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00. Agenda
4.a. Review Draft Position Paper to reclassify the Human Resources Manager Position and current incumbent Teji O'Malley to the Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager and adopt the salary range of U24
4.b. Review Draft Position Paper approving proposed revisionss to Board Policy No. BP 004 - Integrated Pest Management
4.c. Review Draft Position Paper approving proposed revisions to BP 013 - Standing Committee Charters
4.d. Review Draft Position Paper approving proposed revisions to BP 014- Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members
4.e. Conduct Biennial Review of the following Board Policies: BP 015- Asset Management, BP 023 - Board Ethics Conduct, and BP 024 - Occupational Health and Safety
5.a. Receive report on COVID-19 Return to Office Facilities Plans and Recommendations
5.b. Receive Mid-Year Update on Strategic Risk Inventory/Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program
7.a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items