HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout04-26-18 Agenda & Backup00. BOARD AGENDA (Regular)01.a. Approve Minutes of Board Meeting held 02-15-1802. Adopt Volume 1 and portions of Volume 2 of Contra Costa County Hazard Mitigation Plan03. Adopt resolutions to initiate formation of the Harper Lane Area Contractual Assessment District (CAD) No. 2018-1 in Danville04. Approve agreement with Carollo Engineers for design of the Mechanical and Concrete Renovations, DP 7351, and planning for the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements, DP 732805. Approve $1.4 million contingency project for the Recycled Water Clearwell Repairs, DP 736506. Award construction contract to Cratus, Inc. for South Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 6, DP 843307.a. Receive information on wastewater supply versus recycled water demand07.b. Receive update on DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) request to develop an MOU for a pilot project to divert raw wastewater to meet peak summer irrigation demand08.a. General Manager Written Announcements11.a. Minutes-Administration Committee 02-13-1811.b. Minutes-Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee 02-14-1811.c. Minutes-Engineering & Operations Committee 02-20-1812.a. Member McGill - Report and Announcements14.a. Appoint voting delegate for Contra Costa LAFCO election on 04-16-18