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00. BOARD AGENDA (Amended) 05-21-2020
01.a. Approve minutes of Special Board meeting held 04-30-2020
01.b. Approve minutes of Regular Board meeting held 05-07-2020
02. Authorize Real Property Agreement for 29 Sharmar Court in Alamo
03. Adopt updated salary schedule effective 04-18-2020
04. Award construction contract for Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, DP 8458
05. Award construction contract for Plant Control System I/O Replacement Project, Phase 2, DP 7339B
06. Award construction contract for Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 14, DP 8460
07. Award construction contract for Lower Orinda Pump Station Adjustable Speed Drive Replacements, DP 8442
08. COVID-19 Pandemic Response
08. (Handout) COVID-19 Response Update presentation
09. Adopt new Goal 7: Agility and Adaptability, and receive FYs 2020-22 Strategic Plan
10. Consider SSC relief program for schools and/or potentially other customer classes
11.a. Receive proposed FY 2020-21 Budget
11.a. Att 1-O&M Presentation
11.a. Att 2-Capital Program Presentation
11.a. Att 3-Draft Budget
11.a. Att 4-Revision Log
11.a. Att 5-Financial Summary Section (in tracked changes)
12.a. General Manager Written Announcements
15.a. Committee Minutes-Administration 05-05-2020
15.b. Committee Minutes-Administration 05-12-2020
15.c. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 05-12-2020
16.a. (Handout) Board President McGill Report and Announcements