HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS AGENDA 05-12-15 (REVISED)03. Authorize sole-source contract to Solar Turbines for long-term maintenance of Cogeneration Gas Turbine System04. (Handout) Pleasant Hill - Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer05. (Handout) Proposed 2015-16 Capital Improvement Budget05. Draft FY 2015-16 CIB & CIP05. PowerPoint re EO CIB CIP May 12 201506.a. (Handout) Fill Station expansion06.a. PowerPoint re Zone 1 Recycled Water-Recycled Water Hydrant Project06.c. Receive Quarterly Report comparing budgeted to actual costs07. Contract for implementation services for the CMMS replacement, DP 8242