HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout00. AGENDA 12-17-1503.a.1) Approve minutes of 11-19-15 meeting03.a.2) Approve minutes of 12-03-15 meeting03.b. Approve expenditures03.c. Approve updated administrative overhead percentage of 216% for FY 2016-1703.d. Adopt updated salary schedule effective 12-17-1503.e. Authorize agreement with AMS Associates for consulting services for the RCM Program Development and Pilot for DP 823803.f. Authorize agreement with West Coast Locators, Inc. to provide as-needed utility locating services for capital improvement projects03.g. Award construction contract to D.W. Nicholson Corp for the Plant Control System UPS Replacement, DP 617105.a. Public hearing re amending Exhibit A to Ordinance 285 to reduce Sewer Service Charge for high schools06.a.1) Presentation from actuary John Bartel re reporting of UAAL and OPEB as part of annual compensation06.a.2) Update on Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP)06.a.3) General Manager Announcements06.d.1) & 06.d.2) (Handout) President McGill's report and announcements06.d.1)a) Action Summary-Finance Committee 12-08-1506.d.1)b) Action Summary-Engineering & Operations Committee 12-09-1506.d.1)c) Action Summary-Administration Committee 12-07-1506.d.4) 2016 Board Committee and other assignments as proposed by President-Elect Pilecki06.d.5) Consider nominating President McGill for re-election to Contra Costa Special Districts Association (CCSDA) Member-at-Large seat07.a. Capital Improvement Budget Planning Workshop