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HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDAS 10-15-201504.a.1) Approve minutes of September 16, 2015 Board Meeting04.a.2) Approve minutes of Board meeting held September 17, 201504.a.3) Approve minutes of Board meeting held October 1, 201504.b. Adopt Resolution accepting offer of dedication of sewer easements, etc. re Overlook Drive and Paseo Roble Court in Walnut Creek04.c. Authorize agreement with Towill, Inc. to provide as-needed surveying services04.d. Authorize agreement with Brown and Caldwell for design of the Headworks Screening Upgrade and Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement04.e. Award contract to Manito Construction, Inc. for the Wet Scrubber Caustic Injection System, District Project 729706.a.1) Presentation on public outreach related to Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)06.a.2) General Manager Written Announcements06.b.1) Written Legal Update-Meyers Nave06.d.1) & 06.d.2) (Handout) President McGill's reports and announcements06.d.1)a) Action Summary-Engineering & Operations Committee 10-7-1506.d.1)b) Action Summary-Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee 10-06-1506.d.1)c) Action Summary-Administration Committee 10-05-1506.d.4) PowerPoint Slide of Dr. Mario M. Menesini06.d.4) Proposed Resolution to naming Laboratory Building for Dr. Mario M. Menesini06.d.5) Proposed resolution commending Bert Michalczyk on his retirement07.a. Consider forming a Central San Academy on a pilot basis