HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 05-20-54 .t -; '{" £.J} ¿ MINUTES OF AI~ ADJOUm'TED !'mE'l'ING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD CENTRAL CON'TRA COSTA ~ANI'IARY DISTRICT HELD MAY 20, 195k The District Boo.rd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District con- vened in an Adjourned session at its regular place of meeting located at lA22 Nt. Diablo B~d., City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, c.:t t -" C ~ 1. f' '.- . ~'?O l°C:L ....' a eo.!. c l OJ.-nl a, on 1'18.y "-, I.")!. The meeting was called to order by President ~ro-Tem Spi~gl I. ROL CALL PRE::: j!~I'T'l;: f¡':,S STITT: Hembers Stanley, Spi 3g1, Salfingere, 1'.1acFhail Men.ber Roemer TI. APPRO\Tl,T.1 01:<' NINU~'.ë:S '-----' Tb.e Einutes of the meetIng of' Nay 6, 195~., '¡Jere approved as presented. III. APPROVAL OF BILLS None IV. OLD B~lS I1TE:J~ FAC'.i.'.::, j,I;'L.; FIG:TRB~:, R~Ll\.1T:fE 'IC S.c,\li~~R USE CEARGE . - Mr. IIor:~1..KoLte, District l'larlager, presented a memorandum relative to the cost of settinp up and operating a system for the collection of sew~r use charges. ¡"~ire .;'.Jejedl\r, District Þttorney, presented a memorandum to the Oi:-3trict ßo8rd sup::leclenting ¡fir. Hor::,tlwtte'S,,:n8':il0y'andu:m. . The ~rob1e~ of a sewer use charge was discussed with considerable comment from the audience. A request from Pleasant Eil1 representatives fol' 8.rlothe:" 'general o~)lil!at'1.on bond election wi. th 8. six months' perioo. for pub~i(: edvcatioT', ti:::eir;'eeling beinD; thAt i"ith outsi:3.e engineerln¡:' consu1lettar the issue would succe~d. ~ , ';r. ::ejedly, /lttorney "v.) report at next meetin:T rel¡').tIve to ovtside en?::~.~eer~.r.::;; cor,s'.ll tants. r~r. ;~e ,~edly 8.1so instrl.:cted to have sar}ple se\,jer 1'en'L 0.1 ol'cdnance prepared for next meeting for B08rd rionsiderBtion. 'The v'iev.rs of t he following were heard from the audience: Hr. I-'Ict.c;.arls, l'ir. :.:;ipes, lvIr. bà. rtohTland, Ar. Frank Hazarc.., ivir. ~Bl~h Lowell, Colonel PIBce, Mr. Iva~ Gil~an and Mr. Robert Kabn. Hear~n~ continued to next meeting. LA.:'TVIL;-,,"::' .:'.."'L::'~Þ_'=IOF - THl:,þ.rl lEG LA:"JTLU.:, ~;l.J:jAGE ---. .. _._- ----- .-.--.. -.-- I.Ir. Hol"'stkotte, D5.strict IvIane,ger, pres.:nted a ::ne'G1OranU..m shoilJinf': the ~resent cost of treating sewage from úanvil16 ~O oe ~.o5 per 1,000 ,,:a11011:::8. Held over to ne..t '."':.Jeting for further infor~lation, relative to future added costs. 05 20 54 ~31 E v. REF OR 'l'S ENG nT EBR None A'l"l'OH:\]'EY ---.. None VI. NBri B1JSI NESS '-'--'-'-".'-" ACCET1A1:TCE 014' EASE'!'ENTS - SCA}f1'!:ELL, RICE HEAL'].":: CORF., rlASSA NO, CAnCL; C: GIUSSI ¡dn:::'RU~;~EIL EDÈ It was moved by r'lember Stanley, seconded oy Mer-lber :=::alfingere, that the following "Grant of Easements'! be acceDteò and the:.r recording ordered: J. W. and Mary ~. Scammell, Rice Realty Corp., Antonic ~. 1assano, C1::ris D. 'I'l3ssano, James' Carozzo, Lorenzo Giussi, Russell b. Bde s.nc Ana C. hue. CarrJed by the following vote: AYES: Hembers St&:-~ley, Salfingere, {iR.cFhail, Spiegl r':OLS: !\Tone ABSEnT: 1':Iember Roemer ACCEP'TA NCE 0(" EASEi'iŒNT - VIVIAN ~1CCOLIUM It v-TaS moved by Member Stanley, se conded by Heml;er ~,'lacFha il, tha t tJ::e liGrant of Easement" from Vivian HcCollum, executrix of the will of Bruce McCollum be accepted and recording ordered and paY'Í!!ent of ~n5. 75 . to Breed, Robinson &; SteVJart foX" expenses authorized. Carried by the follO1.¡in~ vote: AYES: Hembers Stanley, Saltine ere, iVIacPhai l, S,pi eel ~:OES : Hone ABSENT: Member Roemer - "..-- LETTl;;R FRC>'I J. B. ~.1CFARL}\NI) - PŒAEANT HILL CIVIC CCUNC;IL Letter from J. B. IvlcFarland, Chairman, Pleasant Hill Civic Council read B.nd accepted for filing. lvlr. Ivan Gilman r eprese:n,:inc~ Hr. ;\Jlc.l:"arland s ta ted th.s t a generaJ obli.r-..:a tic,Yl bond is sue is tlle cc rrec t vrocedure. If 'procedure set :Co rth in ïet ter f ollo1¡¡ed they fe It band iss 'J.e would suc~eed. . ' Stated they would like to see rnore complete ini"'orèl1ation p:r'esented, outside appraisal of needs of Dist'-.ict made, other engineerinf'; data than that proposed. Member Salfingere suggested bond election along with election of Directors in September. Hr. Kahn and hr. HcAdams coP.JY;lented. HEPRESEN':i.'A'I'ION IN ABSENCE OF DISTRICT ¡vIA]'ì 4,:~ ER OR D-CS'l'FIC'l' .L\'T'TORNEY District I\-Ianager was instructed thBt in his absence or in the absence of the District's Attorney they should each have a representative at the meeting. SUF2LEF~:::H'l'AL A r:ENDA REÇJ,lT¿ST TO ]PH THDR:Aì..,j A PORTION OF' RANCHO LA S ,nJT1'lAS - w. S. EDT',lF;AD.t:S Request to withdraw from the Distr'ict a parcel of land a t the corner of' the Arnol d Indus trial Bizhway and the Nartine z -Highway owned by Vv. S. Edmeades referred to Mr. Nejedly, Attorney. 0-5 2. O. , '. .,.' .,.., 4 .l) . 'i " ~~ ,>.¡ ~ .1 }mC~Ü~~;3T OF' D. fT. 1'EE1'EH FOn PUHCHA~j,t; OR LONG-Tl<Rl'.I :ŒA~)B 01" FHUfb.wIY A'l' 'l'H1LÄ.T":ßf:f'l' FLA1'J'::.' [,I 'IE. Mr. Hors tkot t e, Lis triG t .Hai':ager B.nd hr. l~e je 61 J, Attorney, instructed to work out terY(js of acreement on the follovJing bas2.s: DiE;t:cict will le'ase not sell. Þ~ccess to be .,"ranted on pr>esent entrance to ~:reatrnent Pla:.Ylt so lCr'.,é': 8.8 access does not extend byond the first building. Ease~ent for sewer disposal. LUCAS PA1'Cr A~'Tl\TEXA'l'ION After discussion of' the problem. by Mr. Carl Hoeck'or and Ì'1r.ûavid Hols trom it was è'Hoved by iviembc:r Stanley, seconded by hemoer Salfin~ere, that it was the present policy of' the District Board not to annex until ir:ter!~aJ. problenJs are taken c are of. At such time annexation woul è, be Dermitted. Carried by the followinp vote: AY,~: Members Stanley, Splfingere, MacPhail, Spiezl YOES: None ABSD?T'l' : Nemb (:;1'" Haem er ûRIVB- IN '1 Lib:Aj' FE AlJN;_JU~'I JON It was moved by Nember Stanley, seconded by Flember Salf'incer'e, that tern",s for anY.le);ation of the Dl'ive-In 1'heatre near Gregory Gprdens be ;i';lc:l.()O per D.cre ar,nexation fee plus .,,'250.00 for processine;. Being a pa~'t of the Clayte:Y) Valley Annexation, actual process:Ln8: to awai t Qutcorl.l.e ()f this election. Crrried by the follolrJing' vote: AY.:~S: l¡lembers ~tanle7, Salftn;!cre, l'iacFhail, SDiegl HC.S: None ABSE~T: Member Rbemer Dr. BluIrl to be no tif 1e d of' Board a c tl on. INSTTFAFCE F"CC;RAT.'~ FOR El'~PLOYl:ES OP THE DIE:'lFICT. ¡vIr. 'iiilliam F sImer presented insurance program for Lis tri ct employees. Copies of letter to be sent Directors for study and placed on E\f::e~ld8. in June. .r-;r. falmer tc be n~:)tif'ed of' :neeting date. L.,:~'lTER PH "I DF. BUn1 Þ,HU ¡'JrR. REnUÜ~ REIÞ..TIVE TO O~T~'?PLO'v,J :t'HCBU:.H Secretary ir:structed to Hrite letters stating the Board has on tr.e a-er:ò.a fer discussion other l'1!ays and means of ra5.sing funds. :\~SCŒ)JTION (25 - AN1VEXA'l'10~.J HLARDTG - BUCHANAN FIl!:LD It b.ras moved by dember l'f.lacPhail, seconded by l-ilember Stanley, that Resolution lo.To. e25 be adopted. Carrie d by the follolrJinc vot e: AY-;;'S: ¡"Iernbers Stanley, Salf'ingere, 1'Iac.Phail, Spiogl '\roL~: None 1-\3S:::'I'TT: r1e:l'Jber Roemer Resolution [325 on file in the office of the Secretary is hereby refer~ed to an¿ by reference ~ade a part hereof. 05 20 54 ~;: i) ,n "~J;J- REQUES'l' FRO'.T JOH1~ HANENOUH, INVESTY[EFT FIRJVI, FOR AUDÜmCE }1r. Ne,jedly reported a request from John Hanenour, investment firm, frmn Los Angeles, for an aud:tence ¡,¡ith the Board to discu.ss ¡,¡ays and means for financing: District enlar§';ement. Mr. Nejedly instructed to make arrangement for a ~eetin~. VII. AD JOURN ~'.~BI\TT The meeting vIas adjourneè to ivIay 27, lq.5~. ! (' President Pro-temof the' istrict Bærd of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa Coun~y, State of Califorric cCt';'.;cIERS InNED: ,...'.:'> -- ..... ". ,_..::>:..:~:.~ ~ secr~-~fthe Dist;;ct Board ~f Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, E'tate ,of California 05 20 54