HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-3-1304.a. Approve minutes of meeting held September 5, 201304.b. Approve expenditures dated October 3, 201304.c. Receive August 2013 Financial Statements and Investment Reports06.a.2) FY 2012-13 HHW Annual Report06.a.3) General Manager Written Announcements06.d.1) and 06.d.2) (Handout) Reports and Announcements from Board Member Michael McGill07.a. (Handout) Authorize the General Manager to execute a JEPA with Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition07.a. Authorize joining Bay Area Biosolids to Energy Coalition (BAB2E)08.a. (Handout) Review multiple-use proposal for the District’s Kiewit property, a 33-acre buffer property located in Martinez adjacent to the Treatment Plant (APN 159-140-051)08.a. Review multi-use proposal for Kiewit Property in Martinez09.a. (Handout) Approve revised Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-14 Capital Improvements Budget (CIB) funding authorization table (Table 1)09.a. Approve revised FY2013-14 CIB funding authorization table