 pandemic response15. Receive Legislative Update16.a. General Manager Written Announcements19.a. Committee Minutes - Real Estate, Environmental & Planning 04-12-202119.b. Committee Minutes - Engineering & Operations 04-20-202119.c. Committee Minutes - Finance 04-27-202120. (Handout) Member McGill's Report and Announcements22. Receive update to continue or terminate emergency situation at El Toyonal, Orinda23. Conduct a meeting of the Facilities Financing Authority to continue the Authority's existence