HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-18-1605.a.1) Approve minutes of Board meeting held 8-4-1605.a.2) Approve minutes of special Board meeting held 8-9-1605.b. Approved update to BP 014-District-Owned Mobile Computing Devices for Board Members05.c. Approve 5% salary adjustment and second amendment to Employment Agreement for General Manager Roger S. Bailey05.d. Approve revision to pay grade for Secretary of the District position05.e. (Handout) Resolution 2016-033 Accepting and recording grants of easements from the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Job 155405.e. Adopt resolution re sewer easements on Lacassie Drive and Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek06.a. Adopt resolution allowing participants to borrow funds from the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan07.a. (Handout) Legislative Update Presentation08.a.1)a) (Handout) 70th Anniversary Open House Post Event Debrief08.a.1)a) Update/debrief on 70th Anniversary Open House held 7-16-16 [Continued from 8-4-16]08.a.1)b) Debrief on recent La Espiral/Vogel flood loss08.a.1)c) Briefing on IFAT-2016 (Internationale Fachmesse für Abwasser Technik or International Trade Fair for Sewage Technology), an international conference which is the World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials08.d.1)a) Minutes-Administration Committee 8-8-1608.d.2) (Handout) Member McGill reports and announcements