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00. AGENDA 11-15-12
03.a. Approve minutes of October 18, 2012 meeting
03.b. Approve expenditures dated November 15, 2012
03.c. Set public hearing re Sunnybrook Road CAD
03.d. Set public hearing re declaring Kiewit Property as currently un-needed
03.e. Set public hearing re declaring property at 5501 Imhoff Drive, Martinez as currently un-needed
03.f. Accept 2 grants of easement - Franklin on Barbara Road, Orinda
03.g. Authorize Common Use Agreement with EBMUD for Iron Horse Corridor easements
03.h. Extension of medical leave without pay for Gordon Trapp
03.i. Delete various Director positions and authorize filling of Director of Operations position
03.j. Appoint Curtis W. Swanson as Director of Operations
03.k. Appoint Danea Gemmell as Environmental Services Division Manager
03.l. Establish job classification of Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
03.m. Adopt changes to job classification of Assistant to the Secretary of the District
03.n. Delete a vacant Pumping Stations Supervisor position and add two Pumping Stations Operatior III positions
03.o. Delete and abolish vacant Plant Operations Trainer position and add and authorize filling of a Shift Supervisor position
03.p. Adopt changes to job classification of Maintenance Planner
05.a. Public hearing to certify final EIR, etc. for District Annexation 168C - Alhambra Valley
05.a. Public hearing to certify final EIR, etc. for District Annexation 168C (Handout)
05.b. Public hearing to amend and adopt Conflict of Interest Code
06.a.1) Final report on easement amendment acquisitions along the Iron Horse Corridor (Handout)
06.a.2) General Manager Written Announcement
06.c.1) Report on unofficial election results (Handout)
07.a.Authorize an agreement with cost ceiling of $306,000 with Geosyntec Consultants for a Site Characterization Study
07.b. Authorize agreement with PaintCare re architectural paints collected by HHW Collection Program
07.c. Authorize installment payment of capacity fees - Flex Personal Training and Pilates in Danville
07.c. Authorize installment payment of capacity fees for Flex Personal Training and Pilates, 588 San Ramon Valley Boulevard in Danville (Handout)
08.a. Declare emergency and ratify action re damaged sewer main at Barkley Avenue in Walnut Creek, DP 4654