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00. BOARD AGENDA 05-18-17
06.a. Presentation by Ed O’Brien, President of California Water Environment Association (CWEA) San Francisco Bay Section, of the following CWEA State-level awards given to Central San at the April 28, 2017 CWEA Conference
07.a.1) Approve minutes of Board meeting held May 4, 2017
07.a.2) Approve minutes of special Board meeting held May 9, 2017
07.b. Award a construction contract in the amount of $555,000 to D. W. Nicholson Corporation, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Treatment Plant Energy – Cogeneration Unit Optimization, District Project 7320
07.c. Grant bid relief to Bay Pacific Pipelines Inc. for construction of the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 5, District Project 8437 and direct staff to return their bid bond; award a construction contract to K. J. Woods Con
07.d. Adopt resolutions accepting grants of easement, etc. related to Martinez Sewer Renovation Project, Phase 5, District Project 8437
07.e. Rescind prior award to Breneman, Inc. for District-Wide Patch Paving and authorize release of the bid security provided by Breneman; award a contract in the amount of $119,601 to Morgan-Bonanno Development, Inc., the second lowest bidder
07.f. Authorize the General Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with Michael Willis Architects (MWA Architects) in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for architectural services for public facilities and security improvements
07.g. Authorize purchase of natural gas from Shell Energy for 2019
07.h. Adopt updated salary schedule for all District job classifications
08.a. Award a construction contract in the amount of $3,288,000 to K. J. Woods Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 11, District Project 8430
08.a. PowerPoint - Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 11
09.a. Provide direction on pending legislative matters
10.a.1)a) Strategic Plan Fiscal Year 2016-17 Current Year Achievements
10.a.1)b) Receive District Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18
10.a.1)b) PowerPoint - District Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18
10.a.1)c) PowerPoint- 2016-17 Winter Storms Damage Update , including status of sinkhole repairs in Central San’s service area and lessons learned from the Miner Road sinkhole in Orinda
10.a.2) General Manager Announcements
10.d.1)a) Minutes-Administration Committee 05-09-17
10.d.1)b) Minutes-Engineering & Operations Committee 05-09-17
10.d.2) Member McGill Report.pdf