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00. BOARD AGENDA 11-16-17
02.a. Approve draft 11-02-17 Board meeting minutes
02.b. Approve draft 11-08-17 Special Board meeting minutes
03. Approve replacing a vacant Assistant Engineer position with a Senior Engineer position
04. Approve contract for labor and employment-related legal services with Hanson Bridgett LLP and Principal Counsel W. Daniel Clinton, Esq., effective 01-01-18 through 12-31-18, with an option to extend an additional year
05. Authorize the GM to amend an agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for special inspection services under the Pump and Blower Building Seismic Upgrades, DP 7291
06. Authorize the GM to execute a an agreement with TJC and Associates, Inc. for design of the Plant Control System Input/Output, Ph 1, Filter Plant Project, DP 7339
07. Authorize the GM to transfer funds for the Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Project, DP 8412, increase the contingency budget, and execute change orders up to $200,000
07. (11-17-17 Letter mailed at direction of Board to Pleasant Hill City Manager)
08. Public hearing to adopt an ordinance to establish reimbursement fees applicable to properties which could connect to Job 6530 on Deodar Lane in Alamo
09. Public hearing to adopt ordinance and amend an existing ordinance to comply with Senate Bill 229 regarding Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Capacity Fees
09. (Handout) Presentation on Code Change and Ordinance Amendment
10. Adopt resolution providing direction to staff regarding capacity fees for Accessory Dwelling Unit applications received between 10-8-17 and 12-31-17
11. Hearing to consider appeals by the following appellants of staff decisions that capacity fees are owed for proposed Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
12. Provide direction re updates to Central San's existing logo
13. Receive and accept updated project schedule and budget for the CoCo San Sustainable Farm
14.a. General Manager Announcements
17.a. Minutes Engineering & Operations Committee 11-07-17
19.a. (Handout) Board Member McGill Report and Announcements.pdf