HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 02-02-1703.a. Introductions - First Term 2017 Co-op Students07.a. Approve expenditures dated 02-02-1707.b. Receive December 2016 Financial Statements and Investment Reports08.a. (Handout) District-wide Patch Paving Contract08.a. Award construction contract to Breneman, Inc. for District-Wide Patch Paving08.b. Authorize the allocation of $2.5 million budgeted for unfunded liabilities to the OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits) Trust08.c. (Handout) Rate Scenarios08.c. Select preferred rate scenario for Sewer Service Charge for purposes of Proposition 218 Notice08.d. Adopt approach with respect to vehicle replacement funding09.a. (Handout) Legislative Update10.a.1)a) Update on Emergency Management Program10.a.1)b) Update on Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association (CCCERA) changes to economic and demographic assumptions10.a.2) General Manager Written Announcements10.d.1)a) Minutes-Engineering & Operations Committee 01-10-1710.d.1)b) Minutes-Administration Committee 01-17-1710.d.1)c) Minutes-Finance Committee 01-18-1710.d.2) (Handout) Member McGill Reports and Announcements