HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. Agenda03.a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to purchase natural gas through an existing service agreement with Shell Energy North America, LP, for the period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, up to 1,000 decatherm per day03.b. Review draft Position Paper to approve a new project; award a construction contract in the amount of $610,500 to Aztec Consultants, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder for the Sludge Blending Tank Repairs, District Project 6172; find that the Projec03.c. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $_______ to (Contractor), the lowest responsive bidder for the Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility Upgrades, District Project 7348A; find that the Project is exempt from th03.c. (Handout) Revised Draft Position Paper04.a. Report on staff time associated with Strategic Plan Tie-Ins on various documents04.b. Receive list of future agenda items