HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. AGENDA 05-16-1304.a.1) Approve minutes of special meeting held April 18, 201304.a.2) Approve minutes of regular meeting held April 18, 201304.b. Approve expenditures dated May 16, 201304.c. Set public hearing to consider FY 2013-14 CIB and 2013 Ten-Year Plan04.d. Set public hearing to consider adopting O&M, Debt Service, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, and establish Sewer Service Charge rates04.e. Approve real property agreement with John Stephens Downs and Stephanie Marlin Downs04.f. Accept grant of easement from Laura Undlin06.a. Award construction contract to W. M. Lyles Company for Primary Treatment Renovations, DP 728507.a.1) (Handout) Update on the Seismic Improvements for Headquarters Office Building (HOB), District Project 822607.a.2) General Manager Written Announcements07.d.1) and 07.d.2) (Handout) General Manager Additional Written Announcements08.a. (Handout) Fiscal Year 2013-14 O&M Budget; and the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Debt Service Fund Budget08.a. O&M and Debt Service Budgets for FY 2013-1408.a. Receive FY 2013-14 O&M Budget and Debt Service Fund Budget09.a. (Handout) Receive update on DAF Tank No. 1 emergency declared on May 2, 2013